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The Biden accomplishments thread


Kwisatz Haderach
May 19, 2020
Member Number
Memphis, TN
Dont see one. Let's keep track here. It will mainly be an undo Trump's accomplishments we all know
In on page 1

downloadfile.bin (1).jpg
Whats with insulin? I thought he was gonna lower insulin prices.

Nevermind, found it.
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Unlike the Meme thread, this thread won't grow much with Biden accomplishments...
From Charlie Kirk

—Killed 70,000+ jobs
—Eliminated women's sports
—Invaded Syria
—Left the National Guard to freeze in a garage
—Admitted he doesn't have a plan to fight COVID
—Broke his own mask mandate EO
—Ended US energy independence

Do you miss Trump yet?
Fuel prices are going up around here now too. I expect to see $5 gallon again very soon
Fuel prices are going up around here now too. I expect to see $5 gallon again very soon

They've been going up fairly steady past couple months. About 5 or 10 cents a week.
y'all forgot he stole an election and garnered more votes than mathematically possible....

c'mon, man... don't take that away from him.
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