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SV Seeker is on the move

I’ve watched it off and on for a few years and I agree he is a decent fabber. He also figures systems out when installing and commissioning them.

What I didn't like was someone would give him sound advice on any of the numerous systems that he for sure was not an expert on and he would make some smart ass remark and go on.
Some of his plumbing was WTF.
Diesel fuel and NPT fittings with seven plumbers unions on a moving structure is going to get interesting.
Wasn't that done by someone who was supposedly a ship fitter of some sort.
I had an idea to go help when he started wiring the boat till he played his prank.
Gotta be?

Lots of hate for a dude with not a lot to back it up.

Not gonnna say I like everything he's done or the way he's done some things, but it's been an amazing project to watch for the last 7-8 years since I found it and some incredibly talented people involved. Far cooler than just about anything I've seen posted here.
Nothing against him, that's just been my experience with most non-profits. Start looking at their books and most of their budgets are bloated with "administrative" costs. Not many of those dollars are getting to their supposed causes.
years ago I knew a guy that built a concrete sailboat in his backyard, he lived quite a ways from the water. I don't recall the length but it was pretty long and big. It took two cranes to flip in his backyard. Then a few years later to lift it out and put it on a low boy to head for the lake.
Nothing against him, that's just been my experience with most non-profits. Start looking at their books and most of their budgets are bloated with "administrative" costs. Not many of those dollars are getting to their supposed causes.
Hey! Dont you go talking about the Clinton Foundation that way!! Those people run a tight ship.
Nothing against him, that's just been my experience with most non-profits. Start looking at their books and most of their budgets are bloated with "administrative" costs. Not many of those dollars are getting to their supposed causes.
dude has a point,
but I don't get that feeling from this video series.

That guy has put TONS of hours into that project
the only ones worse with the scams are the churches:stirthepot:
Wasn't that done by someone who was supposedly a ship fitter of some sort.
I had an idea to go help when he started wiring the boat till he played his prank.
Don’t remember the fitter but could of been. Good place for swagelok.

I didn’t catch the prank.
Fawker thinks outside the box for sure.
I’ve watched it off and on for a few years and I agree he is a decent fabber. He also figures systems out when installing and commissioning them.

What I didn't like was someone would give him sound advice on any of the numerous systems that he for sure was not an expert on and he would make some smart ass remark and go on.
Some of his plumbing was WTF.
Diesel fuel and NPT fittings with seven plumbers unions on a moving structure is going to get interesting.

The problem with the Internet is that there are always experts and they always get butthurt if you don't follow their exact way of doing things. I watch a bunch of youtube channels and it's funny seeing them eventually boil over and vent about all the expert advise they've been getting on how they do somethings. In some cases they're the experts and people still think they know better than them.

Part of Doug's though process with Seeker is that he wants to be able to service her if something breaks anywhere, at any third world port in the world. Good chance he can find NPT fittings just about anywhere, less that he'll find some fancy proprietary fitting.

The dude's got a (mini) cnc lathe/mill, CNC plasma and router on board, along with triple redundancy in just about all of his systems. It may not all be done the "right" way according to some, but you can't argue that it's not pretty carefully thought out. Assuming she floats well at launch, I don't think there's going to be any catastrophic problems.

I can't wait for the videos on them learning how to sail the junk rig. Pretty much nobody's really sailed that configuration regularly for at least many decades if not a century.
Assuming she floats well at launch, I don't think there's going to be any catastrophic problems.
Mechanically, no, but I'm pretty curious to see what happens financially. "Hippy free-love boat for students" doesn't seem like much of a business plan, and the Youtubes are gonna dry up fast when the fabrication is over. Hell, I've been pretty bored by it for several months, since he's gotten to the "tightening fittings" stage.
Mechanically, no, but I'm pretty curious to see what happens financially. "Hippy free-love boat for students" doesn't seem like much of a business plan, and the Youtubes are gonna dry up fast when the fabrication is over. Hell, I've been pretty bored by it for several months, since he's gotten to the "tightening fittings" stage.
Stupid yuppies love those "look I live on a boat" channels. And we all know how easily impressed they are with "look I can operate a toilet plunger" levels of mechanical ability. Then there's the "look we're helping people study the environment" angle. If anything I think his channel will have far more mainstream appeal once on the water.
It was an elaborate hoax at best in poor taste. At worst a scam to extract money from his fans. I’m calling fair game on the hate.
it was on april 1, same as the last one where he was selling the boat to a hollywood producer
huh can't find the video now, but it was 100% released on april 1 and had the date down there next to the views counter
huh can't find the video now, but it was 100% released on april 1 and had the date down there next to the views counter

The article posted above was from January and references the video that was posted a day or two before, so not April.

From what I remember, it was also intended as a "fuck you" to the safety nazis that were constantly commenting about how unsafe he was with everything he did. He was giving them a chance to say "see, I told you something was going to happen" and I clearly remember plenty of comments like that. It was a shitty prank and he got some much deserved criticism for it, but at the end of the day his response was "if that's all it takes for you to not watch my videos any more, I really don't want you in the first place". He still has 200k followers and almost 70 million views on youtube so I don't think it hurt him much.

I recently started following them on FB too. There are some running jokes from various stages in the build - including "bow thrusters" and "laser rust removal". Apparently it was a non-stop comment bitch fest about why he should have installed thrusters, despite him flat out saying repeatedly that he doesn't want them and they wouldn't benefit the intended use of the boat. Same for when he was wet blasting for rust removal - every other comment was a link to some form of laser rust removal that he should have been using it. They're referenced in the FB group like chainlink and Boyd are referenced here. :laughing:
It was an elaborate hoax at best in poor taste. At worst a scam to extract money from his fans. I’m calling fair game on the hate.
so, I'm going to go ahead any say that you are in the butthurt club ?
so, I'm going to go ahead any say that you are in the butthurt club ?
I guess that’s fair. I actually don’t GAF about the dude. Had not heard of him before the shit stunt. I came away thinking the dude was a scam artist trying to grift money off of strangers and narrowly managed to escape trouble by calling it a “prank”
I guess that’s fair. I actually don’t GAF about the dude. Had not heard of him before the shit stunt. I came away thinking the dude was a scam artist trying to grift money off of strangers and narrowly managed to escape trouble by calling it a “prank”
:confused: So the BigDumbBoat conspiracy theory is that he yelled "I got all blowed up! Send $$$!!!1!", and then was going to somehow keep it a secret from the internet (who show up at his house ALL THE TIME to do his chores) that he was actually perfectly healthy?


I wasn't paying attention at the time, but now I think it's hilarious, tasteless, and rude- totally trolling all his congregation. Seems like what IBB would do.

Is it a conspiracy if I pulled that out my ass after watching the videos at the time? I’m not going to search timelines but at the time this bullshit happened I was so sick of go-fund-me’s and fundraisers for nonsense. I felt like it was the prelude to one of those kind of crowd funding things to get fuckstick some cash to get back to work on his money pit.

Other crowd funding things were blowing up around then. Trumps wall money. Something for Kanye West. Something for a cat. Seemed plausible at the time and I haven’t updated my knowledge on the subject since I came to that conclusion.
Is it a conspiracy if I pulled that out my ass after watching the videos at the time? I’m not going to search timelines but at the time this bullshit happened I was so sick of go-fund-me’s and fundraisers for nonsense. I felt like it was the prelude to one of those kind of crowd funding things to get fuckstick some cash to get back to work on his money pit.

Other crowd funding things were blowing up around then. Trumps wall money. Something for Kanye West. Something for a cat. Seemed plausible at the time and I haven’t updated my knowledge on the subject since I came to that conclusion.
Why do I get the feeling that you facebook a lot
i heard my company was involved with the move, didnt get to see it personally but still cool none the less
They're having a launch party on the 21st the port so it'll be in the water by then. He hasn't posted anything on YT or FB since the move so I imagine he's in full gear getting the pilot house back on and doing the last touches before getting lifted and dropped in to the water. I think they're using the big fixed gantry on the wharf to launch it.
Cool pics from FB

Is he still waiting on insurance, or did he finally launch the boat? I kinda gave up watching the videos after he hauled it to the port or wherever he had it sitting.
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