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Start a business for $500

Grilled cheese guy ftmfw :smokin:


Did you see page 1?:rolleyes: I counted no less than 5 suggestions of illicit activities -

those don't sound illicit to me, as long as your the one I pimp out, first

so lets get this straight now.. Im the pimp, some of ya'll are my hoes.. and ya'll best go make some money or I will have to start smackin ya'll around
Grilled cheese guy ftmfw :smokin:

that's farkin hilarious :laughing:

inflation is a bitch though :(

remember when the $6 burger at carls Jr was only $3.95? well, their same burger is now $6.95 :eek: gah damn western bacon cheesburger was 2 for $3 not terribly long ago, now $6.29 each.

fuck i hate Washington :laughing:
I've posted this one before...

We had a couple of guys with pretty good jobs start up a side business, they called themselves "The Honey Do List" They offered up things like snow shoveling, lawn mowing, clean up, dump runs etc. They priced it out fairly and made damn sure they kept their appointments with no excuses. They got busy fast, one guy ended up with the business when the other lost interest, quit his day job and hired a crew. From what I hear now he's pretty much a stay at home dad running the show and taking the profits.

It's a solid plan in my eyes as you can't seem to find anyone who will do these things in a professional way anymore.
If you're mechanically inclined and have some storage space, learn small engine repair and invest a couple hundred bucks in basic tools. Then pick up every decent looking but non-running used piece of gas powered equipment you can find, get it running well, and flip it.

Thanks for the reminder... Spring is almost here and I have 5 or 6 mowers to clean up, repair, and prep for flipping that I got for free since last fall. One or two may become parts mowers, but I should have at least 4 to sell for $50-$75 each by the time they are done. I might need to do that next week, when it will break into the 50s for the first time this year.
This, dryer vent cleaning, and duct work cleaning.

I actually tried this briefly. Bought the equipment from a company that used you as a subcontractor, then moved. Tried doing it on my own by selecting the right neighborhoods (people that maintain their places well but aren’t ultra rich). Passed out flyers, coupons, etc. Got zero calls. Think I ended up doing one in another neighborhood entirely and that was it. Might have missed something from a marketing standpoint but I’ve had 5 other successful business I started from scratch, so I’m not a complete moron.
Where are you at? Here, if you’re in Houston, you have to have all kinds of crap to put around the drains and I’m not sure the extent, but there are EPA regulations.

Nobody does that shit here in FL. Maybe if you were on a bunch of commercial jobs someone would eventually hassle you, but I doubt it. Those net/pillow looking things they throw up on construction sites to keep dirt from washing down the drains have to be cheap and reuseable.
I also forgot to mention that this discussion is entirely theoretical for the OP, but might be helpful to someone else.

Anybody who thinks the “hard part” of running a business is coming up with a good idea or securing $5,100 isn’t exactly roaring towards success. :lmao:
Hahaha all these ideas take know how, ability, or work ethic.
I assume, from reading his posts in this thread, evernoob wants to make money by sitting at home literally doing nothing while his money pile grows until he reaches the magic number of 5100..
Why even put any effort into this for him? He's asking you guys to do the think tank portion, and then likely the leg work so he can make money for nothing and hit his chicks for free:rolleyes:
I think you are the only one who suggested joining the underbelly..

kinda wonder if buying a pound of weed might not be as bad??

1. For $1000 investment I could turn out 1lb of high-test dope per month. This will take me 4-6 months to get up to speed, but after that I can just print money once a month. Source: 1 Billion internet threads.

2. Getting the license to deal dope is a several-thousand dollar process where I've checked, making it a less-attractive business than what I've already got in mind, which is itself a stepstone.
I also forgot to mention that this discussion is entirely theoretical for the OP, but might be helpful to someone else.

Anybody who thinks the “hard part” of running a business is coming up with a good idea or securing $5,100 isn’t exactly roaring towards success. :lmao:

:confused::confused:You mean the hard part isn't getting the money or starting the business???i bet the hard part is dragging your lazy broke ass out of bed every morning to get back to work(because you're so tired from the thinking about it and gathering money for it) and has absolutely nothing to do with maintaining the business, gathering clients, bidding, making sure everyone else is doing their job properly, fixing everyone else's fuck ups, or literally working 120 hrs a week just to try and make forward progress while the guys you employ talk shit about you while fucking up more shit that the boss needs to go fix.... while also making more money, getting paid weekly, and wandering around looking for easy jobs to do so the boss can come do the hard shit. Yeah, owning a business is easy peasy. Fuck yeah!
:confused::confused:You mean the hard part isn't getting the money or starting the business???i bet the hard part is dragging your lazy broke ass out of bed every morning to get back to work(because you're so tired from the thinking about it and gathering money for it) and has absolutely nothing to do with maintaining the business, gathering clients, bidding, making sure everyone else is doing their job properly, fixing everyone else's fuck ups, or literally working 120 hrs a week just to try and make forward progress while the guys you employ talk shit about you while fucking up more shit that the boss needs to go fix.... while also making more money, getting paid weekly, and wandering around looking for easy jobs to do so the boss can come do the hard shit. Yeah, owning a business is easy peasy. Fuck yeah!

Yeah, you're right, I completely disagree. Babysitting, sweat equity, and long hours are the easy part.

Getting investment and getting people to work efficiently and effectively without direct supervision, that's the hard part. Sounds like you have never mastered the hard part.
Yeah, you're right, I completely disagree. Babysitting, sweat equity, and long hours are the easy part.

Getting investment and getting people to work efficiently and effectively without direct supervision, that's the hard part. Sounds like you have never mastered the hard part.

:rolleyes:Sounds like industry and unions have created what we can effectively call lazy opportunists... that's exactly what you're trying to do here.

Here's an idea:idea:Why don't you put your 500 in the bank so your broke ass don't have to come in here and complain about not being able to pay bills:eek:

Btw, I'm a union contractor, been that way for going on 11 years now. In an industry that is more competitive than your big box stores can get(simply because it's not necessary in every instance, so not tons of work floating around), and have made it this far. In my 41 years on this planet i have been lucky to have what i have and am grateful for that, but if you think you can compare what i said to any sort of dream of your business ownership, you're seriously fucked in the head. You have no clue what it takes to build up a business from literally nothing into the kind of sales volume i have with the small crew i maintain. Also,my overhead is about 20% of what all the other contractors around are. That's called a "mom and pop" operation, and i wouldn't have it any other way. Might be more stress, but less people working for me keeps things a lot tighter. Just means i need to put my 40+ hours of labor in any given week if necessary.
Try as you might, but your success will not come from 500... the money has nothing to do with it, and you don't have what it takes to keep people happy and wanting to work for you for very long.
:confused::confused:You mean the hard part isn't getting the money or starting the business???i bet the hard part is dragging your lazy broke ass out of bed every morning to get back to work(because you're so tired from the thinking about it and gathering money for it) and has absolutely nothing to do with maintaining the business, gathering clients, bidding, making sure everyone else is doing their job properly, fixing everyone else's fuck ups, or literally working 120 hrs a week just to try and make forward progress while the guys you employ talk shit about you while fucking up more shit that the boss needs to go fix.... while also making more money, getting paid weekly, and wandering around looking for easy jobs to do so the boss can come do the hard shit. Yeah, owning a business is easy peasy. Fuck yeah!

Welp, someone gets it....
Welp, someone gets it....

:lmao:He thinks he's going to run a multi million dollar business with no labor issues or staffing issues... what a dumb fuck. I don't think I've ever dealt with someone so arrogant in my life. :laughing:They wouldn't work for me very long, that's for sure.

Don't get me wrong, my guys are smart, and they're good, but they forget how much time i put into the business, outside of putting labor into projects. That's why they complain about me. It's easy to be jaded from the sidelines of what is actually going on. Plus, I'm pretty demanding when it comes to how things get done. My way is the best way, just ask me:lmao:
I would pay a consultant to come put new LED bulbs in every fixture in my house.

But I want them right. I want the best lights in the bathroom that don’t make you look washed out, I want the best light in the closet that make the clothes look like they’re going to look in public and such that I can tell black from navy blue, I want the best lights in the living room, and the right bulbs in every lamp.

You come out, you look at all my fixtures & the basis, You source the right bulbs, bring them out and install them.

You're right. Lighting is messed up enough to provide a niche for an expert. Not that any of the individual metrics are useless, just the jumble of shit you get on your Sylvania box doesn't mean very much if you're trying to have a good lighting system in your house. Good suggestion. :beer:
Grilled cheese guy ftmfw :smokin:

That's cool and all but it's >$500.

I'm not interested in anything retail food service. If you're at least competent, and there are 7 billion humans so we're almost all competent, food service is a straight-up gamble. I don't play lotto or go to casinos. Well it's not a hard and fast rule, I will play a $700 million lottery and I did some scratch offs like 6 months ago. But it's not something I'd pursue. Food service is not throwing a dart at a dart board. It's straight up Daily Lotto with no other input. Minimum input is compliance with food safety regulations. That attracts a lot of people because you can set your own prices etc etc etc, and a lot of people fail.

A restaurant is something I would do after I do this thing, so I could do the next thing, which may allow me the comfort to open up a restaurant and take a 100% gamble with no skill input.
Thanks for the reminder... Spring is almost here and I have 5 or 6 mowers to clean up, repair, and prep for flipping that I got for free since last fall. One or two may become parts mowers, but I should have at least 4 to sell for $50-$75 each by the time they are done. I might need to do that next week, when it will break into the 50s for the first time this year.

While I've never done this for profit, I've also never bought a new mower and every one has been a "free" curb mower or something from the back of a neighbor's shed that "didn't run". Clean the carb, throw in a new plug and air filter, tune it a bit, and rock it for at least a few years.
Gutter cleaning

Skilled and SAFE gutter/roof cleaning is actually hard to find around here (PNW = ALL THE TREES). There's money to be made.

Ok that's another good self-employment that could net some money. $500 could probably get you a couple of ladders and some cleaning supplies. Maybe even a plug-in pressure washer with extension cord and hoses.

Unfortunately it is another 'driving around' business. Driving sucks up a huge amount of time. Most guys on here have driving around jobs, but if it's my business I won't start spending 40% in personal logistics. It's why I never got into the Trades in the first place, driving is a business killer. I bet there are plenty of 'Gurus' who talk about exactly that subject. Amirite guys? Seriously.

You're also going to need a bond and probably some other paperwork to get up in the air around here. I'm trying to save money for any one of several bonds that I need to start a real business: i.e. not self-employment.
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Ok that's another good self-employment that could net some money. $500 could probably get you a couple of ladders and some cleaning supplies. Maybe even a plug-in pressure washer with extension cord and hoses.

Unfortunately it is another 'driving around' business. Driving sucks up a huge amount of time. Most guys on here have driving around jobs, but if it's my business I won't start spending 40% in personal logistics. It's why I never got into the Trades in the first place, driving is a business killer. I bet there are plenty of 'Gurus' who talk about exactly that subject. Amirite guys? Seriously.

You're also going to need a bond and probably some other paperwork to get up in the air around here. I'm trying to save money for any one of several bonds that I need to start a real business: i.e. not self-employment.

Thats a lot of words to say that you want to be paid to sit on your ass.

Start mining bitcoin. Guy I work with has his home PC mining while he's at work, nets ~$10/day profit
Thats a lot of words to say that you want to be paid to sit on your ass.


The work is not at your house unless you want to start an only fans account or turn your house into a crack house. Start a lemonade stand in your front yard or go to where the work is.
Thats a lot of words to say that you want to be paid to sit on your ass.

Start mining bitcoin. Guy I work with has his home PC mining while he's at work, nets ~$10/day profit


The work is not at your house unless you want to start an only fans account or turn your house into a crack house. Start a lemonade stand in your front yard or go to where the work is.

Ok, right now you have determined there are 2 types of work in this world: Driving around for 50% of your day, or sitting on your ass.

Now, I've had driving around jobs and in-place jobs. I much prefer the in-place aspect of not spending my time driving around. If you like driving around jobs, great, I don't want to be self-employed that way nor do I want a driving-around business. Thanks you guys though, I upboated you both.
Ok, right now you have determined there are 2 types of work in this world: Driving around for 50% of your day, or sitting on your ass.

Word vomit....

You want a <$500 investment small business, wtf do you expect? Sell bongs and dildos on etsy?

This thread further proves you're an idealist simpleton that can't understand that you don't get shit handed to you for existing.

Your $5000 goal isn't hard if you weren't an unlikable retard. I used to make $750 a day bucking brush and making piles, cash money under the table. But I wasn't afraid to do the work of 3 typical laborers myself.
Ok, right now you have determined there are 2 types of work in this world: Driving around for 50% of your day, or sitting on your ass.

Now, I've had driving around jobs and in-place jobs. I much prefer the in-place aspect of not spending my time driving around. If you like driving around jobs, great, I don't want to be self-employed that way nor do I want a driving-around business. Thanks you guys though, I upboated you both.

Sounds like you drive to slow if you are spending 50% of your day moving between jobs. If you don't want to leave your house, then that rules out pretty much all physical work type jobs.

What kind of skills do you have? If you want to sit on your ass, sorry, I mean not leave your house, then some kind of computer or remote work is going to be more likely to succeed. Web design, software design, something like that.

You could buy a 3d printer and make things for people. I doubt you could make a full time gig out of it for just a $500 investment though.
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