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Spinoff: Worst Concert You Have Ever Been To?

Not really a concert, but like 15 years ago Nic Cage's dipshit kid's black metal band played a bar here. They made it through all of like 2 songs before someone heckling him about his dad set him off and he tried to fight like half the crowd. He had bodyguards with him that ended up having to carry his ass outside while apologizing for him. :laughing:
Danzig. That fucker couldnt keep the mic in front of his face and he kept cutting out.
And to answer the question, black label society. Guitar solos are cool in moderation, non stop 10 minute guitar solos are annoying. We get it zakk, you’re really fucking good at guitar, but maybe play the rest of the song too. I generally like their music, but it’s obvious that zakk is not a great song writer despite being a hell of a guitarist

I saw Zakk open for Clutch a few years ago. They were ok but I kinda laughed when he needed giant posterboards in front of him with the song lyrics on them. Someone came out every song to change them.
Cinderella and Winger at a Providence Medical Center Amphitheater back in the 80s. Power and sound problems - not necessarily bad performers it was all on the venue.
White Zombie, early 90's in support of Astro Creep. Bumped into a couple buddies; one a life-long stoner jackass and the other a good dude that got completely shitfaced. Stoner bud says "Hey man, Matt's pretty fucked up, will you keep an eye on him for a minute?". My wife and I, being cool people, said "sure". Stoner John flat out disappeared the rest of the night, leaving us with Matt, whose condition got worse. We ended up spending the entire show in a medical tent with him, while he was hooked up to ekg monitors, etc. Missed the entire thing. Should have just left the dumbass, but we did right by him. That was pretty much the last time I ever talked to John (final straw with his stupidity) and I did get the satisfaction of knowing that Matt ended up beating the shit out of John sometime later for an unrelated stoner fuckup incident.

Runner-up would be Bulletboys, maybe 10 years ago. Saw they were coming to a local place and was like "Oh cool...Smooth up in ya". Went and including our group of 4, there might have been 25 people in the entire place, including the wait staff, band and their crew. At that point in his music career it was pretty much the singer, Marc something and a bunch of baby-faced hired gun musicians filling in. He'd yell "Raise your haaaaaaannnnnndddsss!!!" and 2 arms would go up, not including the crickets. Never felt so awkwardly bad for a musician. Just kept thinking, at some point this dude was playing stadiums and now he's in some SW PA shithole that has plastic palm trees and 5 people in it.
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Motley Crue, Van Halen and Aerosmith all were big disappointments.
Doc, I love reading about your experiences in the music industry. It shows us an inside perspective we never see.

Thanks for sharing - not just this thread but countless others throughout the years here and PBB.

White Zombie, early 90's in support of Astro Creep. Bumped into a couple buddies; one a life-long stoner jackass and the other a good dude that got completely shitfaced. Stoner bud says "Hey man, Matt's pretty fucked up, will you keep an eye on him for a minute?". My wife and I, being cool people, said "sure". Stoner John flat out disappeared the rest of the night, leaving us with Matt, whose condition got worse. We ended up spending the entire show in a medical tent with him, while he was hooked up to ekg monitors, etc. Missed the entire thing. Should have just left the dumbass, but we did right by him. That was pretty much the last time I ever talked to John (final straw with his stupidity) and I did get the satisfaction of knowing that Matt ended up beating the shit out of John sometime later for an unrelated stoner fuckup incident.

Runner-up would be Bulletboys, maybe 10 years ago. Saw they were coming to a local place and was like "Oh cool...Smooth up in ya". Went and including our group of 4, there might have been 25 people in the entire place, including the wait staff, band and their crew. At that point in his music career it was pretty much the singer, Marc something and a bunch of baby-faced hired gun musicians filling in. He'd yell "Raise your haaaaaaannnnnndddsss!!!" and 2 arms would go up, not including the crickets. Never felt so awkwardly bad for a musician. Just kept thinking, at some point this dude was playing stadiums and now he's in some SW PA shithole that has plastic palm trees and 5 people in it.

Never understood those people who go to a concert, baseball game, etc., and get so fucked up there is no way they remember any of it, or are even involved in any way. Just makes no sense, get blackout drunk where beers cost $15.00.
Never understood those people who go to a concert, baseball game, etc., and get so fucked up there is no way they remember any of it, or are even involved in any way. Just makes no sense, get blackout drunk where beers cost $15.00.

Learned that lesson in HS. Ask someone how the concert was, and the response was usually, "Man, I got so fucked up".
Beyoncé is a piece of shit like you describe in your 1st paragraph. She has alienated most police departments due to her recent “platforms” and political stances. Most higher end security are LE so guess how that works out for her?

That's funny because her husband wanted a full police escort, including police helicopter for the 3 mile drive from the airport to the theater. Yeah, that request got a red line through it.

When we had Beyonce at Wynn, she got paid $3m for 4 shows. Man did that piss off the rest of the entertainment booking agencies. She paid her own staff and production costs, and we flew high rollers in from around the world and netted 5x that in gambling revenue. Takes money to make money. I was there for some of the rehearsals, and she runs her show like a DI, and NOBODY ever talks back to her, didn't look like it was much fun being in her band.
And to answer the question, black label society. Guitar solos are cool in moderation, non stop 10 minute guitar solos are annoying. We get it zakk, you’re really fucking good at guitar, but maybe play the rest of the song too. I generally like their music, but it’s obvious that zakk is not a great song writer despite being a hell of a guitarist

I was real into BLS back in the early 00's and had gotten to see them at some point. Was super geeked out to finally see them and gotta say, you're spot on 100%. Each song turned into a 10 minute Zakk lead jerk-fest. Like you said "Ok dude, we get it, you're good"... Really was a let down of a show.
Never understood those people who go to a concert, baseball game, etc., and get so fucked up there is no way they remember any of it, or are even involved in any way. Just makes no sense, get blackout drunk where beers cost $15.00.

because you have dorks that blame the stoner for the drunk guy :lmao:
Never understood those people who go to a concert, baseball game, etc., and get so fucked up there is no way they remember any of it, or are even involved in any way. Just makes no sense, get blackout drunk where beers cost $15.00.

I couldn't agree more. I love live music and probably go to 20ish shows a year (prior to corona, of course). I've got a handful of people that I will go to shows with anymore.

I've had to be responsible for the the drunken/stoned/angry douche bag on many occasions, and I'm over it. I'm all about having a good time at a concert, but if you get wasted, or want to pick a fight, just go to the local bar and don't fawk up the show for everybody else.
When I lived in Sacramento, we got hired to do sound at a nightclub in Citrus Heights, some beach themed place with sand volleyball courts and such. It was Molly Hatchet and they'd played in Las Vegas the night before and apparently didn't hit the road right away after the show, so had to travel during the day to Sac. Well apparently nobody told Danny Jo Brown it was an 8 hour drive, so he started hitting the bottle before noon, and by the time they got to the club he'd killed a handle of Jack. He was so drunk he couldn't remember the words to Flirtin' with Disaster, so leaned out over the edge of the stage to get the mic closer to the audience so they could sing the words. Problem was that the stage was a temporary platform behind the back-bar and he fell off into all those bottles, but the band kept playing, seemed like they'd seen that show before. At least our gear didn't get all covered in sticky booze, and the owner told us they took the damage out of their pay in settlement. :homer:
I've seen a couple "bad" shows.
The weirdest was Vertical Horizon at the TU Reynolds Center circa 2005? TU was trying to make a homecoming concert event similar to OSU's Orange Peel. Unfortunately it wasn't well publicized and also coincided with the State Fair. The arena had room for like 8,500 people but I'd have placed the crowd at no more than 200 and maybe more like 100. Vertical Horizon played great and really gave it maximum effort but I couldn't completely enjoy it because I felt kindof guilty. My wife and I were able to sit on the court level bleachers and watch the entire show from the side of the stage. Not many great concerts can you stay seated and be that close for the entire show.

I'm a huge DMB fan and have seen them many times. When they came to Tulsa on the tour with Willie Nelson it was the last date on the tour and they just phoned it in. You could tell they were too tired to care. But Willie was even worse. He absolutely sucked.
However, when DMB came back the next time it was one of the first dates in the tour and they played two sets with no opener or anything. It was one of the best shows I've ever seen.

I've seen even worse shows, though. Back in the day I managed construction projects at the Tulsa Fairgrounds. As a result we got free, unlimited access to the fair. So we saw all the bands play. Damn, the washed-up has-beens that weren't even fit to play in the casinos were there and they were as good as you would expect. We were always baffled at the drunk white trash that would show up to watch, though. Unless it was a rap group, in which case it was the gang banger trash.
Runner-up would be Bulletboys, maybe 10 years ago. Saw they were coming to a local place and was like "Oh cool...Smooth up in ya". Went and including our group of 4, there might have been 25 people in the entire place, including the wait staff, band and their crew. At that point in his music career it was pretty much the singer, Marc something and a bunch of baby-faced hired gun musicians filling in. He'd yell "Raise your haaaaaaannnnnndddsss!!!" and 2 arms would go up, not including the crickets. Never felt so awkwardly bad for a musician. Just kept thinking, at some point this dude was playing stadiums and now he's in some SW PA shithole that has plastic palm trees and 5 people in it.

Wow brings back a memory,

Mid 80s this band Kick Axe comes to town, they were pretty big at the time and the promoter fucked up big time as in 0 promotion until the day before.:rolleyes: Venue is maybe 2500 sold out and maybe 25 are there like the front row (only row) had gaps in it. I was liking the music even though they were hardly trying, guy singing see's me singing along and asks me if I wanna get up and go for it. Hell yea I do so I get on stage and he shows me the set list and walks off saying have fun. I did a couple of songs and am looking out over nothing and thought this fucking sucks I have more fun singing in the shower.

I gave him the mike back and he asks if I had fun and I told him nope that sucked, he kinda nodded and said yea but it pays the bills sometimes.:laughing:

TLDR. I got to sing a couple of songs for a semi famous metal band and no one was at the concert to see it or verify it.:rolleyes::laughing:
Never understood those people who go to a concert, baseball game, etc., and get so fucked up there is no way they remember any of it, or are even involved in any way. Just makes no sense, get blackout drunk where beers cost $15.00.

Yea... I've been to alot of concerts over the years, I don't think I've ever been drunk at one. Buzzed maybe? Even years ago when I was a part-time problem drinker I never understood the concept of "oh shit that's one of my favorite bands, I'm gonna spend a ton of money and go puke and get my ass beat and not remember any of it"
I'm really glad to know that Toby Keith sucked for other people. I saw him back in 2012? at Country Thunder in Az.

He was the Sunday night headliner and the final show for the whole 4 day event. Dude looked sunburned as fuck, sounded drunk and off key and just put on a really shit show.

Edit: As for being so drunk at a concert you dont remember it, how about not remembering a whole concert sober? :laughing: Ex wife and I saw George Strait and Reba in Phx mid 2000's and I dont remember any of it. I remember the trip up there, the rest of the weekend, but not the concert.


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