Looking at for new rocker panels for my DD Jeep WJ. Currently in the market for a YJ for a trail rig, so not intention of heavy wheeling on the WJ.
The best offering I'm finding for a rocker panel replacement is from Spadano Enterprises, who seem to have next to no presence on social media(or online reviews, anyone that's used their product, ect.). I've contacted them(via email, as a Face book message went unanswered for 6 weeks, next day response via email) and they are still in business and have 2 WJ kits ready to ship, they've just have abandoned FB.
My reasoning for spending $350/$450 for a job I could do with a couple pieces of 2x6 box tube is their design incorporates support for the bottom of the B-pillar, which is from the factory tied into a pinch weld area, and with a tube rocker solution, all that supports the bottom of the B-pillar is the sheet metal of the door sill,
LInk to product under consideration, with pictures: https://spadanoenterprises.com/-wj--grand-cherokee.html
I'd likely bolster their product with some flatbar of equal thickness, to deal with some vertical inner rocker rot. I'll also be forming some support braces between the rear of the rocker and the "uni-frame" in the rear(at the lower control arm mounts), just in front of the rear wheels. Mymost pronounced visible rot it in these support braces, and WJ's are prone to rot out in that area. I've got a parts rig that was scrapped due to the lower control arm mounts breaking off the "frame."
They offer this product for the XJ, MJ, and WJ. I haven't found any reviews of their product online. And it's been around for a while.
The best offering I'm finding for a rocker panel replacement is from Spadano Enterprises, who seem to have next to no presence on social media(or online reviews, anyone that's used their product, ect.). I've contacted them(via email, as a Face book message went unanswered for 6 weeks, next day response via email) and they are still in business and have 2 WJ kits ready to ship, they've just have abandoned FB.
My reasoning for spending $350/$450 for a job I could do with a couple pieces of 2x6 box tube is their design incorporates support for the bottom of the B-pillar, which is from the factory tied into a pinch weld area, and with a tube rocker solution, all that supports the bottom of the B-pillar is the sheet metal of the door sill,
LInk to product under consideration, with pictures: https://spadanoenterprises.com/-wj--grand-cherokee.html
I'd likely bolster their product with some flatbar of equal thickness, to deal with some vertical inner rocker rot. I'll also be forming some support braces between the rear of the rocker and the "uni-frame" in the rear(at the lower control arm mounts), just in front of the rear wheels. Mymost pronounced visible rot it in these support braces, and WJ's are prone to rot out in that area. I've got a parts rig that was scrapped due to the lower control arm mounts breaking off the "frame."
They offer this product for the XJ, MJ, and WJ. I haven't found any reviews of their product online. And it's been around for a while.