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So Oregon decriminalized heroin and meth

I guess we will get what we deserve. Oregon passed a couple other measures to increase sin taxes to redistribute wealth to the drug addicts and treatment counselors as well. I’m sure there will be a nice growth industry in treatment clinics. Plenty of tax hand outs and dodges to be had, I’m sure. My guess is the legal marijuana dealers won’t care for the competition too much.

Anyone that thinks taxing addicts (regardless of the substance) isn’t taking advantage of those that can least afford (but somehow “choose” to) it isn’t paying attention. I don’t get how liberals can actually support this garbage, other than a liberal never saw a tax increase or worthless social program they didn’t like (and even still they think those can be fixed with more money).

I really do feel badly for the future. The way this is headed, addiction of some sort will be mandated at birth. I wonder how Oregon’s infant mortality rates, life expectancy and health care costs (inflation corrected) and crime rates in 10 or 20 years will compare to current? Probably won’t matter in the big picture with 7 billion folks on this planet now.
Americans proved they cannot handle alcohol and weed. Who in their right mind thinks people will do the right thing when high on hard drugs? Seriously, has anyone here even tried to converse with someone on hard drugs? NOT POSSIBLE. The paranoia for one thing is through the roof. Then people on drugs are magically going to follow laws?

So tell me, how do we stop the guy who does a hit of coke and drinks 6 beers before 9am from walking out his door, grabbing his petite neighbor, dragging her into his apartment, beat her head in with his bare hands, stomps her head off, yes off and then tries to rape her headless body? So, why does the woman have to die to give a druggie a right to do drugs?

You haven't done much partying, have you?
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I guess we will get what we deserve. Oregon passed a couple other measures to increase sin taxes to redistribute wealth to the drug addicts and treatment counselors as well. I’m sure there will be a nice growth industry in treatment clinics. Plenty of tax hand outs and dodges to be had, I’m sure. My guess is the legal marijuana dealers won’t care for the competition too much.

Anyone that thinks taxing addicts (regardless of the substance) isn’t taking advantage of those that can least afford (but somehow “choose” to) it isn’t paying attention. I don’t get how liberals can actually support this garbage, other than a liberal never saw a tax increase or worthless social program they didn’t like (and even still they think those can be fixed with more money).

I really do feel badly for the future. The way this is headed, addiction of some sort will be mandated at birth. I wonder how Oregon’s infant mortality rates, life expectancy and health care costs (inflation corrected) and crime rates in 10 or 20 years will compare to current? Probably won’t matter in the big picture with 7 billion folks on this planet now.

All good. Except that Oregon doesn't fuck just one thing up, they fuck everything up. They are doggedly slow to realize how fucking slow they are if that's at all possible. And it is.

The state is heavily divided. The strong right leaning are vying for more prisons, where the strong left are often gay, and drug addicted. There's no in between, anywhere.

So now they're pulling a stupid Colorado. Inviting addicts from the western states to meander on over and glom in this newfound cess.
Great decriminalize it. Here is the problem. These people are not able to hold a job. To get the money for the drugs they will break into your house, steal your shit, knock you down, steal your shit, or break into your vehicles, and steal your shit. The drugs are not free they have to get the money from somewhere. Guess where that will be?

If you don't live in that shithole its not much of a problem.

On a side note..... I hope everyone who was in favor of that passing are the first one to get robbed. Stupid should hurt
I have to say I am truly surprised most of you are OK making heroin meth etc legal. I did not expect this.

Its only a matter of time before this new America elects a transgender black methhead for president and everyone (including a large part of this board) wont see anything to be concerned over.

Banning cigarette smoking but legalizing weed. Closing dental offices but deeming pot shops essential. Outlawing guns but legalizing hard drugs. Supporting black criminals but defunding the police.

No wonder the cancer is spreading. There have to be rules, discipline, moral standards in place and encouraged (and sometimes enforced) otherwise every new day will push the envelope further than the last.

Nothing personal but some of you have your heads up your asses if you think defunding police and legalizing heroin is the way to a better future.
I have to say I am truly surprised most of you are OK making heroin meth etc legal. I did not expect this.

Its only a matter of time before this new America elects a transgender black methhead for president and everyone (including a large part of this board) wont see anything to be concerned over.

Banning cigarette smoking but legalizing weed. Closing dental offices but deeming pot shops essential. Outlawing guns but legalizing hard drugs. Supporting black criminals but defunding the police.

No wonder the cancer is spreading. There have to be rules, discipline, moral standards in place and encouraged (and sometimes enforced) otherwise every new day will push the envelope further than the last.

Nothing personal but some of you have your heads up your asses if you think defunding police and legalizing heroin is the way to a better future.

Fuck liberty, we need laws to govern our every thought, action, and desire. Otherwise we will turn into violent savages without the rule of law to guide us.

P.S. that's called tyranny.
I have to say I am truly surprised most of you are OK making heroin meth etc legal. I did not expect this.

Its only a matter of time before this new America elects a transgender black methhead for president and everyone (including a large part of this board) wont see anything to be concerned over.

Banning cigarette smoking but legalizing weed. Closing dental offices but deeming pot shops essential. Outlawing guns but legalizing hard drugs. Supporting black criminals but defunding the police.

No wonder the cancer is spreading. There have to be rules, discipline, moral standards in place and encouraged (and sometimes enforced) otherwise every new day will push the envelope further than the last.

Nothing personal but some of you have your heads up your asses if you think defunding police and legalizing heroin is the way to a better future.

well if the marijuana lobby didn't ave to get it treated as a medical issue in order to tear down the government prohibition then they wouldn't have been deemed essential as pharmacies.

I didn't expect that a bunch of people would think it right to force their morals on other people with the might of the government and the threat of putting people in cages.

sure doesn't sound like freedom to me.
Fuck liberty, we need laws to govern our every thought, action, and desire. Otherwise we will turn into violent savages without the rule of law to guide us.

P.S. that's called tyranny.

its called Civilization.

in that case, I want to come to your house and have sex with your wife, thats freedom too.

Doing heroin and meth is not "freedom", its bad thing, and people need to be kept far far Far away from it. Laws were created to make a better world.

I didn't expect that a bunch of people would think it right to force their morals on other people with the might of the government and the threat of putting people in cages.

sure doesn't sound like freedom to me.

brother, this isnt about a moral of allowing a man to take a dick up his ass. This is heroin. meth. bad bad nad news. I still love you tjough. :flipoff2:
its called Civilization.

in that case, I want to come to your house and have sex with your wife, thats freedom too.

Doing heroin and meth is not "freedom", its bad thing, and people need to be kept far far Far away from it. Laws were created to make a better world.


Then don't fucking do it. Giving blowjobs to bums behind the taco bell dumpster is legal but do you find yourself doing that often?
brother, this isnt about a moral of allowing a man to take a dick up his ass. This is heroin. meth. bad bad nad news. I still love you tjough. :flipoff2:

putting people in prison for using drugs doesn't ever fix the fucking problem, it just costs us a fuck ton of money keeping a bunch of people in prison.

the numbers don't lie, and the amount of drug users over the last 4 decades has remained the fucking same, even though we keep putting people in prison by the tens of thousands.

The war on drugs is a complete failure. The only winner has been the government, as they continue to fail they somehow get more support and permission to spy on us.

Is keeping a heroin addict from getting some drugs worth losing all the freedoms you think you enjoy? Because if you keep demanding that the government do something, eventually that something will find you as well.
You cannot let government wield this much power, because government is made up of people, and people fucking suck.

let them have the heroin and meth, all they want.
the problem sorts itself out.
its called Civilization.

in that case, I want to come to your house and have sex with your wife, thats freedom too.

Doing heroin and meth is not "freedom", its bad thing, and people need to be kept far far Far away from it. Laws were created to make a better world.


no, that's not freedom, that's rape.

if you think that freedom means you're free to violate other's rights, then I don't know that we can even have a fucking conversation, because you're a damned walnut.
We spent about 50billion a year on the war on drugs. Maybe more, I don't even know if that figure takes into count the cost of incarceration.

I want everything legal and im not even pro drug. Sticking an addict in jail doesn't ever solve addiction. In fact quite the opposite. Making certain chemicals stage 9 illegal doesn't keep them off the streets... in fact quite the opposite.

2010 we had an opioid problem, with millions of people hooked on pain pills. 95% of these people were functional addicts. This was back when Dr's were writing scripts like candy. So, the .gov stepped in and cracked down on the Dr's. Guess what filled the void? Yep- heroin. Now our opioid problem is an opioid epidemic. We went from millions of people being functional addicts, maybe extra sweaty at work, maybe having the flu if they forgot the pill with their morning coffee, to millions of homeless junkies living in tents wearing jeans with dried poop on the leg nodding off on the curb beside Popeyes.

Legalize EVERYTHING. Hang in there for about 5 years. After that, watch addiction rates plummet.
This is where alot of you guys are failing to see the big picture.......

They made using the drugs legal, they didn't make them free. Were do you suppose these homeless addicts are going to get their money for the now legal drugs? By stealing your stuff and robbing you for your money, and potentially killing you to get it.

So unless these addicts get caught their first time trying to rob and steal shit for drug money and end up in jail, its just going to get worse and worse for the people that are being victimized by this new law.

Yay freedom! :homer:
Decriminalizing doesn't make them legal. It just means they aren't going to be tossing junkies in jail for being junkies.
But the junkies are going to see it as a free for all until they OD or get caught illegally trying to procure the money for said decriminalized drugs.....

So.... nothing is going to change then.

Look, its like step 2 of a 10 step process that will (for the most part) fix this mess. Theft will cease once we have 5lb cans of meth at Walgreens for $19.
But the junkies are going to see it as a free for all until they OD or get caught illegally trying to procure the money for said decriminalized drugs.....

It changes nothing other than saving some tax dollars on bullshit incarcerations.
You seem to be thinking that since it’s now legal, half the state is going to go on a meth binge. That’s not the case. Normal folks aren’t going to turn into junkies over night. It’s not like you or I are sitting here thinking “man, I really want to shoot up some heroin, but it’s illegal, so I won’t” The law isn’t the only thing stopping us

Not what I think at all. :homer:

What I do see happening is an influx of junkies moving to that state because there are no penalties for their actions and increasing the crime there. Is that not a valid concern?

How many fucksticks on this board cried like little bitches about more trash moving to *insert state name here* when weed became legal in their state. Claiming that the legalization of it would cause dramatic crime increases????

Weed...... :lmao:
Seattle needs to get rid of their free needle and injection site program, use the bus ticket program to send them all down to portland :stirthepot:
How many junkies do you know have the cash to finance a cross country move, or the mental capacity to plan that out? That’s cash they could be using to get high! It’s not going to be anywhere near the migration you think. Maybe some from bordering states, but inconsequential for the most part.

The problem with the legalization in Colorado was the politics the migrants brought with them. They turned a red state blue. They loved the freedom that was offered to them as far as pot, but whined and voted to strip away every other freedom they could. Weed users continue to be functional members of society. They can hold jobs, and own cars, and do the things normal people do. That’s why they were able to migrate. Heroin junkies are incapable of doing those things after the first couple of months of use.

They don't have money for drugs either but they figure that shit out.....
All this is doing is cutting out the cost the tax payers bear for prosecuting these people for simple possession. Trying to “teach them a lesson” or scare them straight doesn’t work. Let them run through the system for theft, a crime that actually has a victim, and punish them for that

I love your optimism that the police will actively crack down on petty theft. Next will be no jail time for any theft under $1000.

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