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Siberian Express....

Possibly. Domesticated pigs don't do well in frigid temps. We always made A frame huts, closed on one end, with lots of straw. Moved them every year.

I don't have any pictures but they are sheltered.

They are a couple of pot bellies I got for my wife last month, still pretty small though.
Supposed to be single digits here, with -10 wind chill. That'll be nice with the 90% humidity and mushy wet swamp yard.

Plumbers get ready. Yall bout to get some overtime. :laughing:
Lol that’s what you guys get for halfassing your plumbing. I do not feel bad.

It’s just gonna suck when all the manufacturers in tx break water lines again and cause shortages of everything they make.
that is freeze to the door knob cold

sposta 'snow' here, the general public is already panicking :laughing:
We have had snow on the ground since the week after Thanksgiving. Was just about gone when we got about 5” over night.
Here is the weather going forward. With a 100% guess on what it will do being next to the mountain.
High of -6* today.

I need to figure out where my winter gear is.
eh, minus not being able to ride the motorcycles, I prefer 20s over 80s.
After seeing what some of you are about to get, I don't think I have anything to complain about. It will be cold for down here right by the gulf.

Same here :laughing: I am going to be down in Las Cruces (right next to Mejico :flipoff2:) for Christmas and was upset the high was going to be in the 40s for Christmas Eve/Day. I had no idea there was supposed to be some kind of crazy cold front sweeping the nation.


Oh, and Projectjunkie :flipoff2:
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Reading the thread title made my internal wayback machine recall this gem. . . . the event needs a theme song, right?

So apparently this whole thing is skipping New England? Supposed to be 50s on Friday.
Looks like it’ll be warming up here.

Been single digits (-&+) here the last week or so.


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Just a little brisk up here :flipoff2:
Supposed to snow tonight and blow 30mph and get colder Thursday and Friday.

12.20.22 Temp.jpg

2' of snow on the ground. 2" of rain, then dropping to 9 degrees. That's going to be a fucking mess.

ya, Saturday I'm supposed to be headed to MA too. I'm going to need to fill up a few tubs of sand for the back of the truck.
That really cold stuff is staying away from us. The only cold day is this coming Thursday, 17/13. After that it's forecast for low 40's as a high.
We view that with a smile as we're driving up to Coeur d Alene to pick up the new puppy. There's precipitation in the forecast, but it's
supposed to be above freezing all the way up and back.
I try not to get caught up in the hype as it makes me anxious, we have had cold snaps for as long as I can remember. I just hope the power doesn't go out. I don't mind running my generator for a few hours at a time but hate running it all night but I will to keep the furnace going if I have to. Reminds me I better get my gas can filled up.
I was just thinking today that we have been pretty lucky as far as temps, we've only seen one night in the single digits.
We can't change it so take it as it comes, just be smart about it.
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