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Shit Bull attack leaves 'Pit Bull' rescuer dead, female owner seriously injured.


May 21, 2020
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Select snippets:
Willis, 27, a self-proclaimed pit bull rescuer with little verifiable record of actual involvement with pit bulls, was on October 9, 2020 identified to media by Grant County Sheriff’s Office public information officer Kyle Foreman as the victim of a fatal pit bull attack in Moses Lake, Washington, a day earlier.


Willis died at the scene, the first known pit bull fatality in Washington state since legislation undoing community bans on possession of pit bulls took effect on January 1, 2020.

Moses Lake had an ordinance restricting pit bulls in effect for 27 months in 2009-2011 before it was undone by a coalition of local and national pit bull advocates, presaging the multi-year drive that finally passed the state ban on pit bull bans.


Grant County Sheriff’s Office public information officer Foreman told media that the pit bull who killed Willis lived in the same home as the victims, a trailer at the Harvest Manor Mobile Home Park in central Moses Lake; that the pit bull was injured during the fatal altercation; and that the pit bull is receiving local veterinary care.

Foreman did not, however, identify the relationship of the human victims.

KOMO News, in Seattle, reported on October 9, 2020 that Willis’ “wife survived but remains hospitalized.”

But ANIMALS 24-7 found no indication in either accessible public records or in reviewing more than five years’ worth of Willis’ frequent Facebook postings that he had ever been married or even had a significant “other.”

the plot thickens

Willis appeared to be an introverted loner, devoted to his two cats––a Siamese and a tabby––who battled chronic depression, smoked marijuana, and was an online gamer.

Mourning Willis as her best friend of many years, María Laurencia Gonzalez of Quincy, 37 miles from Moses Lake by car, started a Facebook discussion that produced a shaky alternate theory of how he died, posted by Ana Tamayo Ramos of Quincy.

“The dog did not just randomly attack his owner,” Ramos alleged. “That man was being stabbed by his girlfriend and the dog simply tried protecting his owner by attacking the woman. Neighbors said that there was always domestic violence in that home. Neighbors heard him yelling “get off of me” to her and her saying no.”


But Willis on July 26, 2015 was “Trying to find the home of this beautiful dog,” he posted to Facebook beneath a photo of a fawn-colored pit bull with a white chest.

“He has scars,” Willis added, “and that is how I will release him to his rightful owner,” apparently meaning that Willis intended to match the scars to photos and/or descriptions of a missing pit bull.

Responded someone calling herself Kate Marie, “Uh I’m his new owner.”

Replied Willis, “I have him now, but he’s killed 12-15 chickens this morning and I saved him from a shotgun death.


“Now he [the pit bull] is going to a United Kennel Club breeder to be retrained and taught,” Willis added. “Yes, I saved one. I’ll save many more.”

In the same thread, Willis mentioned that the pit bull “was loving my kitten and wanted to destroy my older cat. He didn’t even have a problem with my dog, was just a little curious,” Willis allowed.


“A dog is only as his owner raises him,” Willis added, reciting a series of familiar pit bull advocacy tropes. “Treat and raise a good dog [and] he will be a good dog. Teach him different and he becomes a bad dog. This is why so many people misinterpret this breed. I even told my step dad to @#$% off because I know right from wrong and his ass don’t.”


Meanwhile at least 75 dogs who had apparently passed behavioral screening have participated in killing 44 people since 2001, including 52 pit bulls, five Presa Canarios or bull mastiffs, four Rottweilers, three “English bull dogs,” two German shepherds, two Great Danes, and one each of Akita, Boerboel, boxer, Doberman, golden retriever, husky, and unidentified breed.


Shit Bulls again absolutely dominate any dog-fatality metric. People are actually activists getting dog-laws rescinded, and one of those people is now dead by Shit Bull.

I know there are a lot of Shit Bull owners here and you should rightly be bashful about your dog fetish. All Pit Bulls, pit-bull-looking, mastiff, cane corso, presa canarios, ALL 'fighting dogs' need to be outlawed. Dogs have agency, dogs bred for violence should simply be neutered and allowed to die out. You get to keep your Shit Bull then when it's gone you can get a Yorkie.
Meh, I ain't skurred. I don't rescue them, I only raise them from puppies and mine have always been great dogs. It has nothing to do with machismo and everything to do with a puppy being dumped in my parents neighborhood and me taking it home. Best dog I've ever had by far so I stick with Staffordshire terriers.
Meh, I ain't skurred. I don't rescue them, I only raise them from puppies and mine have always been great dogs. It has nothing to do with machismo and everything to do with a puppy being dumped in my parents neighborhood and me taking it home. Best dog I've ever had by far so I stick with Staffordshire terriers.

They are always great until they strike. Read up some of the history of the breed. Nature vs nurture.
Meh, I ain't skurred. I don't rescue them, I only raise them from puppies and mine have always been great dogs. It has nothing to do with machismo and everything to do with a puppy being dumped in my parents neighborhood and me taking it home. Best dog I've ever had by far so I stick with Staffordshire terriers.

That is one thing. Is it spayed/neutered? I don't support the wholesale slaughter of animals, so if you took a stray puppy and raised it without allowing it to propagate, that is exactly what I said should be done in the OP.

However, 'Best dog I've ever had' is absolutely meaningless. That could be any dog. You're more likely to say "but it's the best dog evar!" because you're on the defense.

Pit Bulls if anything are worse companions and I've never seen otherwise. They are overly-submissive dogs with very high pack hierarchy instincts and that is usually the root of any Pit Bull mauling incident. Yes, I've seen them raised from puppies in a caring and wonderful home by immediate family members. You're just over-compensating for bad perception, which is perfectly understandable, but simply not true.

People mistake that overly-submissive behavior as a positive trait when it actually indicates the dog is far too concerned about hierarchy situations and will, as a breed and genetically, over-react to violations of it. It's all so obvious any time you see a 'good' Pit Bull.
fuck pitbulls. eliminate breed.

Fuckin A.

Pic related is all too common. How anyone can sit and defend these bred-vicious breeding mistakes is beyond me. But no, they're actually removing laws banning them.

That is one thing. Is it spayed/neutered? I don't support the wholesale slaughter of animals, so if you took a stray puppy and raised it without allowing it to propagate, that is exactly what I said should be done in the OP.

However, 'Best dog I've ever had' is absolutely meaningless. That could be any dog. You're more likely to say "but it's the best dog evar!" because you're on the defense.

Pit Bulls if anything are worse companions and I've never seen otherwise. They are overly-submissive dogs with very high pack hierarchy instincts and that is usually the root of any Pit Bull mauling incident. Yes, I've seen them raised from puppies in a caring and wonderful home by immediate family members. You're just over-compensating for bad perception, which is perfectly understandable, but simply not true.

People mistake that overly-submissive behavior as a positive trait when it actually indicates the dog is far too concerned about hierarchy situations and will, as a breed and genetically, over-react to violations of it. It's all so obvious any time you see a 'good' Pit Bull.

My first staffy wasn't fixed, he rode with me in the semi for 5 years. Best truck dog ever and yes, he knew the pecking order and did challenge me early on but he got over it until he was put down 2 years ago with kidney failure, he was 12.

The puppy I have now is fixed, she is 2 and is a spaz. High strung but that damned dog loves me and everyone else like no other. If she was a human I'd have a no contact order on her for sure, she's cray cray. :laughing:

My dogs have been great companions and everyone that has been around them has nothing but good things to say about them since they behave well and listen to orders. Apparently all you've been around were shit dogs that needed to be called?
The puppy I have now is fixed, she is 2 and is a spaz. High strung but that damned dog loves me and everyone else like no other. If she was a human I'd have a no contact order on her for sure, she's cray cray. :laughing:

My dogs have been great companions and everyone that has been around them has nothing but good things to say about them since they behave well and listen to orders. Apparently all you've been around were shit dogs that needed to be called?

You're not making your case there of course, but thank you for being candid.

I mean, if there was a legal effort to end pitbulls, and you picked one up, had her spayed, and she was your boon companion, absolutely no objections. People would know to be cautious. They shouldn't be around children, and pitbulls attack their owners on a regular basis like in OP. But in the interest of not being a subhuman savage, I don't advocate mass-slaughtering Pibbles, just sterilize the entire breed and at a point say 20 years from now make owning one a felony.
You're not making your case there of course, but thank you for being candid.

I mean, if there was a legal effort to end pitbulls, and you picked one up, had her spayed, and she was your boon companion, absolutely no objections. People would know to be cautious. They shouldn't be around children, and pitbulls attack their owners on a regular basis like in OP. But in the interest of not being a subhuman savage, I don't advocate mass-slaughtering Pibbles, just sterilize the entire breed and at a point say 20 years from now make owning one a felony.

There does need to be effort to slow their breeding, I'm all for that. Too many culls with shitbag owners being bred to sell to other shitbag owners thinking it makes them look cool to have one.

Pits are fine around children. Show me an attack on a kid where there was only 1 dog in the house. It's always at least 2 dogs or more.
There does need to be effort to slow their breeding, I'm all for that. Too many culls with shitbag owners being bred to sell to other shitbag owners thinking it makes them look cool to have one.

Pits are fine around children. Show me an attack on a kid where there was only 1 dog in the house. It's always at least 2 dogs or more.

Now how are you going to move the goalposts next? "Buh-but it was a hot day and the baby had green eyes on a Wednesday plus the mailman wore orange socks and there was a 5 knot wind blowing...."

It was easy to find these cases in 5 minutes:





I have one. He's 11 and dying of Cushing's. Pretty good dog. He's killed lots of stuff. No kids or adults. Yet.

Fuck the haters. Control your pet and it won't cause other people problems.:flipoff2:

Ahh yes, the ever-moving goalposts about how everyone in the world should get out of the way of people who want to own a specific type of vicious animal.

How will you move the goalposts on this one? We know you will b/c you can't defend Pibbles.

Pit Bulls are NEVER 'under control'. That is the entire point of the breed and why you own them.

Ahh yes, the ever-moving goalposts about how everyone in the world should get out of the way of people who want to own a specific type of vicious animal.

How will you move the goalposts on this one? We know you will b/c you can't defend Pibbles.

Pit Bulls are NEVER 'under control'. That is the entire point of the breed and why you own them.


"Bites hook"

You keep out of my way and I'll keep out of yours.

You can have a pet tiger for all I care as long as you and your cat don't come looking for trouble.

I keep my dog under control by conveying the fact to him that I will end his life if he does the wrong thing. Pretty simple.
"Bites hook"

You keep out of my way and I'll keep out of yours.

You can have a pet tiger for all I care as long as you and your cat don't come looking for trouble.

I keep my dog under control by conveying the fact to him that I will end his life if he does the wrong thing. Pretty simple.

Oh gawd :laughing:

You're a great example of a Pibble owner. Your pit bull only understands what is immediately happening. It has a brain the size of a golf ball with hardly any folds (that means it's not very smart). Dogs communicate socially because they evolved with humans, not because they are smart.

So when a toddler runs into your yard by mistake when you are not there, your Pibble says to himself "Ugly pumpkin said I will have my life ended if I harm that child, so I better not" ??

No. :laughing: That's not how it works.

You probably shouldn't own any dog. You sound like you might be abusive as well, which is the recipe for a Pibble disaster. Not that Pibbles need a reason to kill, they do it all of the time from the most loving and caring homes.

If I lost a kid to a pitbull. I would make it my mission to kill every pitbull in town. I would sneak around at night with a black ninja suit and a chinese stars and little blow gun with pison darts jumping a sliding through backyards till all the pitbulls lay dead. :flipoff2:

The cool thing about human beings is that we have pre-frontal lobes and deeply folded cerebral cortex. This means we can plan ahead.

See, BEFORE another child dies, we extinct the breed and all breeds like them (in our political geography).

It's kind of like, oh I dunno, you don't wait for the last lugnut to fall off of your truck doing 85 mph on the freeway, but you replace and tighten the lugs before that happens.

Because we're humans. With pre-frontal lobes. We're very clever that way.
He'll bite your face off!

I don't base my opinions on cute pictures. Perhaps you thought I was a woman, people do make a point of calling me a Bitch around here.

Here's a cute picture of a baby with some puppies (not Pibbles).


And here's a not-so-cute picture of a baby with a Pit Bull. Chase Anthony:

Oh gawd :laughing:

You're a great example of a Pibble owner. Your pit bull only understands what is immediately happening. It has a brain the size of a golf ball with hardly any folds (that means it's not very smart). Dogs communicate socially because they evolved with humans, not because they are smart.

So when a toddler runs into your yard by mistake when you are not there, your Pibble says to himself "Ugly pumpkin said I will have my life ended if I harm that child, so I better not" ??

No. :laughing: That's not how it works.

You probably shouldn't own any dog. You sound like you might be abusive as well, which is the recipe for a Pibble disaster. Not that Pibbles need a reason to kill, they do it all of the time from the most loving and

"Swallows hook"

You are correct. Dogs are not the smartest.

Toddler in my yard? I don't have fuckup neighbors that let their toddlers run the neighborhood.

Dogs are a responsibility. Man up and handle it. Or don't.

Crying foul sounds like anti gunners.
Noob Boob Doob How about an abortion thread for old times sake ? "@hypocritecallingGladman" LOLZ Fuunays. Clown stabbings, Texas Dumpster mattress shoot outs !! Yippeeeee !!!
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