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Russia / Ukraine thread

if you mean the disconnect between my calling out the font of corruption that is nationalized banks to then saying that there isn't a singular order controlling the world

well I dunno how to help you
the US is a big fish but the other nations' leaders aren't accepting the yoke without figuring they'll strike out on their own once the handouts stop
all the leaders try and carve out the biggest piece of the pie that they can, but for someone to try and manage everything is just as ridiculous as any other notions of controlled economy
How nice of you to think you can help me understand. Very gracious of you.

You're getting close to the point. Keep digging.
Guess you missed my implication above?
He’s not wrong. Are their other influences as well? Yup. But the USD being at the end of its lifespan explains a ton about the increase irrational behavior by the global elites who use the USD. Saddam, Gadalfi (sp) and a few other world leaders all wanted to put their country on a gold standard monetary coin. They were killed.

The average world currency lasts for 80-120 years. At the end of that cycle the country controlling that currency fights like a dying animal to hold on to their power. The USD is at the end of that timeline. BTC/Crypto and to a lesser degree the Bric bullshit are rivals to that. And the government is fighting a war against both.

Again not saying there is not more involved just saying this plays a significant role.
Pretty much.

BRICS (3/4 of the World's population) is more than meets the eye. Africa is on the table now. Sanctions against Niger?

But wait, there's MORE!

Meanwhile, UKR strikes at innocent civilians in Moscow from a distance:

I hope they do much more of this and take Russia down completely, and annex it all.

"Innocent civilians" are you fucking kidding me....

The one who attacks first is the one in the wrong. The end. Fucking Russia is just Moscow and 100 Miles around it. Nobody fucking cares about Russia, if they did it would be easy to take actually.

Now we make sure it's not gonna happen again.
I hope they do much more of this and take Russia down completely, and annex it all.

"Innocent civilians" are you fucking kidding me....

The one who attacks first is the one in the wrong. The end. Fucking Russia is just Moscow and 100 Miles around it. Nobody fucking cares about Russia, if they did it would be easy to take actually.

Now we make sure it's not gonna happen again.
Yeah, Germany should take Russia! Its always worked so well. Liberate that country from the shackles of communism!
I hope they do much more of this and take Russia down completely, and annex it all.

"Innocent civilians" are you fucking kidding me....

The one who attacks first is the one in the wrong. The end. Fucking Russia is just Moscow and 100 Miles around it. Nobody fucking cares about Russia, if they did it would be easy to take actually.

Now we make sure it's not gonna happen again.

Put as politely as possible... you are a complete fucking moron.
I cant wrap my head around why the 'media' is all flipping out that Ukraine drones are blowing up shit in Russia. Why are they trippin?

I mean Russia has pretty much blown everything up in Ukraine already it seems.
I hope they do much more of this and take Russia down completely, and annex it all.

"Innocent civilians" are you fucking kidding me....

The one who attacks first is the one in the wrong. The end.
This is the same tune you sang when our drones accidentally killed women and kids in Afghan, right?
You would support intentional murder of innocent civilians of a country for no other reason than based on the decisions of it's leader?
I cant wrap my head around why the 'media' is all flipping out that Ukraine drones are blowing up shit in Russia. Why are they trippin?

I mean Russia has pretty much blown everything up in Ukraine already it seems.

Because we're directly funding one side of this thing and it's not the side that's a nuclear superpower. In fairness, I don't blame Ukraine for attacking within Russia while being invaded by Russia. But life isn't fair. If little rocket man over in North Korea didn't have nukes he would've been taken out long ago. Nukes change the game. Russia has them and Ukraine doesn't. It is what it is.
I cant wrap my head around why the 'media' is all flipping out that Ukraine drones are blowing up shit in Russia. Why are they trippin?

I mean Russia has pretty much blown everything up in Ukraine already it seems.
If we were to parallel Iraq or Afghanistan- it would be like one of them attacking US soil. The country being "liberated" isn't supposed to bring the fight back to the super power doing the "liberation".
Because we're directly funding one side of this thing and it's not the side that's a nuclear superpower. In fairness, I don't blame Ukraine for attacking within Russia while being invaded by Russia. But life isn't fair. If little rocket man over in North Korea didn't have nukes he would've been taken out long ago. Nukes change the game. Russia has them and Ukraine doesn't. It is what it is.

When the Russians took the nuc plant, they invited inspectors within HOURS to come have a look.

There was weapons grade Uranium there. No big surprise since Zelensky said they were going to develop their own nukes.

342 pages later, and is anybody surprised Russia wanted to secure a portion of the region?

President Zelensky Suggests Ukraine May Pursue Nuclear Weapons To Counter Russia, Putin Responds | The Daily Wire
Listen from 1978. Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose...

Listen carefully how Africa is and has always been fucked over....

That incredibly awesome movie was my introduction of the slang word/term 'kaffir'; as in kaffir-man/black man.
When I first saw it on HBO back in '79.
and all of their tests were seismically detected as being failures until much later

turns out just the first test was entirely laughable, but the next wasn't much better

Nukes are a helluva deterrent. Even the possibility of potentially having them. Do you think Russia would've invaded Ukraine if they hadn't given up their nukes? I don't.

Us baiting Russia into invading Ukraine basically ensures their won't be anymore countries willingly giving up their nukes.
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