Racing Slipper Enthusiast
Its far more fun riding a slow bike fast than a fast bike slow. I ran an FZ09 for a year. Screw. THAT. It was so stupid blipping around in 2nd gear.
Riding fast bikes fast is is the best scenario. :D Speed is relative anyway. I used to think my SV 650 was 'fast' until I got the Tracer 900 (FZ/FJ/MT family - same engine). Now it's easy to rap the lil SV out for all its worth like a toy. I imagine the same progression will eventually take place with the Tracer when moving on to something zippier in the future.
Being slower than everyone else sucks.
Eh- I regularly ride with people much faster than me but am usually last-ish. Better to ride your own ride than to write a check skill wise you can't cash and wind up dead. If the group waits for me great, if not I ride home alone, no big deal....