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Rant thread

That’s nice.

On a personal level, you sound butt hurt.
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I see he’s been absent for a little while. I guess he’s hoping some water will flow under the bridge and everybody will forget.
Ever have one of those employees that when something is important to you, it just isn't to them?

I have one...time seems to mean nothing. Tell him to be out of the shop at a certain time, 20-30 minutes later he's leaving.

Supposed to be here 15 minutes before the crew starts? Once or twice every couple months. Otherwise it's 10 minutes, or less.

Never on time for meetings with customers.

I've told him a couple times if he can be consistently late, he can be consistently early. Time just does not seem to phase him. Pisses me off to no end.

But with the state of the labor market...
Sorry to hear that connor. My condolences to your family. Hang in there its a tough one.
Thanks, it's not as hard when you know it was going to happen. It was a surprise however, since he had been bouncing back from health issues. But at the same time we ( mean my mother and I ) saw that with each new health crisis that his ability to recover was vast diminished since say last summer (2023) or the summer before (2022). So we knew this was going to happen in the near future-- I just didn't think last Thursday. I thought our future was going to be wheel chairs and O2 tanks. Turns out that he just didn't have them in him.

I only mentioned it because I didn't want you to think I was running away. I wasn't he just need a lot of care the last couple of weeks. And to make it worse this website gives me no end of issues with errors and loading blank screens. It's strange since I brought my Mac over to friends house and we used on his network which is also provided by my IP company and he could create an account and stuff. It was strange to say the least. I could find no viruses or maleware on my computer but my ability to use the website is limited. That was the other reason.
How self centered.

His old man died , and his only concern is about his IP and if he could log in to some site.
Everyone is in a big yank to get their irritation activated so the lawns don't "burn up like last year."

#1 Ain't going to happen with it raining every other day.
#2 "I'm out of town for a week, I want to hold off a week or two since my driveway is getting repaved." Dude literally just emailed over the weekend that he wanted it done ASAP.

A bunch didn't answer the phone.
I see all of you guys have moved back to the VS land of Milk and Honey?
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