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Pirate finally dead?

The rocks aren't getting bigger since we already crawled them.

Not true, the rocks are getting bigger and there are still leaps in mechanical advancement being made. But the people that are doing it bailed on PBB long before VS and IBB came into the picture. Jesse Haines is still pushing tech you’ll never see here. Little Rich Klein is growing trail Hero and my buddy Kalif Redden won the recent trail breaker in what is one the most capable comp buggies ever built.

The weird thing to me is, the most popular page on PBB or IBB is gen chit chat. If Haines or Redden were posting their crazy advancements in gen4x4 most of you would never see it. Ultra4 is bigger than ever and I’m the only one that even brings it up anymore. The irony is thick with you people complaining about the loss of tech while you never engaged with the real tech in the first place. Every body is in here engaging in politics complaining about a lack of tech. When was the last time y’all actually went looking for tech?
Not true, the rocks are getting bigger and there are still leaps in mechanical advancement being made. But the people that are doing it bailed on PBB long before VS and IBB came into the picture. Jesse Haines is still pushing tech you’ll never see here. Little Rich Klein is growing trail Hero and my buddy Kalif Redden won the recent trail breaker in what is one the most capable comp buggies ever built.

The weird thing to me is, the most popular page on PBB or IBB is gen chit chat. If Haines or Redden were posting their crazy advancements in gen4x4 most of you would never see it. Ultra4 is bigger than ever and I’m the only one that even brings it up anymore. The irony is thick with you people complaining about the loss of tech while you never engaged with the real tech in the first place. Every body is in here engaging in politics complaining about a lack of tech. When was the last time y’all actually went looking for tech?

I think that's the Catch-22 of the whole thing. If Jesse was posting builds it'd give people a reason to go looking for tech. Props to MCutler for trying to bring that back.

Hell, I'm from NJ and I've been to KOH 8 times and Trail Hero twice. Instagram doesn't interest me at all and FB is hit or miss on what actually shows up, so I'm left with physically going to the events to see what's up :laughing: going to the meet & greet at Sand Hollow Offroad and checking out all the buggies in person was super cool.

I've been lazy about getting my build thread over here, but that's mostly because the build is 'done'. My lil TTB 4500 car works great, I mothballed it for a season or two because life, but I had it out rec wheeling a few times this year and it's fun and I'd change nothing. Well, except for a few of the heims because they're getting noisy. One of these days I'll post a 'concise' version of the 40+ page build thread, probably just a page or two worth of describing the concept and its execution.

As far as going back to PBB for anything...I don't, not for anything meaningful. Lately it's just been to see if anyone bothers to reply to my request to remove my photo as the banner (they haven't).
I think that's the Catch-22 of the whole thing. If Jesse was posting builds it'd give people a reason to go looking for tech.

I doubt it. The tech sections were pretty dead before the actual take over. That’s pretty much been what I’ve resigned myself to. I go do cool shit nobody cares about so I don’t share it, just do it. I got to co-drive Ultra4 finals in Bailey Campbell’s monster IFS car last weekend. I didn’t see a single mention of Eric Miller winning after starting dead last. This place is politic4x4.wtf-is-tech.com. Same as PBB had become
Havent checked in the months, I'm still banned. Moderators over that are a bunch of limp wristed faggots. I dont need any "tech" from there. If I dont already know it, I dont need it.
I didn’t see a single mention of Eric Miller winning after starting dead last. This place is politic4x4.wtf-is-tech.com. Same as PBB had become

Then you suck at watching IBB cause it was there. :flipoff2: But yeah the old style tech is not as active. Lots of cool stuff out at the #TwistedCustoms shop it's just not getting churned out via FB. Probably won't be another God of Suspension thread or the other one started by ThinAir.
I doubt it. The tech sections were pretty dead before the actual take over. That’s pretty much been what I’ve resigned myself to. I go do cool shit nobody cares about so I don’t share it, just do it. I got to co-drive Ultra4 finals in Bailey Campbell’s monster IFS car last weekend. I didn’t see a single mention of Eric Miller winning after starting dead last. This place is politic4x4.wtf-is-tech.com. Same as PBB had become

You got access to those sweet ass rigs..... start posting about them in the tech sections. Don’t think people won’t follow them.

on a side note, I got a fuck ton of pics I took that weekend, I’ll try and get them up tomorrow
You got access to those sweet ass rigs..... start posting about them in the tech sections. Don’t think people won’t follow them.

on a side note, I got a fuck ton of pics I took that weekend, I’ll try and get them up tomorrow

I think the line is between sweet and very $$$ comp builds and the rest of us with jobs, obligations, and limited budgets (and time).

I rather look at cheap shit i can actually afford to build. :grinpimp:
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the toy faq thread is still there and the same for me, i also still have no problem searching tech there

theres 20yrs worth of very useful information there, i dont post anymore though
Its the same mother fuckers that spy on their ex-gf or ex-wife. SHE'S GONE. STOP WORRYING ABOUT IT.

"Omg i saw on fb that pirate just wrecked her new Altima. I know for a fact her dad bought that car. Bitch ain't worked in 3 months I guarantee the insurance is lapsed. Stupid bitch. Still in the club every weekend. I hear her ex is taking her back to court trying to get full custody. Good for him. Fuck that old wrecked ass Altima bitch."

It’s a Fkn Scion!!!!!!
I seen it!!!!!
Its the same mother fuckers that spy on their ex-gf or ex-wife. SHE'S GONE. STOP WORRYING ABOUT IT.

"Omg i saw on fb that pirate just wrecked her new Altima. I know for a fact her dad bought that car. Bitch ain't worked in 3 months I guarantee the insurance is lapsed. Stupid bitch. Still in the club every weekend. I hear her ex is taking her back to court trying to get full custody. Good for him. Fuck that old wrecked ass Altima bitch."

:lmao: dude, you know how to tell a story.
I think the line is between sweet and very $$$ como builds and the rest of us with jobs, obligations, and limited budgets (and time).

I rather look at cheap shit i can actually afford to build. :grinpimp:

Same here. Early PBB tech, where a guy buys a 14b for $200 and makes it a steer on jackstands in his driveway, interests me.

U4 guys spending more on a custom r&p than I did on my truck...not so much.
Same here. Early PBB tech, where a guy buys a 14b for $200 and makes it a steer on jackstands in his driveway, interests me.

U4 guys spending more on a custom r&p than I did on my truck...not so much.

I like both types of builds personally.

The innovation and testing of parts to the absolute limit in U4 is awesome! :smokin:

The garage built badassness that Skipped Link, Cutlerfab and many others produce repeatedly is as equally awesome! :smokin:

Ill take it all as long as it doesn't involve FB or IG. Fuck those places, they absolutely blow horse cock for following builds or reading about tech. Its all just a picture book for the mindless to me...
Yeah, true. The cutting edge stuff is cool too. Who was that guy who got in a snit and left, that built flat differentials from scratch? Tested gears by cutting them in half?
Same here. Early PBB tech, where a guy buys a 14b for $200 and makes it a steer on jackstands in his driveway, interests me.

↑↑↑ This Guy ↑↑↑

likely got to brainstorming and trying shit

↓↓↓ because of these kinda guys ↓↓↓

U4 guys spending more on a custom r&p than I did on my truck...not so much.

Those rigs certainly get the gears turning which I like ... :beer:
↑↑↑ This Guy ↑↑↑

likely got to brainstorming and trying shit

↓↓↓ because of these kinda guys ↓↓↓

Those rigs certainly get the gears turning which I like ... :beer:

This 100%

Endless reading and watching guys build shit in a lot worse places with less tools than I own prompted me to dive in and try.

I quickly learned skill has a lot to do with it. But the endless resource spurred me on. This place has that spirt.

Sorry I don't contribute more:homer::lmao:


That didn't Quote worth a shit.
do any 4400 cars have rear steer?

none of the top ones do. There are a handful that have it but it’s not an advantage. With the safety shit we have to wear you can’t see to use it. So the guys winning are going so fast the ass end just bounces where ever it needs to be at speed.

HellsBells 666 car has it. We ran our drag axle 4500 car in the big race this year and were ahead of that monster truck, then we both broke down in about the same spot.
Just went to have a look. You need to be logged in to see GCC now apparently. Logged out and won't return for some time.
none of the top ones do. There are a handful that have it but it’s not an advantage. With the safety shit we have to wear you can’t see to use it. So the guys winning are going so fast the ass end just bounces where ever it needs to be at speed.

HellsBells 666 car has it. We ran our drag axle 4500 car in the big race this year and were ahead of that monster truck, then we both broke down in about the same spot.

How much caster do you run?
Just went to have a look. You need to be logged in to see GCC now apparently. Logged out and won't return for some time.

I feel they (admin) did that because the treasure trove of unflattering threads and posts, including how sparse daily participation became, started to chap their hides. The whole site went into damage recovery mode almost immediately. Merging negative threads with other similar negativity, closing discussions that didn't include positive feedback eg. It was a cess of its former self, rather quickly. Once they finished wiping their ass and cleaning up the puke from the drunken melee, they sprayed Febreze everywhere, turned tail, and locked the bathroom door i.e. chit chat.
Am I under attack? :laughing: That’s the question I hate to answer most but we have settled on liking 12°


No, just curious. I asked EZ Rick the same question when he was building the triplets and it was in that range as well. His comment was, "It's going to want to go straight". Did some runs in the desert with him during testing, and even with the suspension not fully dialed it felt plenty stable, at least from the passenger seat.
the toy faq thread is still there and the same for me, i also still have no problem searching tech there

theres 20yrs worth of very useful information there, i dont post anymore though

In what form?
the banner said bible
The drivel that followed was not the bible!
The "buy a copy" statement was easy to find unlike the search button (just my .02)!

No, just curious. I asked EZ Rick the same question when he was building the triplets and it was in that range as well. His comment was, "It's going to want to go straight". Did some runs in the desert with him during testing, and even with the suspension not fully dialed it felt plenty stable, at least from the passenger seat.

The caster question is one of my most contested answers on the Internet. We’ve experimented with 6° all the way to 21°. The 21° was an accident but we learned a lot. 12° to 15° is the money spot. It helps in a lot of different scenarios, cornering, jumping/landing, return to center, straight desert hauling ass. I like 15 as well but high steer stuff ends up being really high the further the knuckles are rotated.
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