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Oreos suck now?


Thick skull
May 19, 2020
Member Number
Bonners Ferry, ID
I swear they fucked up oreos recently. You used to dip them in milk and they would evenly get softer. Now you hold them in there for half an eternity and part will be soggy mush, while the rest is crunchy?

Is it just me?
all the snack foods went to shit when they took the trans fats out of them.
its not the oreo its the milk :flipoff2:

Whole milk mf'r :flipoff2:​​​​​​

What's funny is I have a buddy from Santa rosa who only drinks that Cloverdale or whatever milk that's like $7/gallon. I always have to give him shit about being milk snob. Or say sorry all we have is peasants milk. :laughing:
I have the same feeling about Nutter Butters... somehow they changed the "cookie patty" and its just shit. I used to love those things with milk. Tried it a few years ago to show my little one, she was about 7, she said "no dad, this is not good"... I gave it a try and had to agree.
A guy I worked with last winter would crush a bunch of them up and pour milk on them then eat them with a spoon. Fawking genius!
A guy I worked with last winter would crush a bunch of them up and pour milk on them then eat them with a spoon. Fawking genius!

I do that. I have an oversized coffee mug, put about 6-7 in, bash em and cut em up with a spoon, pour milk on.

Only problem is I end up eating half a package at a sitting.
Canadian Milk ftw....keep your American hormone shit out of here.
A guy I used to work with when I was a baker years ago told me that those dark cookies were made from all the scrapings from everything they made with a lot of caramel color added. Soak that in.:laughing:
I do that. I have an oversized coffee mug, put about 6-7 in, bash em and cut em up with a spoon, pour milk on.

Only problem is I end up eating half a package at a sitting.

That sounds delicious but I'm too fat to do that. I would likely eat the whole package. :laughing:
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A guy I used to work with when I was a baker years ago told me that those dark cookies were made from all the scrapings from everything they made with a lot of caramel color added. Soak that in.:laughing:

I don't doubt that at all,

I had a short term job in a cake factory (Dawn foods) they had a thing called "remix" basically all the baked cakes that were too big too small or broken went into a container then added by weight to a fresh batch of batter. :barf:
I don't doubt that at all,

I had a short term job in a cake factory (Dawn foods) they had a thing called "remix" basically all the baked cakes that were too big too small or broken went into a container then added by weight to a fresh batch of batter. :barf:

You think that's the only industry that recycles? I hope you don't like Pringles, funyuns, instant potatoes or most any other non whole product. :lmao:
You think that's the only industry that recycles? I hope you don't like Pringles, funyuns, instant potatoes or most any other non whole product. :lmao:

No I don't it was just an example of one I had direct experience with, Please tell us about your time at pringles funyuns and instant potato facilities :flipoff2:
No I don't it was just an example of one I had direct experience with, Please tell us about your time at pringles funyuns and instant potato facilities :flipoff2:

I have first-hand experience with potato dehydration plants that made instant potatoes and minced as well as dehydrated onions. I know the process and the absolutely abysmal conditions of the plants but still eat that shit. Immune system lives matter. :laughing:
I have first-hand experience with potato dehydration plants that made instant potatoes and minced as well as dehydrated onions. I know the process and the absolutely abysmal conditions of the plants but still eat that shit. Immune system lives matter. :laughing:

I'm sure my immune system gets a workout, I just choose not to insult and assault my taste buds with that stuff, when it tasted good years ago yeah did eat.
I swear they fucked up oreos recently. You used to dip them in milk and they would evenly get softer. Now you hold them in there for half an eternity and part will be soggy mush, while the rest is crunchy?

Is it just me?

No, and you're just realizing this?

I've written a blog post about this which went unpublished afaik. That was a few years ago, maybe 10.

Here is the gist of my article:

Food companies hire 'Food Scientists' (that's an actual Grad program) to tweak the formulae of their products. It's why Pizza Hut really was awesome in the 80s but it's pretty shit now. Year after year, teams of scientists figured out how to use less flour, how to reduce processing time by seconds, until after decades, the product appears the same and sort of tastes like the original products, but is now a piece of cardboard.

Oreo did this. First they sent Hydrox into bankruptcy. Hydrox was the original, Oreo is the copy!

Hydrox used to cost 1/2 the price of Oreo, and IMO and many others, they were better than Oreos.

Oreo did this by marketing their product into partnerships. Oreo ice cream is a good example. Oreo milkshakes at Sonic.

In order for Oreo to be integrated into cream processing in a factory, they can't dissolve the way they used to, otherwise your Oreo shake would be a gluey mass of oreo pieces which is why home-made Oreo shakes in the blender used to be so fucking good. They were still crunchy and dissolving at home, but if you did that in a factory, you'd have brown Flex Seal.

So now, the Oreo cookie pieces can be ground up and mixed into ice cream in a giant factory, and will sort-of shittily resemble your Oreo shake from the 1980s.

But the cookies can now be used as a Pee-Wee hockey puck.

That is why Oreo FUCKING SUCKS.


No matter how long you soak them, they will NEVER soften up into proper form for eating.
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