I don’t have much experience. I’ve only rented units a dozen or so times. Small, medium, large, tracks, tires, etc. I really do not like the Bobcats. A buddy of mine hooks me up that’s the only reason I use them. I don’t like the controls and for some reason, every single Bobcat I’ve used had to be at high/full rpm to operate smoothly. Even just moving down the driveway.
The Deere’s and Case I’ve run just seemed to be smoother easier to operate. Also, fuck foot controls.
The job I'm on now is the first time I've spent much time in a bobcat, it's a t750 with ~2600 hrs and is kinda beat up. (skid steers get treated like shit on big jobs)
I'm not sure if it's just this one, but it's a gutless pos and FAR from smooth. I've have a fair amount of time on a wide variety of cat's and it's night and day.
I really wish I got some time in that tl12. All I did was put the bucket on, scoop up a hammer and load it on a trailer. First impression was really good. Bucket seemed smooth, but the steering seemed a little touchy. (again, 5 mins on seat time) the way they do the door is how they all should be. Certain tasks it's nice to run with the door open, can't do that on a cat or bobcat, plus it's nice that you can get out with out having the boom all the way down, or all the way up.
I've never ran a JD skid steer, but I'm not a fan at all. Ran alot of their green shit, and they were terrible. Dealer service sucks. 1 brand new 250 excavator, seemed sloppy or something? Even though they are made by Hitachi, which are good, I'm not sure. The almost new 524l loader I'm running is having a ton of issues with the joystick control.
Who makes their skid steers?
X's whatever on fuck foot controls. Maybe if all you run is that pos, it might be ok, but when you are used to dozers, loaders, ect, it's nice to have similar controls. Unless you're a fag who runs the other style joystick controls