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New irate4x4 Swag - Preorder ending soon!

Imagine that. Thanks homie.

I think someone added me to some list. I got one of these a few weeks ago. Maybe I should not have talked so much shit to the political texts Ive been getting. Thats the only thing I can think of why I would get this bullshit. I dont even open them I delete them as soon as I get them. I dont want no diseases on my phone. Any way to make them stop?

No i dont think it was you. I think it was someone from a political text that I had talked shit to in the past few weeks. Because I got one of those same porn texts a week or so ago.
I really hope you don’t think that was the site or me, I could do way better than that :flipoff2:

I don’t know how to get the political ones to stop, I wish I did.

Respond to the political ones with cursing at them and as they contacted you, there's nothing they can do about it. Generally if they reference me by name I'll include something like "I don't know who the F*&^ <insert you're name here> is". Anyway, it's been working for me as I get less and less each year.
Orders tallied and counts will be sent to the printer this afternoon!

Thanks to everybody that pre-ordered, suck to buy and not get right away but it will help me keep some stock on the shelves.

I'll be getting a bunch of extra so you can still order if you want.
Well I tried. Nothing happens once I get to the place order button.

I have item in cart, shipping filled out, credit card info filled out, and the place order button does nothing.😐
The Order was put in, they still have to be made and sent to me first. If you are wanting some thing go ahead and get it and I will see if I can add it to the list. If not you’ll take from what I plan to put on the shelf

Cool. Just curious. I'm order 120.
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