Stihl is a quality manufacturer (zee Germans) YMMV as it seems. If it's an older model, it probably needs some quality attention by a proper shop. Ethanol will kill the gaskets and or gum up the works inside (read carb). Deere is partnered with Stihl so if you have an indie shop that works on small engines have them give it a look. It should not take ripping on the cord forever to keep it running. There is a procedure that you have to follow to start them whether cold or warm (priming, choke, half choke, etc - because zee Germans) but it should not be that hard to get it reliable.
I have a Stihl trimmer and backpack blower and they are ridden hard and put away wet. They always start.
What is he doing that requires that much effort? Clearing land or just maintenance? I use the Milwaukee stuff for maintenance but I always have extra bricks on charge anyway and never too far from the shop. If I have to work hard and/or remote, out comes the gassers.
I am unfamiliar with Maruyama but will keep it on my radar.
Manual for FS36 FWIW: