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Moving forward, #fraudysix

Unless blood flows....nothing will change.

There would undoubtedly be some blood, probably mostly some beatings and tazings, in what would be involved to non-violently reassert the power of the Right.

It's amazing to me how comprehensively people like you have been brainwashed. Between Voting and Revolution, there is no space. Doesn't exist.

If you don't get what you want voting or campaigning or giving your CC#, you go right to the ARs.

As if the entire spectrum of political activism doesn't exist.

Basically ALL of politics is between "Hey, I voted but got out-voted" and "Hands up motherfucker you're a prison of the State of Jefferson. Name, Rank, and Serial Number, scumbag!"

In between those two things, is ALL of poltics.

It was easy for the Russians and Chinks to convince America that the apparatus of Democracy doesn't work, because you already believed it. :shaking:
Well looks like biden was busy on his first day in office...

Here are the first 7 executive actions.

COVID-19 response

Start a "100 Days Masking Challenge," calling for a nationwide face mask and social distancing mandate in federal buildings, on federal lands and by federal employees and contractors.

Restructure federal government coordination to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Biden White House is bringing back an Obama-era position called the "Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense," which was organized with additional staff within the National Security Council after the 2014 Ebola epidemic. This directorate office was dispersed into other roles during the Trump administration, but Biden and his campaign advisers argued the move decreased the preparedness of the federal government for the COVID-19 pandemic. Mr. Biden will also formally implement a "response coordinator" who will report to the president on vaccine, testing and personal protective equipment production, supply, and distribution. Mr. Biden has appointed Jeff Zients, who has been overseeing Mr. Biden's COVID-19 team for the presidential transition.

Rejoin the World Health Organization (WHO), which the Trump administration was in the process of leaving. Mr. Biden is also looking to re-establish the U.S. as an active leader at the WHO.
Financial relief for Americans

Extend eviction and foreclosure moratoriums. To do this, Biden will call on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to re-implement and extend the already defunct moratorium until at least March 31. The new president will also call on the Departments of Agriculture, Housing and Urban Development, and Veterans Affairs to extend the foreclosure moratoriums for their federally backed mortgages. "These emergency measures are important," Mr. Biden's top economic adviser Brian Deese said on the call with reporters, "There are more than 11 million mortgages guaranteed by the VA, Department of Agriculture and HUD that would be extended."

Continue "pause" on student loan payments until September 30. The Biden advisers continue to assert Biden still supports his campaign pledge to cancel $10,000 of student loans, but this will take time as it has to go through Congress.

Rejoin the Paris Climate agreement. The Paris climate negotiations took place under the Obama administration and were led by incoming climate change czar John Kerry when he was secretary of state. This will take 30 days to go into effect.

End Keystone XL pipeline and revoke oil and gas development at national wildlife monuments. To do this, Biden's climate adviser Gina McCarthy explained the Biden administration will discard or redo more than 100 "harmful" presidential proclamations, memoranda or permits signed by the Trump administration that the new administration views as detrimental to the environment.

Revoking permits will effectively nix the Keystone pipeline. Mr. Biden also will reverse the 2020 decision by the Trump administration to allow land development at the Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante national monuments in Utah and at the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine national monuments in New England, which were set aside for wildlife protection by former President Obama in 2016. Other changes include directing agencies to "consider revising vehicle fuel economic and emissions standards" and placing federal working groups to deal with greenhouse gases, according to an outline of the executive orders.
Human rights

Actions to advance racial equity through the federal government. Incoming Domestic Policy Adviser Susan Rice explained President Biden wants every federal agency to review equity in their programs and actions. For example, with this executive action the Office of Management and Budget will analyze if federal money is equitably distributed in communities of color and other places of need, the outline of the executive action said. Rice also said Trump's "harmful" 1776 Commission, the 18-member board he formulated in September, will be stopped. The commission's goal was to study the president's concern that the American education system was taking a too liberal approach to American history.

Count non-citizens in U.S. Census again. This reverses President Trump's order in July 2020 to not count undocumented Americans, which would affect federal allocation of money and federal representation. Rice on the Wednesday press call said Trump's was an "approach that violates the Constitution and the Census Act and is inconsistent with our nation's history and our commitment to representative democracy." The Biden team's outline of the executive order said Biden "will ensure that the Census Bureau has time to complete an accurate population count for each state" and that "he will then present to Congress an apportionment that is fair and accurate so federal resources are efficiently and fairly distributed for the next decade."

Strengthen workplace discrimination protections based on sexual orientation and gender identity. At agencies, this broadens the federal protections against sex discrimination to include LGBTQ Americans.

Defend "Dreamers" program for undocumented young Americans. Mr. Biden, in this executive order, calls on Congress to grant permanent status and a path to citizenship to Dreamers — almost a million undocumented young people who were brought to the country as children and shielded from deportation by President Obama. The Trump administration challenged the law but the Supreme Court upheld it.

End so-called "Muslim travel ban," which in 2017 restricted travel and immigration to the U.S. from Syria, Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen, before adding Eritrea, Nigeria, Myanmar, Kyrgyzstan, and Tanzania in 2020. The State Department is also instructed to restart visa applications for these countries.

Change Trump's arrest priorities for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE ). This executive order will repeal the changes Mr. Trump made in the first week of his presidency in 2017 to make interior immigration enforcement much stricter. Few specifics were listed in the outline of the executive order, but the incoming Biden White House team stated the Department of Homeland Security, in partnership with other agencies, will "set civil immigration enforcement policies that best protect the American people and are in line with our values and priorities."

Stop border wall construction. Mr. Biden will end the national emergency declaration cited by the Trump administration to divert money to the building of the southern wall.

Keep protections for a group of Liberians in the country. Liberians who have been in the United States for many years will be able to remain longer. Their "deferred enforcement departure" will be extended an additional year, until June 30, 2022. President Trump briefly considered ending this deferment before ultimately extending the program.

Freezing last-minute Trump administration regulatory actions. Technically, White House chief of staff Ron Klain will be charged with carrying out this out, and a presidential memo will formally state the regulations to be frozen.

Formulate Executive Branch ethics doctrine. Mr. Biden wants every executive branch appointee to sign an ethics pledge. The pledge also demands federal employees promise "to uphold the independence of the Department of Justice," the executive order outline states.
There would undoubtedly be some blood, probably mostly some beatings and tazings, in what would be involved to non-violently reassert the power of the Right.

It's amazing to me how comprehensively people like you have been brainwashed. Between Voting and Revolution, there is no space. Doesn't exist.

If you don't get what you want voting or campaigning or giving your CC#, you go right to the ARs.

As if the entire spectrum of political activism doesn't exist.

Basically ALL of politics is between "Hey, I voted but got out-voted" and "Hands up motherfucker you're a prison of the State of Jefferson. Name, Rank, and Serial Number, scumbag!"

In between those two things, is ALL of poltics.

It was easy for the Russians and Chinks to convince America that the apparatus of Democracy doesn't work, because you already believed it. :shaking:

See that's where you don't know what you're talking about. When theres only one side that even resembles playing by the rules with no repercussions, then no....theres no fucking middle ground.

But only a complete fucking moron would grab an AR for a revolution.
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Because the birth rate of non-hispanics is too low for the labor requirements of the nation, white kids are not out there picking strawberries. We need immigrants, but we need to know they're not bad guys, and the process needs to speed up so they're not tempted to swim the Rio.

All of the "mass shooters" I can think of had psychiatric issues or were on meds or both. Shooting up a grade school or a concert venue is not normal behavior, but it's also not just a recent phenomenon, people have been crazy for a long time.

Theres a huge work force right here. Stop feeding the lazy bastards....hunger is a hell of a motivator. But as long as their feed, housed and cared for, they'll stay on their lazy asses.
Phoenix has a very small homeless problem, even in winter, and a very small gang problem compared to many cities, and I attribute both of those to lots of available work. There are poor people here, but they're working poor. Tucson OTOH is a shit-hole of homeless, the poor cops have to go round them up from the public parks with their tents and shopping carts, and when they release them, guess where they go. How'd you like to have that job? Seems like a good one for Sisyphus.
Perot ran on a platform of fiscal responsibility and paying down the debt so countries like China would not have influence here.
He got 19% or something like that, I can't remember. Fiscal responsibility is 100% a republican thing. Paying your debts? Yeah, that's a republican thing too.
I can't imagine the dems lost more than one percent to Perot in that election.
Pro America? Well that's republican too. Dems hate America and are globalists, "America last", "Party first!"
A Patriot party may get a percent or two from old school, non flag-burning dems, but that's about it.
They will split the republicans and the dems won't even have to cheat to win.
Maybe over ten election cycles the party would gain enough traction and support to be viable but with the dems in control
for 20 years or more you can bet your ass there will no longer be elections here.
If the voting machines are user from now on, the country is lost forever.
Because the birth rate of non-hispanics is too low for the labor requirements of the nation, white kids are not out there picking strawberries. We need immigrants, but we need to know they're not bad guys, and the process needs to speed up so they're not tempted to swim the Rio.

All of the "mass shooters" I can think of had psychiatric issues or were on meds or both. Shooting up a grade school or a concert venue is not normal behavior, but it's also not just a recent phenomenon, people have been crazy for a long time.

Are strawberries a necessity?
As history has shown, a 3rd party only splits the Republicans. Remember Perot?

that ignores recent history... where it doesn't matter for whom you vote, the results have already been decided for you. :flipoff2:
Perot ran on a platform of fiscal responsibility and paying down the debt so countries like China would not have influence here.
He got 19% or something like that, I can't remember. Fiscal responsibility is 100% a republican thing. Paying your debts? Yeah, that's a republican thing too.
I can't imagine the dems lost more than one percent to Perot in that election.
Pro America? Well that's republican too. Dems hate America and are globalists, "America last", "Party first!"
A Patriot party may get a percent or two from old school, non flag-burning dems, but that's about it.
They will split the republicans and the dems won't even have to cheat to win.
Maybe over ten election cycles the party would gain enough traction and support to be viable but with the dems in control
for 20 years or more you can bet your ass there will no longer be elections here.
If the voting machines are user from now on, the country is lost forever.

Dems would FUND that party.
It doesn't matter if you are left or right, white, brown, black or yellow. Trying to resolve your issues at the ballot box has proven itself ineffective.

Your votes do not matter, the people you voted to represent you don't matter cause they are only looking out for themselves. Nothing will change, we are all just pawns in the great scheme of things.

Welcome to democracy, grab your tube of lube, and about the time you become successful someone will be around to break it off in your ass. Fuck all politicians, If I got a stimulus check, it would have been spent on building a gallow and buying rope.
Are mexicans, nicaraguans, non-citizens, etc workers the only way they can cut a profit?
I can’t answer that question, my livelihood doesn’t revolve around strawberries.

I thought farmers didn’t make profits, isn’t that the reason for agricultural subsidies?
Not for me, but Avocados are. Same-same.

To me it same misleading equivalency that is used to justify all abortions. The incest and rape examples are always used, so in that same mentality, we get some crop pickers that aren't really picking necessary to sustain life crops. They are picking the luxury crops so, are they really necessary?
To me it same misleading equivalency that is used to justify all abortions. The incest and rape examples are always used, so in that same mentality, we get some crop pickers that aren't really picking necessary to sustain life crops. They are picking the luxury crops so, are they really necessary?

Are you in favor of closed borders with no immigration, or only for the industries that are necessary to sustain life?
Are mexicans, nicaraguans, non-citizens, etc workers the only way they can cut a profit?

Strawberries, and farming in general, is a big business around here. There is actually a labor shortage, because no one wants to do the work. Farmers in this area have tried paying more, and some of the bigger operations have resorted to meeting all the H-2A visa requirements of providing transportation to and from the work site, housing, etc. That's a huge expense that I'm sure they'd rather be using to hire more people, but they can't find them.

Strawberries are an interesting example because as soon as any sort of rain shows up when they are ripe, they have to be picked immediately before they get wet or they whole crop is lost. That means if they can't find a crew to knock it out right then, oh well, it's gone.

Here's a quick article on the subject from one of our local papers: https://www.montereycountyweekly.com...e03c2eb98.html

edit: forgot to mention that big ag companies around here are also investing a lot of money into automation. If they can't find workers, they're trying to see if they can use robots instead. There have been some impressive new innovations in this area as a result:


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Are mexicans, nicaraguans, non-citizens, etc workers the only way they can cut a profit?

not a matter of profit, it is a matter of who you can get to do the work. We were avocado growers for multiple generations and getting folks to do the work at any price was tough. We followed the rules, but over the years, that got tougher and tougher, again, not because illegal labor was cheaper (it isn't) but often, it is the only labor available... We got out of it 5 years ago (got an offer we couldn't refuse) and my mom moved to Balboa Island....
not a matter of profit, it is a matter of who you can get to do the work. We were avocado growers for multiple generations and getting folks to do the work at any price was tough. We followed the rules, but over the years, that got tougher and tougher, again, not because illegal labor was cheaper (it isn't) but often, it is the only labor available... We got out of it 5 years ago (got an offer we couldn't refuse) and my mom moved to Balboa Island....

wow, crazy to hear that trying to keep up with constantly changing regulations could drive out small and mid sized operations from the market.

avacada's come from mexico anyways, haven't you heard the commercials? :flipoff2:
wow, crazy to hear that trying to keep up with constantly changing regulations could drive out small and mid sized operations from the market.

avacada's come from mexico anyways, haven't you heard the commercials? :flipoff2:

Would you like to buy an 'o' or two?
Are you in favor of closed borders with no immigration, or only for the industries that are necessary to sustain life?

I'm not in favor of either. I'm in favor of if it is legal to cross with impunity, open the border. If it is not, close it and stop the flow of illegals. I do not like or appreciate the hypocrisy of a closed border and then no punishment for those that make it across. I do not get to fucking invade a foreign country with impunity, I don't want others to get away with it. I do not get to go to a foreign country and receive benefits for free purely by physical occupation as the sole criteria, I don't want others to be able to either.

I don't like the example of citizens being lazy pieces of shit who won't pick fruit therefore we must tolerate an open border. That is a 100% bullshit rationalization. If we were not a nation of pussies, we would tie entitlements for those capable of working into a substantial workforce that will more than make up any deficiency that a tightly closed border would cause. You can overcome bullshit work performance levels to them being able to be fired and lose their spot on the dole if they don't work at a minimum level.

There should be no path to citizenship by anyone who crosses illegally, period. I don't get rewarded for being a criminal, others shouldn't either.
I'm not in favor of either. I'm in favor of if it is legal to cross with impunity, open the border. If it is not, close it and stop the flow of illegals. I do not like or appreciate the hypocrisy of a closed border and then no punishment for those that make it across. I do not get to fucking invade a foreign country with impunity, I don't want others to get away with it. I do not get to go to a foreign country and receive benefits for free purely by physical occupation as the sole criteria, I don't want others to be able to either.

I don't like the example of citizens being lazy pieces of shit who won't pick fruit therefore we must tolerate an open border. That is a 100% bullshit rationalization. If we were not a nation of pussies, we would tie entitlements for those capable of working into a substantial workforce that will more than make up any deficiency that a tightly closed border would cause. You can overcome bullshit work performance levels to them being able to be fired and lose their spot on the dole if they don't work at a minimum level.

There should be no path to citizenship by anyone who crosses illegally, period. I don't get rewarded for being a criminal, others shouldn't either.

As much as you'd like to argue with me, we agree. :flipoff2: And for the record, I never said I wanted an open border, I said I wanted a better method for those that want to emigrate and become productive American citizen.

But you're still not going to get white folk to pick the fruit.
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PoundSign conspeeerisy because my favorite politician said so without any proof and it feels good to believe.
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