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Mostly broke rocker crawler

Big event yesterday when I drove the truck.
No leaks,noises or problems other than the front steering stops are too short.
Ready to get this thing trail worthy.
So far I think there's only the skid,sliders,cage and lights left. I think the tires ended up being too small for the chassis size so I might try to muster a set of 42's.
Paying for everything out of pocket I started getting annoyed and removed all brand names off the truck,some with a grinder.
Nobody helped build this thing so fuck em.


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badass!!!!!!!!! How was it? Should be pretty light......speaking of any idea what it weighs? :lmao:
Working down my list of issues the truck has a ticking coming from the converter when cold. Not sure if it's damaged or bottomed out. Probably would be ok but ordered a rebuilt converter and flywheel.
The rearsteer valve also trips when the orbital bottoms out on the front stops. It's one of those log jammer valves with the auto return removed. I know there's some kind of pressure adjustment in it?
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