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More of this needs to happen.

I'd be interested to see who denied his campaign access to vital information and how they were able to do so. I'd also like to know if they didn't have that particular information, why they still thought they had a chance when filing? Why not petition for what they need? Where is this "vital information" now? Why hasn't anyone, included Trump, pushed to have it shared? Also why didn't the justice department have his back? If there was something that couldn't be ignored, it seems that they would have been compelled to act. Shoot, Barr was appointed by Trump. He should have been HIS guy.

States laws are states laws, I'm not big on the federal government telling them what they can and can't do with their own laws because that sets a scary president down the road.

I'm surprised more of the "states rights" people here are strangely quiet on that issue. By and large the individual states can set up their own voting system, as long as it doesn't stop qualified people from voting.
I'll bet you would be pissed off if her approach was to instead for a law enforcement task force to act as a personal bodyguard and also track down and arrest those threatening her.

Escalation(starting with death threats), is a shitty way to run our country.

you might want to mention that to virtually every government official from County up to POTUS....
Yes, lets threaten our elected officials with violence. That'll solve our problems. :rolleyes:

The problem right now is too many think and act like rulers and actually believe they are untouchable...that needs to change. Fear of being "touched" is a hell of a deterrent of fucking people over intentionally.
States laws are states laws, I'm not big on the federal government telling them what they can and can't do with their own laws because that sets a scary president down the road.

And here is the part where you're screwing up.
You are correct in the literal sense, but when conducting a FEDERAL election, all states should have to follow the laws of the federal government considering its a federal issue. That didn't happen, and a few states(swing states :rolleyes:) didn't follow federal law, i.e. the constitution regarding the vote.
Judges are throwing this out because they don't want to be the catalyst that lights the fire. They are more afraid of what the crazy left will do than what the crazy right will do. The last year of protests should easily prove that to you.
And here is the part where you're screwing up.
You are correct in the literal sense, but when conducting a FEDERAL election, all states should have to follow the laws of the federal government considering its a federal issue. That didn't happen, and a few states(swing states :rolleyes:) didn't follow federal law, i.e. the constitution regarding the vote.
Judges are throwing this out because they don't want to be the catalyst that lights the fire. They are more afraid of what the crazy left will do than what the crazy right will do. The last year of protests should easily prove that to you.

yeah, that's your opinion, not fact, and I don't think you're a judge, or lawyer for that matter. Meanwhile the highest court in the nation has dismissed it and provided their reasoning why. I didn't see them mention any threat of rioting as a reason.

Don't get me wrong, if the election was rigged, I'd like to see that brought to justice. What baffles me is Trump and his team's inability to bring anything worth a shit to light. At some point in all the fails, people are going to start to decide it's either because they are too incompetent(how with all that money and influence?) or that there's nothing there. I mean, if the POTUS, with his own appointees in the supreme court and the justice department can't find the evidence, then who could?
I'd be interested to see who denied his campaign access to vital information and how they were able to do so. I'd also like to know if they didn't have that particular information, why they still thought they had a chance when filing? Why not petition for what they need? Where is this "vital information" now? Why hasn't anyone, included Trump, pushed to have it shared? Also why didn't the justice department have his back? If there was something that couldn't be ignored, it seems that they would have been compelled to act. Shoot, Barr was appointed by Trump. He should have been HIS guy.

States laws are states laws, I'm not big on the federal government telling them what they can and can't do with their own laws because that sets a scary precedent down the road.

Sorry, I took you for someone who is actually informed. My mistake and waste of energy, I will make a mental note for future reference.
You still maintain there is a true political difference between the average senate democrat and Republican? Honestly beside the Russia hoax, Covid is the only real thing and half of the Repugs are “Standing Strong against mask laws” to get re-elected not because they give a fuck about mask or no masks. If they thought lockdowns would guarantee them re-election they would do it in a heartbeat. Just the same if a Democrat thought cutting corporate taxes and standing up for christianity would guarantee them the win. Nope they are all whores on both sides only seeking power, money and or protection from their own actions and will stop at nothing to attain it.

Have we already forgotten about when Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi protected disgraced speaker John Boehner. They are all on the same team. There is no right wing and left wing in congress anymore. Sure there are a few on each side but the controlling majority on “both sides” do not represent the will of the people of America. They haven’t for a very long time.

Isn’t that what representatives are supposed to do for their constituents....gauge what their voters want and support that policy?

If they govern in an area that vastly supports masks then they support masks.

If they govern in an area that wants lockdowns then they support lock downs.

They may do this against their own personal beliefs and to get re elected (of course) but that is the very definition of representing the will of the people.
Isn’t that what representatives are supposed to do for their constituents....gauge what their voters want and support that policy?

If they govern in an area that vastly supports masks then they support masks.

If they govern in an area that wants lockdowns then they support lock downs.

They may do this against their own personal beliefs and to get re elected (of course) but that is the very definition of representing the will of the people.

yep. And if they get it wrong, they get voted out, not threatened with death until they leave.
Yes, and that's a bad precedent to set.

I don't think it's a precedent that wasn't already set. I also believe people who go into politics are jaded about what their role in our lives are. These people need to be reminded that they are not above us. Probably more in other instances than over a mask, but hey, I'm not that invested either way. The fact that our rights are being trampled every day should be proof that our public servants need some harsh memory jogging from time to time. Just think of why this country was founded in the first place. Then think about what the principles of that foundation are. I can tell you that it has nothing to do with protecting individuals and everything to do with protection of individual rights.
yep. And if they get it wrong, they get voted out, not threatened with death until they leave.

how many people who have "gotten it wrong" are actually voted out - at the state and fed level. Serious question.
I don't think it's a precedent that wasn't already set. I also believe people who go into politics are jaded about what their role in our lives are. These people need to be reminded that they are not above us. Probably more in other instances than over a mask, but hey, I'm not that invested either way. The fact that our rights are being trampled every day should be proof that our public servants need some harsh memory jogging from time to time. Just think of why this country was founded in the first place. Then think about what the principles of that foundation are. I can tell you that it has nothing to do with protecting individuals and everything to do with protection of individual rights.

there's a reason it's called "serving" the people....
how many people who have "gotten it wrong" are actually voted out - at the state and fed level. Serious question.

Unsure, but who's to blame on that? If the majority keep voting for them, they stay in. Unless you're suggesting that we've always had a rigged system, at which point, fuck it, I'm going to go drink beer in the woods somewhere because there's nothing I can do.
yeah, don't care. Everyone thinks I'm "uninformed" anyway because I don't regurgitate the same thing that everyone else does here.

uh.... that's not why people think you're uninformed, dude...
Unsure, but who's to blame on that? If the majority keep voting for them, they stay in. Unless you're suggesting that we've always had a rigged system, at which point, fuck it, I'm going to go drink beer in the woods somewhere because there's nothing I can do.

you don't even see the irony, do you?
The problem is this bullshit mentality right here, as quoted from the mayor “We just felt like we had to do something" sometimes doing nothing is actually doing something.

What if your doctor had this mentality, imagine that for a second.
You obviously have a medical problem but we didn't know what it was,so we gave you a lobotomy, cos, well we had to do something.

Give us the honest true science and any other available info whether GOOD or BAD and allow people to make their own decisions based on that.

A good example, I'm medically disabled and since this bullshit started I've rarely left the house, and when I did I wasn't interacting with people if at all possible.
Well 6 weeks ago I ended up positive for the virus, my wife brought that shit home from her work as a paralegal.
I was initially freaked out because of my other medical issues, I just knew I was gonna end up in the icu or dead. So I made my peace with it, loaded up with vitamins C, D, and Zinc and hoped for the best. But instead of the ICU, my experience with it was more like having the flu and bronchitis, at the same time for 2 weeks and then 2 more weeks before my sense of smell and taste came back fully, yeah it sucked, but I've been that sick before, so fuck it.
Funny thing is of the 5 people living in our house her and I are the only 2 that ended up with it, and we all interacted with each other mostly normally although neither of us cooked nor did we didn't set down to eat dinner together while either of us was sick.

Now I'm like fuck it and honestly pretty pissed, I mean what the fuck have we really been hiding from.
So was out with my wife doing some Christmas shopping this past weekend in the nearby college town of about 70,000, and I sure as shit went without a fuckin mask, and there wasn't a single person said fuck all about.
So threatening elected officials is all of a sudden bad and our resident liberals are all up in arm’s, telling us how wrong it is?
Hmm, I wonder what changed?

Pretty easy to see who the hypocrites pieces of shit are in this world.
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