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More of this needs to happen.

I work in a government building that deals with a lot of crazies, druggies, and criminals on the regular. I'm very aware of death threads, bomb threats, mass shooting threats, etc. We get them all the time. Some are taken more seriously than others depending on the person.

When I read through the article it sounded like the local population upped their threat game from the usual crazies and extremists and it was considered a credible enough issue that she decided to step down. That's bullshit. They voted her in, go ahead and vote her out. Don't resort to threatening violence.

I don't think she should have armed guards that hunt down people threatening her, because I also don't think normal, sane people who voted her in should be threatening her, they should just write her a letter letting her know if she continues down that path then she won't be getting votes next time.

And if those people were in the minority and had no way to vote her out, then they need to accept the will of the general population and deal with it rather than trying to change things for the few despite the many through violent threats. Exactly the same way I accepted Trump as my president when he was elected, and exactly the same way I was unhappy with his policies so I complained and then didn't vote for him in the last election. If that's disconnected from reality, then we're closer to mob rule than I thought.

You do realize we have an amendment in place that guarantees we have the right and ability to use arms against our government should it become tyrannical, correct? As a government man you should understand the documents that all of our lesser governments were originally founded in accordance with. The 2nd exists for no other reason.
I thought Biden was president because they left cheated? :confused:

They did. The evidence is indisputable at this point. The left proved through the BLM violence and other means that if the election is overturned that they will go on the attack. Judges and officials are hedging, not because the election was legit, but because they know the left would incite all out war and the right would decimate the left... all while the US being totally lost to history as a part of it. Nobody wants to be the one to make the decision and kick things off.
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Yes, lets threaten our elected officials with violence. That'll solve our problems. :rolleyes:

Seems to work for the Dems, so why not? Hopefully the Repubs learn to use and implement the same dirty tactics and tricks as the Dem do, especially when it comes to warehousing votes that magically appears.
You do realize we have an amendment in place that guarantees we have the right and ability to use arms against our government should it become tyrannical, correct? As a government man you should understand the documents that all of our lesser governments were originally founded in accordance with. The 2nd exists for no other reason.

Are you the type of guy who goes straight to threatening to fight someone as your method of conflict resolution if they do something you don't like? Because that's what you're proposing- lets threaten the tyrannical mayor who said she supports wearing a mask. :rolleyes:
Seems to work for the Dems, so why not? Hopefully the Repubs learn to use and implement the same dirty tactics and tricks as the Dem do, especially when it comes to warehousing votes that magically appears.

So because the democrats are doing something wrong, it's ok for everyone else to do that too? Or maybe it should not be ok for ANYONE to do it?
Are you the type of guy who goes straight to threatening to fight someone as your method of conflict resolution if they do something you don't like? Because that's what you're proposing- lets threaten the tyrannical mayor who said she supports wearing a mask. :rolleyes:

Yes, when I feel someone is trying to steal MY VOTE and no courts will even look at the evidence or the over 1000 witnesses then violence may be the only recourse.

Then she should she wear a real virus immune mask and leave others alone. MY FREEDOM DOESN'T STOP WHEN YOUR FEAR BEGINS
So because the democrats are doing something wrong, it's ok for everyone else to do that too? Or maybe it should not be ok for ANYONE to do it?

For a short while, perhaps so. A mob setting fire and looting a store, only to be gunned down and tossed in the street like a Coke bottle would probably net a few results for the next mob to approach.
Yes, when I feel someone is trying to steal MY VOTE and no courts will even look at the evidence or the over 1000 witnesses then violence may be the only recourse.

Then she should she wear a real virus immune mask and leave others alone. MY FREEDOM DOESN'T STOP WHEN YOUR FEAR BEGINS

You're barking up the wrong tree first off. I don't give a fuck if you wear a mask or not.

Secondly, I'm sorry your mad that there's some shady shit going on with the presidential election, but I don't' think that makes it ok to threaten the mayor of Dodge City, KS(pop 27,000) with death because she said she supports wearing a mask and there hasn't been any evidence of vote stealing for the mayoral position of Dodge City KS.
Yes, lets threaten our elected officials with violence. That'll solve our problems. :rolleyes:

Every single President, Governor, Federal Congressperson, and Mayors of most major cities receive death threats on a regular basis.

This is well-known and understood. People spend entire careers sorting through all the death threats.

This woman became Mayor because it was easy because she is a liberal woman. A path was made for her full of pansies and primrose.

Now that the expected happened she bows out.

Good riddance. These are our 'leaders' that Lefties elect.
You're barking up the wrong tree first off. I don't give a fuck if you wear a mask or not.

Secondly, I'm sorry your mad that there's some shady shit going on with the presidential election, but I don't' think that makes it ok to threaten the mayor of Dodge City, KS(pop 27,000) with death because she said she supports wearing a mask and there hasn't been any evidence of vote stealing for the mayoral position of Dodge City KS.

After all the threats and actually violence against the right, especially white straight males, I could care less if she feels threatened. Just one and there have been many, remember Waters statements about tracking the right down wherever that may be, home, school, work etc.

EDIT; Reap what you sow comes to mind...
After all the threats and actually violence against the right, especially white straight males, I could care less if she feels threatened. Just one and there have been many, remember Waters statements about tracking the right down wherever that may be, home, school, work etc.

EDIT; Reap what you sow comes to mind...

Or threatening or committing violence against other americans wrong and we should put this tit for tat bullshit away before we fuck up the whole country?
Says the guy that believes the corpse won a legitimate election free of fraud and media/tech influence.

With that alone, you have betrayed yourself as an utter moron.

Says the moron you misrepresents what I posted. I'm used to mouth breathers like you lying about what I post. My stance is there's been no credible evidence that will stand up in court that the election was a fraud. That's a huge difference from what you claimed I said, but I'm not surprised you can't see the difference.
Seems to work for the Dems, so why not? Hopefully the Repubs learn to use and implement the same dirty tactics and tricks as the Dem do, especially when it comes to warehousing votes that magically appears.

There needs to be 700 million votes for the next presidential election. Unowutimene:confused:
So because the democrats are doing something wrong, it's ok for everyone else to do that too? Or maybe it should not be ok for ANYONE to do it?

You didn't watch cartoons as a kid? Every super hero ever said "let's fight fire with fire". Do you know what that means? Do you realize they conditioned this behavior into us from childhood? Think about it just for a moment, and you might see a little light.
You didn't watch cartoons as a kid? Every super hero ever said "let's fight fire with fire". Do you know what that means? Do you realize they conditioned this behavior into us from childhood? Think about it just for a moment, and you might see a little light.

I did, and I get it, I have felt that way as well. But thinking about how that would play out way down the road... it seems to me like we don't wanna do that.
I did, and I get it, I have felt that way as well. But thinking about how that would play out way down the road... it seems to me like we don't wanna do that.

I'm with you, but my friend, the time has come. Fence sitting is no longer tolerated, watching from the sidelines will be worse than getting involved. Fighting fire with fire isn't the answer, but hugs and riches aren't enough either. The answer isn't this, or in this thread, or on this board, but the path to those answers is all around us. Can you find it?
Says the moron you misrepresents what I posted. I'm used to mouth breathers like you lying about what I post. My stance is there's been no credible evidence that will stand up in court that the election was a fraud. That's a huge difference from what you claimed I said, but I'm not surprised you can't see the difference.

What court would that be, they haven't listened to them.
I'm with you, but my friend, the time has come. Fence sitting is no longer tolerated, watching from the sidelines will be worse than getting involved. Fighting fire with fire isn't the answer, but hugs and riches aren't enough either. The answer isn't this, or in this thread, or on this board, but the path to those answers is all around us. Can you find it?

Yeah, I'm still a fence sitter, but any of that unrest hasn't really come to my town other than an orderly march down main street that dissipated with no issues. Things would probably be different if my friends, family, or town was in danger, but I've got a wife and two kids, so I'm not going to go looking for trouble. I also believe that as soon as I commit violence against my fellow countryman, that it doesn't make me much better than them. I'd really have to be cornered to lash out.
What court would that be, they haven't listened to them.

The courts looked at the suits that were filed and most were thrown out for lack of evidence. They did "listen" and determined there wasn't any credible evidence, so it got tossed.
I translate almost all the people screaming about "there's plenty of evidence" as just being :crybaby2: because things didn't go the way they wanted.
What court would that be, they haven't listened to them.

I hear your argument and there are lots of things out there that don't add up in this last election. Enough that it looks like foul play to me. What I am confused about now, is Trump's campaign. The dude is the president of the united states, with a huge following of people, who is personally wealthy, and whose campaign does not lack funding in the least. If the evidence were so obvious and easy to obtain, wouldn't this man and his campaign with all of its resources be able to get his hands on that evidence, secure some of the best legal representation available, and file something that couldn't easily be dismissed in a court of law? Shit, 3 of the supreme court justices are his appointees.

With all that, how come they have yet to be able to get a case going?
I hear your argument and there are lots of things out there that don't add up in this last election. Enough that it looks like foul play to me. What I am confused about now, is Trump's campaign. The dude is the president of the united states, with a huge following of people, who is personally wealthy, and whose campaign does not lack funding in the least. If the evidence were so obvious and easy to obtain, wouldn't this man and his campaign with all of its resources be able to get his hands on that evidence, secure some of the best legal representation available, and file something that couldn't easily be dismissed in a court of law? Shit, 3 of the supreme court justices are his appointees.

With all that, how come they have yet to be able to get a case going?

According to the hearings today Trumps campaign was denied access to vital information in some cases and the courts just said that they didn't have standings, which is different from evidence, to follow through to the courts. Some courts actually told them that they should have filed their case before the election and now it was too late. How the hell does that work? In Pa. election laws were changed without going thru the proper constitutional procedure.The only ones that can change election laws is the legislature. It goes on and on and on.

I don't think most people want "civil war" we just want a clear understanding how all this can happen and be able to go through a legal process to determine if it is true or not.
I hear your argument and there are lots of things out there that don't add up in this last election. Enough that it looks like foul play to me. What I am confused about now, is Trump's campaign. The dude is the president of the united states, with a huge following of people, who is personally wealthy, and whose campaign does not lack funding in the least. If the evidence were so obvious and easy to obtain, wouldn't this man and his campaign with all of its resources be able to get his hands on that evidence, secure some of the best legal representation available, and file something that couldn't easily be dismissed in a court of law? Shit, 3 of the supreme court justices are his appointees.

With all that, how come they have yet to be able to get a case going?

There's also this...................................................... from what I've read there have been 30+ suits that have been tossed. I highly doubt there's a giant conspiracy between all those judges to toss the suits. That to me is beyond ridiculous.
According to the hearings today Trumps campaign was denied access to vital information in some cases and the courts just said that they didn't have standings, which is different from evidence, to follow through to the courts. Some courts actually told them that they should have filed their case before the election and now it was too late. How the hell does that work? In Pa. election laws were changed without going thru the proper constitutional procedure.The only ones that can change election laws is the legislature. It goes on and on and on.

I don't think most people want "civil war" we just want a clear understanding how all this can happen and be able to go through a legal process to determine if it is true or not.

I'd be interested to see who denied his campaign access to vital information and how they were able to do so. I'd also like to know if they didn't have that particular information, why they still thought they had a chance when filing? Why not petition for what they need? Where is this "vital information" now? Why hasn't anyone, included Trump, pushed to have it shared? Also why didn't the justice department have his back? If there was something that couldn't be ignored, it seems that they would have been compelled to act. Shoot, Barr was appointed by Trump. He should have been HIS guy.

States laws are states laws, I'm not big on the federal government telling them what they can and can't do with their own laws because that sets a scary precedent down the road.
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Vote their asses out. If you're unable to vote them out, it's probably because most of the people they represent like what they're doing and they do actually work for "us".

hahaha... that's funny.

Are you high (at the moment)? :flipoff2:
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