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More of this needs to happen.

All this will do is make society more like communism

If elected officials start stepping down the higher up will just put something different in place.
Free men without masks!
Oh boy. County is so fucked.

Arent there more people dying per day than 9/11?

How many died because someone wasn't wearing a bandana over their face? Go ahead and show me that figure. I'll wait.

And regardless of what the true figures are, it has nothing to do with 9/11 other than to make that comparison to drum up more fear and emotion.
So please enlighten me, what is wrong with putting these asshats in their places and reminding them they are supposed to work for us?

Nothing is wrong with going about that in a legal way. Vote their asses out. If you're unable to vote them out, it's probably because most of the people they represent like what they're doing and they do actually work for "us".
Yes, lets threaten our elected officials with violence. That'll solve our problems. :rolleyes:

It is why Biden is president. Fear of rioting and repercussion from the left. The elected officials and judges know the left via violence will force the right to respond if the elections is, rightfully, over turned. Nobody wants the right to respond to the lefts violence, it will be the end of the US.
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It is why Biden is president. Fear of rioting and repercussion from the left. The elected officials and judges know the left via violence will force the right to respond if the elections is, rightfully, over turned. Nobody wants the right to respond to the lefts violence, it will be the end of the US.

I thought Biden was president because they left cheated? :confused:
Didn't read link. I think we would have a much better govt if there was a constant threat of violence. Govt should fear the people. Disputes should be solved by dualing, and those convicted of treason hung. I think that will weed out a lot of politicians. Willing to die for your county and beliefs? If not stay out of politics.
Didn't read link. I think we would have a much better govt if there was a constant threat of violence. Govt should fear the people. Disputes should be solved by dualing, and those convicted of treason hung. I think that will weed out a lot of politicians. Willing to die for your county and beliefs? If not stay out of politics.

Wouldn't you just end up with those who were really good at putting down violence or those who were really good at dueling running the show? I think that might be how you get dictators.
Snowflake and moral character, :rolleyes:
Fuck I miss John Wayne's characters...
So being in PUBLIC office is supposed to be rainbows and unicorns every day??? You have to take the good with the bad when you're a public servant...

I'll bet you would be pissed off if her approach was to instead for a law enforcement task force to act as a personal bodyguard and also track down and arrest those threatening her.

Escalation(starting with death threats), is a shitty way to run our country.
You shouldn't be threatening anyone with violence, it goes both ways IMO. Saying that the .gov should fear the people. Instead of legislation being written with armed guards blocking the door to keep the citizens out, it should be written with armed citizens pointing weapons at the elected officials.
If they do actually rig elections, then they don't rig ALL the elections, otherwise there would be a democratic majority in the senate.

You still maintain there is a true political difference between the average senate democrat and Republican? Honestly beside the Russia hoax, Covid is the only real thing and half of the Repugs are “Standing Strong against mask laws” to get re-elected not because they give a fuck about mask or no masks. If they thought lockdowns would guarantee them re-election they would do it in a heartbeat. Just the same if a Democrat thought cutting corporate taxes and standing up for christianity would guarantee them the win. Nope they are all whores on both sides only seeking power, money and or protection from their own actions and will stop at nothing to attain it.

Have we already forgotten about when Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi protected disgraced speaker John Boehner. They are all on the same team. There is no right wing and left wing in congress anymore. Sure there are a few on each side but the controlling majority on “both sides” do not represent the will of the people of America. They haven’t for a very long time.
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You still maintain there is a true political difference between the average senate democrat and Republican? Honestly beside the Russia hoax, Covid is the only real thing and half of the Repugs are “Standing Strong against mask laws” to get re-elected not because they give a fuck about mask or no masks. If they thought lockdowns would guarantee them re-election they would do it in a heartbeat. Just the same if a Democrat thought cutting corporate taxes and standing up for christianity would guarantee them the win. Nope they are all whores on both sides only seeking power, money and or protection from their own actions and will stop at nothing to attain it.

Have we already forgotten about when Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi protected disgraced speaker John Boehner. They are all on the same team. There is no right wing and left wing in congress anymore. Sure there are a few on each side but he controlling majority on “both sides” do not represent the will of the people of America. They haven’t for a very long time.

I'll bet you would be pissed off if her approach was to instead for a law enforcement task force to act as a personal bodyguard and also track down and arrest those threatening her.

Escalation(starting with death threats), is a shitty way to run our country.

You missed my point. I am not for or against any action on either side. Public servants get death threats all the time, its part of the job since you not only work for the nice guys in the neighborhood, you also work for all the wack jobs as well.
Because of my time on our village board there is a man who has threatened me and my wife numerous times. Cops can't do shit except issue restraining orders unless the guy actually did something, but by then it's too late. I haven't and won't ask the police to give me armed guards, and this lady shouldn't expect it either. You shouldn't be willing to give that to her.

It's funny you think this is the start of death threats. Shows how disconnected you really can be at times.
You missed my point. I am not for or against any action on either side. Public servants get death threats all the time, its part of the job since you not only work for the nice guys in the neighborhood, you also work for all the wack jobs as well.
Because of my time on our village board there is a man who has threatened me and my wife numerous times. Cops can't do shit except issue restraining orders unless the guy actually did something, but by then it's too late. I haven't and won't ask the police to give me armed guards, and this lady shouldn't expect it either. You shouldn't be willing to give that to her.

It's funny you think this is the start of death threats. Shows how disconnected you really can be at times.

I work in a government building that deals with a lot of crazies, druggies, and criminals on the regular. I'm very aware of death threads, bomb threats, mass shooting threats, etc. We get them all the time. Some are taken more seriously than others depending on the person.

When I read through the article it sounded like the local population upped their threat game from the usual crazies and extremists and it was considered a credible enough issue that she decided to step down. That's bullshit. They voted her in, go ahead and vote her out. Don't resort to threatening violence.

I don't think she should have armed guards that hunt down people threatening her, because I also don't think normal, sane people who voted her in should be threatening her, they should just write her a letter letting her know if she continues down that path then she won't be getting votes next time.

And if those people were in the minority and had no way to vote her out, then they need to accept the will of the general population and deal with it rather than trying to change things for the few despite the many through violent threats. Exactly the same way I accepted Trump as my president when he was elected, and exactly the same way I was unhappy with his policies so I complained and then didn't vote for him in the last election. If that's disconnected from reality, then we're closer to mob rule than I thought.
Wouldn't you just end up with those who were really good at putting down violence or those who were really good at dueling running the show? I think that might be how you get dictators.

I see how it can be interpreted that way. Our forefathers were not dictators. Nobody with the kind of power politics holds should be immune to the harshest of consequences. Id like these people to have to fear death when they lie, cheat and steal.
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