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Migrants wounded falling from border wall being sent back to Mexico without help

We have the highest GDP in the world and we can't bother to do some first aid before deporting these fawkers? You're going to stand there and tell me that if you came upon one of these people so broke off that they couldn't even walk, you wouldn't bother to help them after calling the border patrol? I couldn't do that, and I wouldn't want to force our border patrol agents to do that.

A .22 ends the suffering and a piece of rope to hang them from the fence as a warning to the rest. ILLEGAL INVADERS STAY THE FUCK OUT!!!:mad3:
If shit hits the fan...you will be a target.

I'm not cracking on you. A beer to you for having sympathy and a heart.

If someone is hurt by accident or just doing something not ment to harm anyone or not illegal, I'd help them....otherwise, I'd give a what's up nod and walk on by.

I'm making the assumption that they're there to steal from me, rather than do me harm. I don't think I've ever given anyone reason to want to break into my house for the sole reason of hurting me or my family. If that is the case, that might change my opinion. I'm also including the possibility that they need medical attention as a result of my actions when they broke in.

I get that I would be a target if some sort of unrest breaks out. That's a discussion for another thread, but I'll leave it at that I'm probably not prepared like 90% of the population.
Blows my mind that I as an American citizen born here have to pay out the ass for medical treatment if I’m hurt, yet we need to give these dumb fucks free medical assistance because of their own stupid ass decisions. Get real. Not to mention the huge issue with our homeless veterans that nobody seems to care about.

Pre-flight instructions pretty much sums it up, “secure your own oxygen mask before assisting others”

I'm not implying we need to cure their cancer or perform open heart surgery, but I think a little bit of basic first aid is the civil thing to do. They break their legs? Put them in a splint. They get cut up? Stitch them up. If they're hurting, throw them some ibuprofen. Then load em up and send them back over the border.
They're humans. If we're such a great country, why can't we patch em up before we send them back again? Criminals who get hurt in the act still get medical care before they appear before a judge, do they not?
Because people need to take responsibility for their own actions.
Because people need to take responsibility for their own actions.

I mean, if your legs are broken, that's going to be a lesson you're going to have to deal with no matter if someone puts you in splint on the US side or a cast on the Mexico side.
So someone gets injured while performing a criminal act is not provided medical care for injuries they sustained? Cool. Can we send them back over the wall with a trebuchet? :smokin:

Fuck , I would settle on a circus cannon at this point.
I'm not implying we need to cure their cancer or perform open heart surgery, but I think a little bit of basic first aid is the civil thing to do. They break their legs? Put them in a splint. They get cut up? Stitch them up. If they're hurting, throw them some ibuprofen. Then load em up and send them back over the border.


When you see a sign in a park that says, “don’t feed the _____’s” That’s because the _____’s will come to rely on the people feeding them for their food source. Then said ______’s will not be able to fend for themselves.

“Julio has a broken leg essé!” “Toss him over de wall, dey fix it over there holmes”
I mean, if your legs are broken, that's going to be a lesson you're going to have to deal with no matter if someone puts you in splint on the US side or a cast on the Mexico side.
Exactly, so let them figure out that shit in a place where they are legally able to be.

They can take responsibility for their actions that hurt them. We do not need to take responsibility for their health when they were illresponsible and entered the country in a illegal way.
And put spikes at the bottom. End of problem.

And or put explosive devices in random high traffic areas by the wall no leg/legs won't climb the wall . Its like having a rodent get in your car overnight and fuck a bunch of stuff up. They must be stopped!
HJ is the same in my eyes as the human garbage commiting felonies. Fuck off out of my pockets/life and be responsible for your actions.
I'm making the assumption that they're there to steal from me, rather than do me harm. I don't think I've ever given anyone reason to want to break into my house for the sole reason of hurting me or my family. If that is the case, that might change my opinion. I'm also including the possibility that they need medical attention as a result of my actions when they broke in.

I get that I would be a target if some sort of unrest breaks out. That's a discussion for another thread, but I'll leave it at that I'm probably not prepared like 90% of the population.

By the time you find out their intentions....its too late. Your family's safety could be hanging in the balance.

Any intruder is deemed a threat and will treated as such.
Harry Johnson

necisitas ayuda? Necisitas medico?

I've rendered aid to dozens of illegals, often getting them an ambulance, at my taxpaying expense.

I am skeptical of the good pastor's intentions. In my opinion, she is likely an open borders activist, more so than spreading the good word.

From my experience with illegals needing medical attention, and federal law enforcement officers on scene, I do believe she is full of shit, and if they were in clear need of medical attention, the big bad evil la migra would have tended to them.

Your mentions of GDP do rub me wrong, if I'm barely making it, but I'm buying my necessities, that counts towards GDP, not huge wealth to throw around. I would personally render aid, I do personally engage in charitable contributions, but I do not believe the government should engage in theft (taxation) and charity (wealth redistribution).
They're humans. If we're such a great country, why can't we patch em up before we send them back again? Criminals who get hurt in the act still get medical care before they appear before a judge, do they not?

Because then they would be on US soil and we would have to go through the legal process to send them back after we wasted tax dollars patching them up.
We have the highest GDP in the world and we .
are broke and severely in debt, no, we cannot help the world out anymore. :mad3:

Our country needs to get healthy before we can resume helping others. Like was said, there is a reason planes say to put your own oxygen mask on first...extremely difficult to help others when you are dead.
When these liberal douchebags go and take a homeless vet in and house them, I’ll give a thought about giving a fuck about a criminal suffering the consequences of their actions.

Virtue signaling scumbags.

Stealing from me is doing me harm. I worked for my shit.

What planet does he live on? Steal from me, not do me harm. They are willing to hurt you in order to steal from you.
How many times has a criminal broken into a home with the goal of stealing, not hurting, but ends up hurting the person anyway?

A couple of guys robbed a safe of a woman years back. Had her and her daughter tied up. As they were leaving, said "no witnesses" and shot them both in the head. Their goal was to steal, not harm, right?
They're humans. If we're such a great country, why can't we patch em up before we send them back again? Criminals who get hurt in the act still get medical care before they appear before a judge, do they not?

We (the US) do, you stupid fuck. This is nothing but some activist trying to garner support from dumbass liberals like you. Two things wrong with the story. The only illegals Mexico takes back into mexico are mexicans and those illegals from other countries caught and being processed for asylum (which is a bunch of bullshit) and are sitting in mexico waiting for an asylum officer to hear their bullshit claims. The second is only through an agreement between the US and mexico. In either case when arrested everyone goes through medical screening and are sent to a Drs if the need warrants it.

For the record the asylum claims are bullshit because Mexico is considered a safe country and the US law regarding asylum requires any seeker applying for asylum at the US border to have requested it at the first safe country they came to. Mexico and Canada will grant asylum to anyone that requests it so there shouldnt be a fucking single asylum claim even given a hearing on either border.

For the record dumbass. BP spends tens of millions every year on illegals medical care. While they are in BP custody that money comes out of BPs budget. Thats money that could be spent on securing the border either throught equipment, manpower, or god forbid they pay BP agents actual time and half for the OT they work.
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Exactly, so let them figure out that shit in a place where they are legally able to be.

They can take responsibility for their actions that hurt them. We do not need to take responsibility for their health when they were illresponsible and entered the country in a illegal way.

Have you ever had to get out of somewhere remote with a broken bone before? The pain is pretty intense. It seems cruel not to do something.
What planet does he live on? Steal from me, not do me harm. They are willing to hurt you in order to steal from you.
How many times has a criminal broken into a home with the goal of stealing, not hurting, but ends up hurting the person anyway?

A couple of guys robbed a safe of a woman years back. Had her and her daughter tied up. As they were leaving, said "no witnesses" and shot them both in the head. Their goal was to steal, not harm, right?

...uh, how do you know they said "no witnesses" then? Or that it happened while they were leaving?
Have you ever had to get out of somewhere remote with a broken bone before? The pain is pretty intense. It seems cruel not to do something.

I agree, when a deer or cow gets injured they get put down on sight. Seems like a solid practice to end suffering.
When these liberal douchebags go and take a homeless vet in and house them, I’ll give a thought about giving a fuck about a criminal suffering the consequences of their actions.

Virtue signaling scumbags.

No one is saying they should house anyone. Maybe control the bleeding or put a splint on a broken bone. This particular liberal douchebag spent several years volunteering at Dorthey's Place, a homeless shelter in Salinas, Ca. You quickly find out that for many homeless people, the problem isn't finding a home to go to, it's fighting whatever mental illness that made them homeless in the first place.

Right now your tax dollars already pay for other criminals convicted of much more violent charges than hopping the border to get medical care. Why are you not outraged about that instead?
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