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Michigan ballot dumps

The only reason anyone should bother with this is to plan how they will cheat. At this point it's easier if both sides just start cheating, till it's so blatant that people start asking why 200% of their local population voted. Stop the arguing and just cheat better than the other team

100% + have voted in past elections and no one seems to give a single hoot about it. It's usually explained away as "107% compared to last voting cycle's records and we had a bunch of same day registrants to vote this year". People shrug and say "okay" if they were even paying attention at all. Meanwhile D's are busy passing motor voter laws, signing everyone, including minors, up to vote and preventing the registers from being purged of people who have died or moved out of state etc.
The GOP can't cheat, they aren't even involved in any of the big city counting/collecting. Even if they wanted to outcheat the Dems they simply can't.

Not with that attitude they won't. Got 4 years, well 3.5. Stop whining and start scheming.
Not sure if Rand will want the job but he'll have our votes.
Not sure if Rand will want the job but he'll have our votes.

Like it matters that we "vote".... It's a thin facade at this point. An illusion. I have voted in EVERY election since I was able. I voted for Ross Perot my first time. Voted in the primaries, the mid terms, and every four years... I am firmly convinced at this point, it no longer matters and my vote will not count. That's a sad commentary for a "supposed" Federal Republic.
Like it matters that we "vote".... It's a thin facade at this point. An illusion. I have voted in EVERY election since I was able. I voted for Ross Perot my first time. Voted in the primaries, the mid terms, and every four years... I am firmly convinced at this point, it no longer matters and my vote will not count. That's a sad commentary for a "supposed" Federal Republic.

I saw this coming a long time ago. As population centers get more populated they were always going to start to dictate politics to the rest of their respective states. All the electoral college did was delay it maybe 10-15 years. There are so many "voters" in the big cities that the sheer numbers can't overcome them any longer.
I wish states were able to withhold taxes to the feds.
That would at least be a way of shielding productive people from the wants of the worthless slugs.
Texas should start it.
Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, would move there to get under their umbrella.
I wish states were able to withhold taxes to the feds.
That would at least be a way of shielding productive people from the wants of the worthless slugs.
Texas should start it.
Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, would move there to get under their umbrella.

At some point the states are going to need to stand up to the feds. What are they going to do about it?
I wish states were able to withhold taxes to the feds.

States should protect people from unconstitutional federal laws and regulations. Per the 10th Amendment, 95% of what the feds do is unconstitutional.
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More likely the claims about the video are disinformation. I have no idea what is actually going on in that video but I do know that the source is notoriously unreliable.
More likely the claims about the video are disinformation. I have no idea what is actually going on in that video but I do know that the source is notoriously unreliable.

The video is confirmed TCF Center camera footage with date and time stamps. Draw your own conclusions from that if you don't trust TGP. But the footage is real. And the vote dump timeline matches perfectly.
The video is confirmed TCF Center camera footage with date and time stamps. Draw your own conclusions from that if you don't trust TGP. But the footage is real. And the vote dump timeline matches perfectly.

I question the assertion that the video shows anything wrong.
I question the assertion that the video shows anything wrong.

Should ballots have been delivered to the counting location AFTER the cutoff time for ballots to be delivered? What explanation have local have local officials given for what's seen in the videos? Do you actually give a shit?
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Should ballots have been delivered to the counting location AFTER the cutoff time for ballots to be delivered? What explanation have local have local officials given for what's seen in the videos? Do you actually give a shit?

I give a shit, it's just we have seen this play out over and over in the last few months. Fool me once... This has been investigated. The officials say ballots were legit, the votes came in before 8 pm and were then verified before being delivered to be counted. The cutoff is for voting, not verifying, delivering, and counting.
I saw this coming a long time ago. As population centers get more populated they were always going to start to dictate politics to the rest of their respective states. All the electoral college did was delay it maybe 10-15 years. There are so many "voters" in the big cities that the sheer numbers can't overcome them any longer.

You mean like Jefferson said would happen between the agrarian south and the industrialized north? :eek::flipoff2:
I give a shit, it's just we have seen this play out over and over in the last few months. Fool me once... This has been investigated. The officials say ballots were legit, the votes came in before 8 pm and were then verified before being delivered to be counted. The cutoff is for voting, not verifying, delivering, and counting.

I don’t trust the officials as far as I can throw them
I give a shit, it's just we have seen this play out over and over in the last few months. Fool me once... This has been investigated. The officials say ballots were legit, the votes came in before 8 pm and were then verified before being delivered to be counted. The cutoff is for voting, not verifying, delivering, and counting.

Then there is the question of were they properly counted? Was every ballot and its envelope viewed by 1R and 1D poll observer as required by law? Were the ballots scrubbed against voter rolls? Were double votes accounted for and guarded against? How about the myriad of statistical anomalies? It's also funny how several states "paused" vote counting only to roll in juuuuust enough ballots to counter the way the vote was going. Curiously every single anomaly went in favor of one party. The very same party who controlled the districts where votes were counted. There was video proof of people handling unaddressed ballots and operating what appeared to be ballot stuffing initiatives.

Unless and until I see a thorough investigation of each and every accusation I will not be convinced that everything was on the up and up.
I give a shit, it's just we have seen this play out over and over in the last few months. Fool me once... This has been investigated. The officials say ballots were legit, the votes came in before 8 pm and were then verified before being delivered to be counted. The cutoff is for voting, not verifying, delivering, and counting.

My question is why then did the story change from
food trucks to trucks with ballots. Yes we have seen the story play out again and again. And Not One Shred of evidence was ALLOWED to be heard in court. This was 100% about orange man bad. They have a sitting POTUS and control of 2 out of the 3 banches and a seemingly agreeable judicial branch. The truth can slip out a bit now. They dont care.

Whenever there is this much misinformation and all entertainment companies, pmsnbc Faux news and the Clinton news network, and the same members of congress who were openly against the Russia witch hunt for the last 4 years are suddenly all agree nothing wrong happened then you owe it to your country as a citizen to look past the lie.

Will it make any difference? Probably not. But acceptance of the lie allows the lie to become truth and the criminals win a bit more.
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I agree all allegations should be thoroughly investigated. It is critically important to restore trust. Challengingly, if the officials doing the investigations aren't universally trusted and they are unable to uncover fraud, the deteriorating faith in our government continues.

No matter what happens with the investigations, tremendous efforts need to be made to increase the security of the voting processes for future elections. Clearly it is a huge problem that there are millions of Americans that feel the election was stolen and obviously free and fair elections are foundational to the future of the USA.
I agree all allegations should be thoroughly investigated. It is critically important to restore trust. Challengingly, if the officials doing the investigations aren't universally trusted and they are unable to uncover fraud, the deteriorating faith in our government continues.

No matter what happens with the investigations, tremendous efforts need to be made to increase the security of the voting processes for future elections. Clearly it is a huge problem that there are millions of Americans that feel the election was stolen and obviously free and fair elections are foundational to the future of the USA.

This is what has to happen, no if, and's or buts , I as a American like millions of others do not know one way or the other whether we had a legit election...to much information that appears to be factual and so much disinformation to weed through..
As stated above there is a big, very important distinction between the time of acceptance of ballots at the voting center, votes being cast real time; and votes collected and delivered by that same voting time cut off. This is far too simple of a explanation to be believed, except here in this ravid crowd. I am saying I think these are late arriving ballots to be counted, not late cast ballots. Capiche ? The one similar incident I was able to check was the notorious Fulton County (Atlanta) Georgia late "vote dump" that gave Biden the win there. The basis of that fraud claim was that the ratio of Biden to Trump votes was statistically invalid. The late TABULATED ( not vote time) votes were what 90/10 Biden/Trump ? Is that realistic ? Is that valid ? On the surface it seems not. I checked, this was weeks ago, and Fulton County is registered voters about 90/10 and 85/15 Democrat to Republican in the elections including and since 2016. I had to check this myself. I had looked at San Francisco (not for gayness or dates) as it has to be the most liberal place on earth. It was only 85/15 Biden and Fulton County exceeded that in voter party affiliation registration. What we saw were the late ballots being produced or being opened for counting. They cant instantly count thousands of votes.

Further more, the subsequent Georgia senate elections followed almost a virtual vote distribution as the Presidential election. This supports the November election being credible, or at least provides an explanation to the late "vote dump" .

I would encourage anyone to contribute to this discussion in a relevant factual manner. - giz :flipoff2:

I do believe that the valid damming accusation about the 2020 election being fraud is overlooked here, repeatedly. Too much vitriol and reverse Trump Derangement Syndrome. The accusation made by my Orange Lord is valid. There were simply too many ballots mailed out that did not require any signature verification. Thus, the counting of the invalid ballots is beyond exposure. The corruption occurs because those ballots are allowed. Because they exist in the first place.

The entire shitshow is and always will be the worst voting debacle in our history. If anyone cares enough to have reasoned discourse, please provide, link, the number of Non-standard ballots. Trump gave this number several times but as far as specifics, with detail and documentation, he failed. Specifically, the States that mailed out unsolicited ballots, and accepted them without signature verification. If any of you bothered to listen to the infamous Trump phone call to Georgia, or read the text of that call, the call that was the rationale 1 of 2 for the impeachment. Trump asked, requested specifically that the State of Georgia provide the Trump team the signature verification for Fulton and one other county. This request was denied, because " we don't have to".

RIP America :mad3:
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