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Michigan ballot dumps

Fait accompli. They all dragged their feet long enough to get the fucking potato sworn in, as was the plan. You have to hand it to the D's, they will hold the line, no matter how repugnant.

dedicated, they are...
It was never going to go anywhere, if all you can do is prove individuals did wrong.
If someone breaks into your home and you have video evidence and eye witnesses so you call the police but they never show up and no report is filled out....did a break in actually occur?

That's their philosophy on the issue.
was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

letting it go will only strengthen the Dem’s resolve and the same shit will happen in every future election.

new and old evidence needs to be continue to be shown. Eventually someone will notice the fuckery and there will be retribution.

I want the truth, whatever it may be, to see the light of day. Period.
forget it he's on a roll

Man i really wish this would go somewhere. I feel that it's to late for this shit show to be canceled but it would be nice to see election laws toughened so this never happens agaiin..... huh what? Oh i fell asleep. I must have been dreaming
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forget it he's on a roll

Man i really wish this would go somewhere. I feel that it's to late for this shit show to be canceled but it would be nice to see election laws toughened so this never happens agaiin..... huh what? Oh i fell asleep. I must have been dreaming

I’m having the same dream
about animal house or that something might happen with this actual evidence? :lmao:
For being the most popular president ever elected you would think slow joe would investigate the hell out of each and every claim just to pound it in the face of the trumpster. Nothing says fuck you I won like doing a full and transparent investigation to squash all claims.
For being the most popular president ever elected you would think slow joe would investigate the hell out of each and every claim just to pound it in the face of the trumpster. Nothing says fuck you I won like doing a full and transparent investigation to squash all claims.

Yeah, but we know they cheated like MF'ers and will never let it see the light of day if they can help it. Come on man, there's POWER on the line!
The only reason anyone should bother with this is to plan how they will cheat. At this point it's easier if both sides just start cheating, till it's so blatant that people start asking why 200% of their local population voted. Stop the arguing and just cheat better than the other team
Even the Olympics have a way to check up on the cheaters. Why doesn't the electoral board.
The only reason anyone should bother with this is to plan how they will cheat. At this point it's easier if both sides just start cheating, till it's so blatant that people start asking why 200% of their local population voted. Stop the arguing and just cheat better than the other team

The GOP can't cheat, they aren't even involved in any of the big city counting/collecting. Even if they wanted to outcheat the Dems they simply can't.
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