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Let's say Covid conspiracies are in fact true

I am fully aware of the problems with ‘rona due to recent family issues as well as friends and acquaintances. This delta seems to be making more people (mostly men) between 25-45 who are relatively healthy really sick than corona classic. That’s not to say any of them were/are dying of it. I’d say at this point, almost 2 years in, that ‘rona by itself (no co-morbidities) is as bad as the worst respiratory flu I’ve seen in my life. With co-morbidity, about 2-3 times as bad.

So, the question remains: why the 100x more severe response? Well, I’ve tried to answer that for myself and others in many other posts. My conclusion: this is not about money as some have suggested. There’s not enough money changing hands into one groups pockets in volume or duration to explain what’s going on. It’s power consolidation, and the only reason why it’s going so badly for the people who want to consolidate it in most of the western world is that there are many competing entities trying to grab the reins at once, they are way dumber about it than they think they are, and the federalist system of government leaving real power in the hands of entities outside the central government’s.
I’m actually a little surprised and hearted that as beaten down, conformist sheep go, the general public have a little spirit left in them in MANY places around the world.

TL;DR-it’s all about power consolidation, thankfully they are more Dr. Evil than Lex Luthor
There is practically nobody that says that Rona is bullshit. Maybe some flat earthers somewhere or Alex Jones types.

What IS bullshit is the response, the .gov, the hysteria, and people like you honestly.

The "vaccine" is not a vaccine otherwise the definition of vaccine would not have had to be changed. People would not get the virus in masses that have been vaccinated. "Break through cases" would not be routine rather than an aberration. Measles, polio, etc. are not seeing routine cases develop daily. Are there true "break through cases"? Yes, on a statistically nonexistent scale.

Regardless of all that talk of whether it works or not for the person taking it, there is zero doubt that it does NOT stop the spread of the virus and that taking it only serves to POSSIBLY make the effects on the injected less severe. …
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