That why I like to live where it's hot. You don't slip on sunshine.
As far as falling down, I've fallen 8 times since Saturday. No video.
I have a fucked up lower back and it flared up Thursday. Friday, I had bad hip pain. Saturday morning, I had a numb left leg from the knee down.
Saturday, I got up from my office chair and down goes Fraizer. My left knee gave out. Cool. Now I know the deal.
Sunday, going up the stairs and my left knee gave out. I have got to be more careful.
Sunday a wasp flew up at me and I spun to hit him, and the left knee went out. Fell against the metal dog cage. Painful.
Yesterday I ventured out to get a doctor's referral for an MRI because my last MRI is from July 2022. I got out of the truck at Lowes and went to the ground. No more getting out of the truck left leg first. Down I went.
I was in Lowes and had two 10' sticks of iron pipe on top of my buggy. I went around a guy and the pipe slipped. I spun around the buggy to grab them and my left knee gave out.
Fell three more times blowing the leaves in the yard.
Going to see a neurologist tomorrow.