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Its official, record heat

For the last month give or take it's been fawked up hot here. Above 90* several days and hovering in the mid to high 80's during the day.... I know, whoop de doo. For an area that seldom see's temps out of the 70's most the summer, it's hot. Most places have never had A/C here... EVER. There wasn't a need. This year may change that. The monsoons have been pretty much non-existent also. Typically we see 3-4" of rain in July and August. I think we had maybe a couple inches combined for both months... ugh. Looking like it's gonna be an Indian Summer too...

Yeah, usually I'd have had the kids up pinetop Payson or flag 2x by now, but if it's gonna be hot in the mountains we'll just swim and watch tv here
For the last month give or take it's been fawked up hot here. Above 90* several days and hovering in the mid to high 80's during the day.... I know, whoop de doo. For an area that seldom see's temps out of the 70's most the summer, it's hot. Most places have never had A/C here... EVER. There wasn't a need. This year may change that. The monsoons have been pretty much non-existent also. Typically we see 3-4" of rain in July and August. I think we had maybe a couple inches combined for both months... ugh. Looking like it's gonna be an Indian Summer too...

We were there last Tuesday and Wednesday, thought getting out of NM would be cooler but it wasn't
was already 101 in my carport at 10:30, time to go sit in the pool all day
Phoenix has been blowing up the records this year. We are at something like 53 straight days over 110. And had 9 straight days over 115. Multiple record high lows. Fuck this summer.

Yeah, official hottest summer on record, and I think we're still going to see some 100 + in Fall.
Our weather needs some Bi-Polar meds.

(Not my photo - borrowed)
Our weather needs some Bi-Polar meds.

(Not my photo - borrowed)

Did the same thing last year when I did a job in Denver. Was 90* when I got there, a day later it was snowing. The funniest thing was all the leaves on the trees dropping at once. Piles everywhere.
A little snow on the hilltops in NW MT this morning, in the 40’s in the valleys so it’s still short pant weather :laughing:
Been a great summer, I've got a gell of a tan right now :mr-t: had a decent amount of rain so everything is still green.

2020 was 10/10 weather.
been hot af all day now, went from 102 down to 93 and now back up to 103(peak of 109) with 1% humidity
Strange... We were at 107 today; tomorrow 88 and Wednesday a bone chilling 72! The fucking smoke from Kalifornia is choking us out.
You would normally see some nice pink sand dunes and blue sky. That "bright" object is the sun.
Yeah, official hottest summer on record, and I think we're still going to see some 100 + in Fall.

Thats fawked up... I don't mind the valley in late October through Late May, typically. It's kind of a nice escape when it's 30* up here during the day. If it's gonna be well into the 90's/ 100's for fall though, that is a first for me. Dang.

(CNN)Los Angeles County recorded its highest-ever temperature Sunday as the weekend heat fanned wildfires across California and put additional strain on the state's power network.

The record temperature was at Woodland Hills, according to Dave Bruno, senior meteorologist for the National Weather Service.
"We reached 121 degrees (F) in Woodland Hills, California. That is the highest-ever temperature at a station, beating 119 degrees on July 22, 2006," Bruno told CNN Sunday.

Yup, it was hot as fuck. 96 degrees and it wasnt even 8am.

Honestly, kind of scary.

thought yall were in a fucking desert

we hit that here in the plains
95f for the last two days, snow forecast for tonight along with a freeze warning. High of 50f tomorrow.

Been here 40 years. 1st snow early October isn't unheard of. 2nd week of sept is insane. I cant wait!
I just drove home from work which was called due to weather. My old school truck mirrors are so iced up I couldn't even scrape them, and to lock up my work shack I had to dip my key in hot water to get it to even go in the lock. There going to be some broken branches laying around for sure here.
95f for the last two days, snow forecast for tonight along with a freeze warning. High of 50f tomorrow.

Been here 40 years. 1st snow early October isn't unheard of. 2nd week of sept is insane. I cant wait!

I can wait. :flipoff2: Then again Edgewood always seems to get snow before we do, glad I don't have to drive to Alb. everyday anymore!

How many repoterets will be out on Sedillo hill tonight?
It was 49* when I stepped out to cover the plants just before 19:00 now it is 41* and we had a brief rain hailstorm blow through. Lots of lightening off to the south of us
95f for the last two days, snow forecast for tonight along with a freeze warning. High of 50f tomorrow.

Been here 40 years. 1st snow early October isn't unheard of. 2nd week of sept is insane. I cant wait!

Ain't that some Crazy shit ?

I was reading last night on this and thought I had too many beers 'not possible :laughing:' Today I read where the Snow was falling in South Dakota WTF ?

The Bike Rally at Sturgis is barely over. Unheard of.
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