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Its official, record heat


May 26, 2020
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(CNN)Los Angeles County recorded its highest-ever temperature Sunday as the weekend heat fanned wildfires across California and put additional strain on the state's power network.

The record temperature was at Woodland Hills, according to Dave Bruno, senior meteorologist for the National Weather Service.
"We reached 121 degrees (F) in Woodland Hills, California. That is the highest-ever temperature at a station, beating 119 degrees on July 22, 2006," Bruno told CNN Sunday.

Yup, it was hot as fuck. 96 degrees and it wasnt even 8am.

Honestly, kind of scary.
It cooled down to a balmy 89 in San Diego because thick heavy smoke filtered the big orange ball.

I hear it was 77° in Ramona today, right Gary? :cookie: :lmao:
Phoenix has been blowing up the records this year. We are at something like 53 straight days over 110. And had 9 straight days over 115. Multiple record high lows. Fuck this summer.
I'm just patiently waiting for the rain. Maybe a couple more weeks. Love me some liquid sunshine.
Phoenix has been blowing up the records this year. We are at something like 53 straight days over 110. And had 9 straight days over 115. Multiple record high lows. Fuck this summer.

That's it. I'd be packing up and moving.
For the last month give or take it's been fawked up hot here. Above 90* several days and hovering in the mid to high 80's during the day.... I know, whoop de doo. For an area that seldom see's temps out of the 70's most the summer, it's hot. Most places have never had A/C here... EVER. There wasn't a need. This year may change that. The monsoons have been pretty much non-existent also. Typically we see 3-4" of rain in July and August. I think we had maybe a couple inches combined for both months... ugh. Looking like it's gonna be an Indian Summer too...
According to the weather guessers we are looking at some 30* Tuesday and Wednesday with the high in Wednesday being in the 40s
We hit 111 today outside of St George Utah. It has been a long hot and DRY summer. I am so hoping the fuckwitts will come to their senses and realize we don't have enough water to sustain the expansion that is going on. :eek:
Global warming, we all gonna die! Until this winter when we get raped by snow then it'll be global cooling again. :laughing:
how the fuck do some of you have 30-40 degree weather and SNOW beginning of september? summer barely finished, technically
Don’t set your ac below 78

Don’t set your ac below 78

Back during the Carter oil crises he went on the news and told everyone to set their thermostats at 68* , there was a news story some old guy down in south TX wrote "Everytime I set mine for 68 the A/C freezes up what should I do Mr President?"
It cooled down to a balmy 89 in San Diego because thick heavy smoke filtered the big orange ball.

I hear it was 77° in Ramona today, right Gary? :cookie: :lmao:

It got down to 65* last night. It hit 111* yesterday. Escondido set an all time high yesterday at 115*
Mid 80's less than a mile off the beach here. Sidenote, the moon was blood red at midnight when I went outside.Air quality has sucked for the last few days.
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