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'I can't breathe': Man dies after pleading with officer during Minneapolis arrest

more photos from various twitter accounts at the link


Police station surrounded, vandalized as rioting breaks out at Minneapolis that mayor encouraged people to attend

MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA- Massive riots have broken out in Minneapolis, and we’re learning that the police station is surrounded by protestors.

Battle scenes outside the third precinct in Minneapolis as crowds protesting the murder of #GeorgeFloyd defend themselves against armed riot police firing tear gas canisters

The Minneapolis Mayor is a white version of Obama.
I've just been eating supper, while watching videos of the rioting.. hahaha.. kinda cool to see people throwing things at the police vehicles.. with windows breaking etc.. and the police just trying to drive away from the area.. of course everyone has their cell phones out.. so you know some people are getting good quality videos.. some more shaky than others.. lol
This country has been resembling a "police state" for far to long now.... just a matter of time until the wrong incident sets a blaze this tinderbox. I am all for civility, to a point. Tree of liberty and all that.
Always has been close to a police state. There are just cameras now.
First youre a fucking bitch. "Tree of liberty and all that" huh? Then why the fuck havent you got off the fucking porch already? Your rights have been trampled since the beginning of march and you aint done shit. So stop acting like you a badass or something.

As for your as long as they go home bullshit, fuck you again!. That was straight up homocide. Fat guy was cuffed, there was no reason for that guy to be on his neck. For that matter unless its a life or death situation there is never a reason to be on someones throat. That wasnt life or death, that wasnt even resisting anymore. That was a scrawny punk ass bitch cop trying to show the big dude whos boss. That cop and the three that stood there all need fucking charged. Theyre a disgrace and youre still a bitch.

You mad bro?
Way to miss the sarcasm on the as long as they go home safe at night. Had you never been in GCC on PBB before? That is a common phrase used by police unions to justify their officers murdering people. Where the fuck have you been for the last 10 years? :flipoff2:

As for the rest of your post you are correct and agreeing with Flecker. It just he has probably typed that out 20 times in the last few years. At some point you throw in sarcasm that a neddle dick will miss. Guess he found his mark. :flipoff2:

Not sure if funny, or sad to have to explain this...

I guess funny. :laughing:
The world we live in is dumb as fuck! Why not go after the cop that did this, that guy is a murderer..... Instead, we label all cops as bad.... Most cops are good people, but we don't hear the stories of the good shit they do, only the bad. Then we claim police state cuz a hand full of shitty cops..... I say bring back public lynching's of rapists, people who mis use their authority, steal and or murder. They should have marched right to that cops house and drug him out and hung him.... BTW, the cop that did this has 2 priors for excessive use of force already.

I'm a firm believer that if you don't want to die by a cop, then don't do stupid shit, but damn that was bad.... dude was literally stating he couldn't breathe!
The world we live in is dumb as fuck! Why not go after the cop that did this, that guy is a murderer..... Instead, we label all cops as bad.... Most cops are good people, but we don't hear the stories of the good shit they do, only the bad. Then we claim police state cuz a hand full of shitty cops..... I say bring back public lynching's of rapists, people who mis use their authority, steal and or murder. They should have marched right to that cops house and drug him out and hung him.... BTW, the cop that did this has 2 priors for excessive use of force already.

I'm a firm believer that if you don't want to die by a cop, then don't do stupid shit, but damn that was bad.... dude was literally stating he couldn't breathe!

and the other 2 cops holding him down? and the one walking around not stopping anything?
I'm a firm believer that if you don't want to die by a cop, then don't do stupid shit, but damn that was bad.... dude was literally stating he couldn't breathe!

My neighbor was a cop, Said one of the first things most of them say is "I can't breathe" wither they are being held down, or cuffed, or just sitting in the car. There is a culture of lying to say anything to ease your situation i.e, a trip to the hospital is better than jail. There is no respect for the badge anymore, I don't know how someone does it. It is impossible to deal with the scum of the earth daily and not become a jaded asshole in the process. Don't know if this is right or wrong, but I don't trust videos edited for a 30 sec bite.
I'm a firm believer that if you don't want to die by a cop, then don't do stupid shit, but damn that was bad.... dude was literally stating he couldn't breathe!

how many examples do you want of people killed in their own house when the police knocked down the wrong door?

cause that's a thing.

I'm a firm believe that you're innocent until proven guilty in a court, and that police don't get to be your executioner when you tell them to fuck off.
My neighbor was a cop, Said one of the first things most of them say is "I can't breathe" wither they are being held down, or cuffed, or just sitting in the car. There is a culture of lying to say anything to ease your situation i.e, a trip to the hospital is better than jail. There is no respect for the badge anymore, I don't know how someone does it. It is impossible to deal with the scum of the earth daily and not become a jaded asshole in the process. Don't know if this is right or wrong, but I don't trust videos edited for a 30 sec bite.

I don't really think driving around writing speeding tickets to people would get called dealing with the scum of the earth. Cops are revenue collectors first and foremost. They have no respect any more because they are constantly living up to their stereotype. Fuck cops.. its us vs them. Don't worry they carry the same mentality. Their above the law attitudes need to be brought back down and they need to be held personally responsible for their actions..
and the other 2 cops holding him down? and the one walking around not stopping anything?

Seeing this again and again in many situation where either one or more LEO’s are involved and when one goes all Rambo the other either help said LEO or ignore the injustice. Also dealing with bad city cops and having cops as family friends, growing up in a large city and made me realize That cops wont turn on each other. If they weren’t sovereign citizens those not helping stop the criminal action would be charged As accomplices. But nope they are union protected sovereign citizens that have qualified immunity even when they shoot unarmed people in their own house while illegally trespassing.

At this point its sad but I am teaching my kids like many others “If you need help go to the fire department, library, grocery store, local bar even if in town, but don’t go to the cops. They are not your friends anymore.
I wonder what the headlines would read if someone (wearing a mask of course) had walked up and popped a few holes in them and walked away?

Sir, what did he look like? I don't know. He was wearing a reccomend mask 😆
The world we live in is dumb as fuck! Why not go after the cop that did this, that guy is a murderer..... Instead, we label all cops as bad.... Most cops are good people, but we don't hear the stories of the good shit they do, only the bad. Then we claim police state cuz a hand full of shitty cops..... I say bring back public lynching's of rapists, people who mis use their authority, steal and or murder. They should have marched right to that cops house and drug him out and hung him.... BTW, the cop that did this has 2 priors for excessive use of force already.

I'm a firm believer that if you don't want to die by a cop, then don't do stupid shit, but damn that was bad.... dude was literally stating he couldn't breathe!

All cops get labeled as bad because no cop knocked down these fuckers doors and slapped cuffs on them or did the (apparently) standard knee on neck and sent charges to the PA for prosecution and a trial. They will wait to be told to arrest them from a politician. If there was video of any citizen doing this, it would be the opposite. We would be waiting on our attorney to release us so we could fight in court. When they differentiate citizens and police, they create an "us vs them" atmosphere and human nature is to label the enemy as a piece of shit and lump them all together. It's why the greatest generation lumped all Germans as Krauts, baby boomers called all Russians commy bastards and NVA gooks. So long as cops are treated differently, this situation will get worse.
My neighbor was a cop, Said one of the first things most of them say is "I can't breathe" wither they are being held down, or cuffed, or just sitting in the car. There is a culture of lying to say anything to ease your situation i.e, a trip to the hospital is better than jail. There is no respect for the badge anymore, I don't know how someone does it. It is impossible to deal with the scum of the earth daily and not become a jaded asshole in the process. Don't know if this is right or wrong, but I don't trust videos edited for a 30 sec bite.

I dunno. I have seen two cucks go full retard straight out of the academy. Both were reasonable dudes. Pussies, but reasonable (the kind of guys who let their wives boss them around constantly. I swear they joined the force to gain back some resemblance of control since they had none at home). In both cases the academy turned them into roboto-douches. They came out of there with a real chip on their shoulders and some kind of new found duty to hall monitor the world. In both cases I stopped being friends with them.
If I go into the convenience store with my buddy and I kill the clerk, we are BOTH guilty of murder. (Felony murder rule).

There is not just ONE murderer here.

Any cop there should be in prison.
I dunno. I have seen two cucks go full retard straight out of the academy. Both were reasonable dudes. Pussies, but reasonable. In both cases the academy turned them into robots douches. They came out of there with a real chip on their shoulders and some kind of new found duty to hall monitor the world. In both cases I stopped being friends with them.

They are indoctrinated into an US versus THEM mindset. They aren't the people you knew. They may still come around, and tell you stories, and may even give you a ride in the car, while y'all drive around and look at shit, but at the end of the day, they don't view you as one of them.

They are the boss, you are one to be subjugated.
If I go into the convenience store with my buddy and I kill the clerk, we are BOTH guilty of murder. (Felony murder rule).

There is not just ONE murderer here.

Any cop there should be in prison.

Dang never thought of it like that. Thats a fair point!
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