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Hurricane Laura

This one is going to be a nasty bitch for sure. We’re riding it out down here in Beaumont. Got the generator and power cord all sorted out. 45 gallons of gasoline reserved just in case. Doc said we can use his fridge to keep my mom’s insulin cold if we need it. I took down the only real problem tree just before Ike so we should be safe on that account. Still it’s going to be a hell of a ride

Good luck bro... yall are definitely gonna get it up the ass.
Well, I thought I was... but uh they're showing 100mph winds for Shreveport tomorrow and I'm about 50 miles north of there line of sight. This is kind of a first. We usually get hurricane rain but not the raunchy weather. :confused:

Be safe.
Well, I thought I was... but uh they're showing 100mph winds for Shreveport tomorrow and I'm about 50 miles north of there line of sight. This is kind of a first. We usually get hurricane rain but not the raunchy weather. :confused:

Be safe. Going to be a bunch of downed trees if y’all get those winds.
Well, I thought I was... but uh they're showing 100mph winds for Shreveport tomorrow and I'm about 50 miles north of there line of sight. This is kind of a first. We usually get hurricane rain but not the raunchy weather. :confused:

best throw a couple extra used tires on the roof to be safe, that’s what they do here on the Rez anyway.
Looks like we dodged the bullet here. Family and work are in Houston, but all on the west side, so should be safe. We are 30 miles west of Houston, so should be safer, we hope. See how tomorrow goes.

Could use some rain though. :homer:
You all in the path stay safe down there!
Maybe this will be the one that finally takes Port Arthur out... :laughing:

I spent many months working down in Port Arthur during my refinery days. That place has been battered over the last couple hundred years. Talked to a few old timers that spun some crazy stories about hurricanes and the way the South used to be.

Anyways I took a stroll down town out of boredom one afternoon... shit looks like it is ALWAYS being hit by hurricanes. Hadn't been a hurricane there for like 7 or 8 years. I think they just kinda said "fawk it" after the last one pounded them. Al the windows were still busted out and osb still covering the lower access points.

Few pics from maybe 6 or 7 years ago...

We are 70 miles inland at about 45' elevation, they are now saying storm surge could go 40 miles inland. We won't get much rain but the wind will be brutal, we've had tornadoes all day starting at 0900 and the current watch is until 10pm.
Going to be rough for anyone in Lafayette- to the west side of Houston

Hope y’all made it ok. Came into this thread to check on you. Knew you were in the area and just getting over that flood.
Fuckers carport leaks in the summer. He's drowned for sure.

Kinda glad I don't have the roof on it yet. :laughing:

Nothing but rain up here so far. Sketchy stuff isn't supposed to start till 11:00 I think. I'll be in the middle of a 100acre building so no worries. Schools/preK all closed so the wife gets to work from home today with the kids.
I just wished y'all would post more in this thread so I could read it instead of working:flipoff2:
I hate watching news feeds on this stuff because they have to sensationalize everything thats happening.

"We're here in the storm and the wind is so strong that its blowing debris everywhere! We just saw an elephant go flying past us!"
There are a few pics on the news sites of lake charles this morning and it looks pretty rough. 150 mph winds as it came onshore, yikes. I hope everyone stays safe as it moves north.
Hope y’all made it ok. Came into this thread to check on you. Knew you were in the area and just getting over that flood.

Thanks man, we made it through the night fine. The bands are rolling through and the wind is pretty wicked but I think we'll be fine.

Just talked to Brimstone and he's good too.
Still a massively impressive storm on my computer though.

We're currently under a tornado watch, and tropical storm warning in central Arkansas!

There's a skeleton crew at the office due to COVID, but the powers that be are closing up shop at noon.

We're 450 miles from the coast, wild!

I've been through countless severe thunderstorms and tornadoes, and floods, some were due to the remnants of hurricanes, but I can't recall a tropical storm warning this far inland.

Our poor farmers, folks have been draining their rice fields the past couple of weeks, a few have already started harvesting, but the vast majority will probably lose most of their crops.
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