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huge explosion in Lebanon

Crazy shit right there. That sure wasn’t M80’s.
I like the way you gizims leap to conclusions. Officially "fireworks" :lmao::lmao::lmao:

I just did some scrolling and watched a lot of videos following the initial explosion leading to the big one, and there is all kinds of secondary explosions going on. There are a couple videos from right at ground level where the secondary explosions prior to the big one are plainly visible and audible. I'm just taking the leap that Lebanon doesn't store 10 years worth of fireworks in a warehouse next to the port...
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There's no way you're getting black powder or anything on that order to make such a big bang unless you put it in something to constrain it. The explosion would blow the charge apart and it would be a big poof.

Edit: On second thought, I think I'm over-estimating the size of the explosion. It could be black powder or something similar.
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I was kidding. Dont know shit about explosions. The one in Vegas a few years back was similar to the uninitiated . . . no one mentioned ordnance. Forensics will be definitive, right ? ie gunpowder vs some military formulation ? Easy call but a day or two for the media to divulge.

There's no way you're getting black powder or anything on that order to make such a big bang unless you put it in something to constrain it. The explosion would blow the charge apart and it would be a big poof.

Story is stored for shipment on a cargo ship. Kind of makes sense since the huge wall of water. I have no idea how fireworks are contained when shipped. But that shockwave certainly looked like munitions to your point.
Screen shots for the lazy
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Lebanon media claims fireworks? Am I reading that right? I just got back from lunch so I haven't dug into it.

Holy shit, that's a big boom.
Pirate was starting to suck for the up to date news. Glad Irate is keeping me informed. :smokin:

EDIT: In a politically neutral and non biased way of course :flipoff2:
In before Everboob blames the Israelis

Or gives us a step-by-step of how everything actually happened. In the six months that led up to it.

edit - and how he would have done it better of course.
My guess is those were Iranian “fireworks”, and it was no accident. Aloha snack bar
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