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How to move a lot of dirt

Convince PanzerFurher to buy one and store it at your house. :laughing:

Or my suggestion of reaching out to Ashke. I'm sure if you found a Scout, you could trade it off to him for moving the dirt.
30 yard trailer would take 30+ trips for 1000 yards. A skid steer would take probably 500 trips and more diesel than you'd care to purchase plus the cut which the skid steer wouldn't do in any capacity...even with cutting teeth. You'd be time and money ahead to hire a dirt contractor and watch with a beer in hand.

Convince PanzerFurher to buy one and store it at your house. :laughing:

Lol of any of the above methods would be far cheaper than a conveyor. Them fuckers are made of gold. Just bought 2 made in Mexico 36”x60’ portable transfer/radial stacking conveyors. 24,000 a piece ;(
Go hire a couple of them crack hookers who will do anything for 20 bucks. Should be done in a weekend, and in the end you don't have to pay them cuz you are going to bury them in your new pile of dirt anyways.
Lol of any of the above methods would be far cheaper than a conveyor. Them fuckers are made of gold. Just bought 2 made in Mexico 36”x60’ portable transfer/radial stacking conveyors. 24,000 a piece ;(

Only 60' hell, the local coal mine here put in about 5 miles of conveyor so the coal could come out of the ground just across the county line for tax benefits and still be stored on the main pile.
Only 60' hell, the local coal mine here put in about 5 miles of conveyor so the coal could come out of the ground just across the county line for tax benefits and still be stored on the main pile.

We have a couple 1000 footers, combine that with ridiculous wind gusts and shit happens.
Ok I finally thought of a good one, Skidsteer to scoop into a John Deere 6 wheel gator with an enlarged dump bed. Then you could haul ass.
Surplus conveyor belt ?

Cool starry bra
We had a large dirt project fairly local to me. The engineer had done a great job balancing cut and fill, but it was a shitload to move. It was an interstate expansion and no shutting down access so you had to haul it miles in a truck. One contractor noticed a large storm culvert under the interstate and used a conveyor for the trip instead. Saved around a million on the project if I remember right.
Cool starry bra
We had a large dirt project fairly local to me. The engineer had done a great job balancing cut and fill, but it was a shitload to move. It was an interstate expansion and no shutting down access so you had to haul it miles in a truck. One contractor noticed a large storm culvert under the interstate and used a conveyor for the trip instead. Saved around a million on the project if I remember right.

My story is conveyors are super cheap to run expensive to purchase.

Mexican 60’ for 24,000 ;(

This is one of my stackers. 110’ long 30” wide belt. New 130,000 I picked it up used for 70,000 ;(. The problem is used is super tough to find. Once someone buys one they keep it for the next 30 years.

Can't tell which comments are serious or not :laughing:​​​​​​

I'd be surprised if you could get a large excavator and end dump to show up for 1000 yards 250' away. Especially on the slope of his property, end dump would not be good.

Scraper is a funny one also, they only efficient in loops, when you have to back into a hole and back into the cut, it looses its advantage.
I always interpret "just needs TLC" as "just needs Time, Labor, & Cash" :laughing:

Of course it means time labor and cash which is why I pointed out it needs very little as far as cash is concerned. It actually doesn't have to have anything to be put to work. It could use some tlc to be nicer to look at and to bring more money than I am asking for it after your done.
Basically a new seat(the one on it is ok)there is a slow leak at the steering valve this could be a loose connection I am not sure because a couple things need to be removed to see it good enough and it's nasty humid and hot so not happening until fall. I would paint some of it and the dash has a couple cracks and could be cleaned up. Lights on the fenders, little things.
Ill make a call and see if I can get someone with a loader over there, he lives just up the road from you and might be able to help you out for cheap.
Have you had a contractor quote the job for you yet?
Don't you need two of those things hitched together to scrape dirt? I thought they had quick hitches, they would link up, one would push the other while it loaded, then the loaded would pull the first while it loaded.

Seems like it wouldn't matter hard packed vs soft sand as you'd need double power for hard packed and double traction for soft sand...

Not that type, that's what's called a paddle wheel. Notice the conveyor deal in the back? Usually used to pick up wind rows from a grader or dozer. This would probably load his soil fine, but not going up the hill.

You're talking about push pull scrapers. They have 2 engines, 1 per axle and the loop and bail (sp?) those work like you said when needed. If the soil is good or they have a decent downhill, they can load themselves.

There is also single engine scrapers usually pushed by 1 or 2 dozers.

None of these will work well for 2bb:flipoff2:

I'd consider a dozer and just pushing in one slot the whole time before I'd consider a scraper.
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