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Hottest Wife of IBB

Fuck who's wife the hottest! The real question is who's wife is still after that dick after 1, 3, 5, 10, 15, etc years of marriage?:flipoff2:

Meanwhile I'm all like,

There is one in the park where you can see her face, and mine. I'm one of those paranoid assholes who limits what gets posted online. I even yelled at my SIL who lives on Facebook about posting pics when we hosted Thanksgiving a couple years ago.
Fuck who's wife the hottest! The real question is who's wife is still after that dick after 1, 3, 5, 10, 15, etc years of marriage?:flipoff2:

married 20 years. wife came home from work tuesday night around 2am and woke me up by treating me like a rodeo bronc
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