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Gas Prices


The Rock Breaker God
May 19, 2020
Member Number
Driving to the crushers today I Noticed gas is more expensive than diesel. Haven’t seen that in ages. We did have a spike in gas prices recently and being the holiday weekend always spikes the price a bit also.

gas was at 1.89 and diesel was 1.69 a gallon.
Hell ya!!! We been at 1.59 for diesel for a while. I bought a 300 gallon tote and filled it up. E85 for the Shelby has been as low as 1.21 and currently 1.34. I've been driving it like I stole it!!!
news said, since more people are driving due to lift in some areas, more demand for gas. so prices on the rise.......just more bull shat.
As of Thursday
2.29 Sam's Club in LA
1.84 Sam's Club Phoenix
“If you take a look at, you know, gas prices and you take a look at oil prices, that is a consequence of, thus far, the refusal of Russia or the OPEC nations to pump more oil,” Biden claimed. “And we’ll see what happens on that score sooner than later.”

gee, if only we could produce our own domestic supply of petroleum.
gee, if only we could produce our own domestic supply of petroleum.
I’m genuinely curious how the oilfield workers feel now. I remember that some were singing the blues here when prices were low and the ibb speculators were chomping at the bit for “oil bust” toys for pennies on the dollar. JR4X ?
I’m genuinely curious how the oilfield workers feel now. I remember that some were singing the blues here when prices were low and the ibb speculators were chomping at the bit for “oil bust” toys for pennies on the dollar. JR4X ?
they probably feel like the rest of us, fucked by people in DC.

I feel like this was OPECs goal all along. They pushed prices low enough to scuttle our domestic industry, and then when a green energy friendly president is in office and they know there's no chance that our domestic production will be brought back online they jack the prices by cutting supply.

That's literally the whole purpose of OPEC, to keep oil prices high. I don't know what biden thinks they give a fuck about helping americans with gas prices.
gee, if only we could produce our own domestic supply of petroleum.
To play devils advocate don't the oil companies technically own the oil, not the nation/government? So even if its extracted here it can be shipped around the world to get a better price, in turn driving price higher here in the states? Barring taxes/extraction cost crude should be similarly priced around the world. Thats why I thought that the oil industry was having trouble when oil prices tanked, it was costing more to pull it out than it could be sold for.

Disregard saw most recent post, everyone agrees opec is bad for business.
To play devils advocate don't the oil companies technically own the oil, not the nation/government? So even if its extracted here it can be shipped around the world to get a better price, in turn driving price higher here in the states? Barring taxes/extraction cost crude should be similarly priced around the world. Thats why I thought that the oil industry was having trouble when oil prices tanked, it was costing more to pull it out than it could be sold for.
and you don't think transport costs were a large part of that?

if only there was a pipeline to transport it cheaply.

no more leases on federal lands, no more subsidies (not that I'm opposed to no more subsidies)

this admin came out swinging on oil and gas and now OPEC is seizing the chance to bend us over because climate change. You think anyone wanting green energy in this country wants cheap fossil fuels?

shit, this is just from two days ago:
you think opec is capturing methane from their wells?

you can't lament that we're dependent on foreigners for our energy and then cut our own domestic producers off at the knees with regulation and expect the situation to get better.
well, I guess you can if you're Biden.
$4.89 for fuel yesterday
Effin yota eats a $50 quicktime..

I'll toss this in....
My buddies a bar pilot.
A few years ago shipping cost for a container was @ $1600...
Recently that's $16000.
Time to hit the reset button!
Had to put 91 in the Audi this morning.

$4.00 a gallon in Augusta, GA.
I’m genuinely curious how the oilfield workers feel now. I remember that some were singing the blues here when prices were low and the ibb speculators were chomping at the bit for “oil bust” toys for pennies on the dollar. JR4X ?
Still a lot of turmoil, instability and manipulation going on.
they probably feel like the rest of us, fucked by people in DC.

This. The real problem isn’t opec though. The real problem is Democrats, Democrat policy, and dumb mother fuckers that want it this way. Canada and the US could easily be energy independent. Have cleaner air than any other country.

However, the public indoctrination system worked so well that when faced with the consequences of their own ideology. The Democrats blame capitalism and the voters eat it up.

What I think. I’m ready for inflation to hit Venezuelan levels so that the pieces of shit that caused this climate get to to truly suffer the consequences they put into place.
I’m genuinely curious how the oilfield workers feel now. I remember that some were singing the blues here when prices were low and the ibb speculators were chomping at the bit for “oil bust” toys for pennies on the dollar. JR4X ?

Well the oilfield still isn't paying for shit so most of the people I knew who were worth a fuck all got decent paying jobs outside the oilfield. Hell I got asked twice, the first one was about $400/day less then even worth considering and the other one they wouldn't even say what the pay was so I would guess there will be yet another labor shortage in the near future.
What I think. I’m ready for inflation to hit Venezuelan levels so that the pieces of shit that caused this climate get to to truly suffer the consequences they put into place.

Sadly, it won't matter. They'll just use the same old tired formula - blame Trump/Republicans/Conservatives for everything bad, and continue to double down on fucked policies. Poster child - California. Upcoming poster child - doubling down on pushing their fucked policies through Congress after the Virginia governor election.
we’re losing a field hand to big-o-tire. Sonic and big o can pay more an hour than mid level oilfield can
and you don't think transport costs were a large part of that?

if only there was a pipeline to transport it cheaply.

this admin came out swinging on oil and gas and now OPEC is seizing the chance to bend us over because climate change. You think anyone wanting green energy in this country wants cheap fossil fuels?

you can't lament that we're dependent on foreigners for our energy and then cut our own domestic producers off at the knees with regulation and expect the situation to get better.
well, I guess you can if you're Biden.

I willing to bet they are probably more than 50% of the cost of a barrel. I was trying to make a point of a free market and that if you can get something cheap for a time do that. Point being fill up the tank on cheap Arab oil and then when oil comes back into being profitable use us oil to stabilize supply. However its not that simple you can't just shut the industry off and start it back up at the drop of a hat.

Suspending the pipeline is one of the stupider things shitty Joe has done.

I don't think you can have cheap green energy unless its nuclear and thats never going to happen because omg the children. I would say more people and business would rather have cheap good stuff than 'environmentally conscious' stuff.

I agree, look at outsourcing in general looks great at first then you are left holding the bag.
I don't think you can have cheap green energy unless its nuclear and thats never going to happen because omg the children. I would say more people and business would rather have cheap good stuff than 'environmentally conscious' stuff.

Plenty of ways to have cheap green energy that isn't nuclear. Problem is that it's not just flip a switch, and boom! Cheap solar! Like most everything else, economy of scale comes into play, along with tech advances. It's certainly not an overnight solution.

Problem right now is that the dipshits pushing for it ARE treating it like it's a flip the switch deal. As if mandating all new car sales to be electric next year is going to magically transform us overnight.

The other problem, and the one that I think is REALLY going to come back and bite us in the ass is how the government is going to handle losing the revenue that comes from gas taxes. We've already seen this before - they push up CAFE requirements, then throw a temper tantrum about how they're losing a bunch of money due to not selling as much gas since cars get so much better MPGs now. Solution - jack up the gas taxes to compensate.

Well, what are we going to do when the majority of the fleet isn't using gas at all? Solution - transfer those taxes to electricity. Guess what, now we're ALL going to be paying a fortune to turn on a damn lightbulb, because there's no good way to separate out what electricity went to charging the cars vs everything else (there are ways to do this, but you know damn well they're not going to be implemented for tax purposes).
we’re losing a field hand to big-o-tire. Sonic and big o can pay more an hour than mid level oilfield can
Well the oilfield still isn't paying for shit so most of the people I knew who were worth a fuck all got decent paying jobs outside the oilfield. Hell I got asked twice, the first one was about $400/day less then even worth considering and the other one they wouldn't even say what the pay was so I would guess there will be yet another labor shortage in the near future.

So what is this guy doing to earn, I’m ASSuming $100 + / hr?
Ever researched the environmental impacts related to how batteries are produced?

Remember cali has some stupid shit law that big trucks have to go electric by a certain year and imagine the size of those batteries if they figure it out.

I cannot fathom how ignorant and stupid these "green" people are
Damn, I filled up with regular at $3.07/gal yesterday and though that was expensive :eek: It cost me damn near $100 to fill up the F250 with diesel three weeks ago, and I just have the 30 gallon tank.

The prices some of you are posting are insane. I hope it doesn't get much worse, but all signs point towards that not being the case.
Plenty of ways to have cheap green energy that isn't nuclear. Problem is that it's not just flip a switch, and boom! Cheap solar! Like most everything else, economy of scale comes into play, along with tech advances. It's certainly not an overnight.

Out of curiosity what is it? I recently bought a chunk of 'off grid' land cheap and looked into pretty much everything and nothing was viable.
I haven't paid under $3.10s in months.
So what is this guy doing to earn, I’m ASSuming $100 + / hr?
Rig work and flow back talk in dollars per day instead of dollars per hour. $400 @ 10 hours a day would be $40 an hour. Standard shift is 12 hours though so $400 would be $33.33 an hour. Rig work and flow back suck ass. Since the dems won’t the country drill, there’s only a small fraction of the work there used to be.
I cannot fathom how ignorant and stupid these "green" people are
Neither can they. They think YOU are the stupid one.
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