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Fuck around and find out (Israel / Palestine version)

They tried kicking the dog and don't want to get bitten because they failed.

Eh... Iran launched this banking on the Israelis to shoot down most of it. No way they believed they'd hit anything of substance. It was a show of force more symbolic than anything else.

Precisely because of what you said. If they actually kicked the dog, the dog most certainly would've bit their arm off and beaten them with the stump. They don't want that obviously.
Eh... Iran launched this banking on the Israelis to shoot down most of it. No way they believed they'd hit anything of substance. It was a show of force more symbolic than anything else.

Precisely because of what you said. If they actually kicked the dog, the dog most certainly would've bit their arm off and beaten them with the stump. They don't want that obviously.
Show of force means you got what you aim at. Otherwise it's a show of ineptitude
Quite a few missiles hit. No clue on value of targets hit. People in Iran are lining up cars to fill up tanks and stock up right now, expecting results to come in soon. 🍿
It's a tricky spot for Israel. Do nothing and Iran has shown that however poor the outcome, they can hit Israel directly. If Israel hits back, they risk escalation.

When we killed Salami, Iran hit back at various bases. We did not respond and it went away. I suspect Israel will do the same.
Quite a few missiles hit. No clue on value of targets hit. People in Iran are lining up cars to fill up tanks and stock up right now, expecting results to come in soon. 🍿

When you make a statement like this it is . .. .. .. :confused: .. .. .. even Linkslide provides a link. I havent seen any Arab or Muslim propoganda or Israeli or any video really of the destruction in Israel. So, what have you got ?
I'm telling you what I saw based on multiple videos on twitter. It wasn't just one link to a site, I was cruising through a ton of different posts.
There are multiple angles and multiple locations where videos were shot showing hits on the ground in Israel, as well as cars lining up for gas in Iran. Not sure if chrome saves specific post history but I'll try and go back and find a few. edit: Nope, I clicked the links in history and it just takes me to main pages and not specific posts. If you search Israel, Iran, and Tehran, you'll get videos if you scroll enough.
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I don't see that anywhere. Since when did Israel kill citizen that where going to picnics or music festivals, or on their way to work or at the gas station? Are there huge cams that they rounded up and gunning everyone into mass graves? Idiots claiming genocide don't know what that word means. They should move to the Congo or Rawanda for a bit.
That why I laugh.

If Israel really wanted to do genocide they would have been done in 2 weeks.
That why I laugh.

If Israel really wanted to do genocide they would have been done in 2 weeks.

Israel could have driven into Damascus, Baghdad and Cairo after successive wars in the 60's and 70's. They could have annexed the conquered lands from the loser muslims.
One of many videos, from different angles at different locations.
Israel claims 99% shot down. Not true.
Out of 300 attacks, you can clearly see from this video alone that more than 3 hit.
I went to X and saw that one video. I always get lost when I go to tatter. My first two thoughts on that video are, was that generated ?, and that could have been something else from 6 years ago. No way to tell. I feel the best gauge of the effectiveness of the Iran insect attack is how determined the Israeli are to strike back. They dont seem too perturbed about it. What do you all think ?
More. This video shows even more hits touching down. 99% stopped? No way.
I did not read a single word in any of those posts.
I simply quickly scanned many posts today and grabbed whatever videos I recalled from last night to share the videos with you.
I'm sure the same videos are posted by many different people with a variety of words.
What's really gonna come from this attack? Nothing?
Israel will not let this go look what they did in Gaza , they will regroup put a plan together and take a dozen or so prime targets ( probably the nuke enrichment plants ) and send it !
Israel will not let this go look what they did in Gaza , they will regroup put a plan together and take a dozen or so prime targets ( probably the nuke enrichment plants ) and send it !

Doubtful. Hitting those targets is very difficult for Israel. Not impossible, but extremely high risk.

Israel will do what they usually do. Remain uncommitted and ambiguous. They will do nothing and when this blows over they'll sneak a bomb under the kitchen table of a few high level Iranians or sneak in some dyed in the wool killers to slit some throats in the night.
Problem is that a lot of those videos are recycles from past wars.
I did come across a lot of videos that claimed they were of these attacks that were actually old ones, or CGI, or different locations.
Good thing about that twitter is you'll get community notes that call out the BS pretty often. Lot of times it will be different parts of day/night or the speed or pattern of attacks is different. In addition to that, you can draw some reasonable conclusions yourself as well.

There are plenty of official and undisputed videos of the incoming attacks being stopped by iron dome.
When you examine the known legit videos and compare them to the ones I've posted, you can see a lot of similarities.
Furthermore, if you find any given posted video and search and find 20 other accounts that posted the same video, you will not come across community notes to call them out as fake or misplaced. If you come across any phonies and pull up at least 5 accounts posting it, you're sure to come across at least one call out.

I have no reason to doubt these videos. Nothing truly remarkable about them to warrant faking or false attribution. Even Israel admits some attacks got through, and while they claim only 1% we know in war the first casualty is truth.
It's a tricky spot for Israel. Do nothing and Iran has shown that however poor the outcome, they can hit Israel directly. If Israel hits back, they risk escalation.

When we killed Salami, Iran hit back at various bases. We did not respond and it went away. I suspect Israel will do the same.
[tinfoil] What if Iran (& friends?) were just buying a full-scale demonstration of Israel's air defenses to help plain a successful strike? [/tinfoil]
Multiple protests supporting hamas today

chicago protesters chanting death to america

Watched a video this morning of someone teaching the protesters death to america in farsi.


I can only think that this will get worse if trump gets in.
You illegally block a interstate highway people should not be required to stop, you suffer the consequences of you dumbassery.

Problem solved.
FWIW I am not required to stop.

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