I don't know anyone who actually believes the election was stolen, so I'm actually interested how people justify all the failed attempts by Republicans to find any significant fraud
For those of us who have been following along, paying attention, and not getting our news from the lame-stream media, we know that there is a big difference between something that has been tried in a court of law vs one that was never allowed into the courtroom to begin with.
About a third of the judges wouldn't allow it to be heard because they're simply part of the establishment.
Another third wouldn't hear it because of the ramifications: e.g. a constitutional crisis; there's no case law, no precedent, no laws or constitutional guidance on what to do in the case of such fraud in our election system.
The last third wouldn't hear it because no matter how it turned out, it had the potential to push the country into a civil war.
Now the actual legal reasons (e.g. "no standing") to justify it varied based on what they could get away with, but the bottom line is that there is a TON of evidence that was never even allowed in a trial. The legal equivalent of a 6 year old covering their ears and yelling "NA-NA-NA I CAN'T HEAR YOU".
Besides the evidence of actual fraud, there's the statistical evidence of the numbers just not adding up: 3am ballot drops that went overwhelmingly for Biden (approaching 100% in some districts). One statistician said that the odds against that happening were about equivalent to having all of the lumber for a house spread out in a field and having a tornado come along and assemble it for you.
Even if you're not a statistician, you see the numbers don't add up. It's estimated that 10 million Democrats were part of the "walk away" movement nationwide. That's 10 million people that voted for Hitlary in 2016 that voted for Trump in 2020 instead, and yet Biden still manages to win by (what was it?) 7 million votes? The Democratic party managed to conjure up 29 million NEW voters (people that didn't vote in 2016) to overcome the 10 million they lost + the 12 million that Trump gained + another 7 million on top of that? That is nearly a 50% increase in voters for the democratic candidate; for a candidate, mind you, that didn't hardly come out of his basement to campaign and when he did, he couldn't fill a high school gymnasium and barely managed to stumble through a 5 minute speech.
So, yes, for those of us that have been paying attention (and ignoring the MSM), it is painfully clear that the 2020 election was rigged.