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Found the story.
Multiple cars were heavily damaged, including a city bus, following an incident in front of an industrial loading zone in Sunset Park on 53rd Street between 1st and 2nd avenues.
Police say a man blocked the service doors with his truck and was being towed when he confronted the tow truck driver. They say he fought him in the street before getting behind the wheel.
Police say once the man stole the tow truck that had his own vehicle up on the hitch, he struck multiple vehicles and ultimately ended by going head-first into a city bus.
Now, details have not been released about his identity, but stunned drivers who discovered the damage say they don't understand why this happened.
"I need to call insurance or police, I need this car I need it to take my driver to school," said the owner of a heavily damaged car who identified himself as Giro to News12.
Upon seeing video of the incident, he said that he cannot afford the fix and hopes police can catch the suspect.
"He could have hurt someone really badly," he said.
As long as you weren't doing 65 behind him,lol.
It's surprising how many people maintain speed and a close distance filming a dump truck or trailer with the bed up, or any piece of equipment in a raised position traveling down the highway. Then they slam on their brakes when it hits a sign or a bridge like the didn't know it was going to happen. Thinking more it, it really isn't that surprising. Most people are dumb.
Today on the interstate i saw a little shit box Nissan that had it's whole passenger side opened by a semi's steer tire and lug nuts.
No i didn't get photos.
Multiple levels of fail here
I have that truck sitting in my driveway,
funnest rig I have ever owned :grinpimp:

(never ever lost a lane standoff)
I know we're all anti dei stuff here, but the whole chiefs quarters was using that star link and the chiefs fund paid for it. So it's not like she was the only one using it or paying for it. She just happened to be the one that lied to the captain about it.
I couldn't get passed what a dumbass she was in general. Now I can't believe how fucking stupid they all were:homer:.
I know we're all anti dei stuff here, but the whole chiefs quarters was using that star link and the chiefs fund paid for it. So it's not like she was the only one using it or paying for it. She just happened to be the one that lied to the captain about it.
Id bet the starlink isnt the biggest issue other than the gps tracking that gets reported back. its the secret wifi network with the chinese router thats the problem.
I know we're all anti dei stuff here, but the whole chiefs quarters was using that star link and the chiefs fund paid for it. So it's not like she was the only one using it or paying for it. She just happened to be the one that lied to the captain about it.
A real IT person would have renamed the router something close to what was on the ship.
I have that truck sitting in my driveway,
funnest rig I have ever owned :grinpimp:

(never ever lost a lane standoff)
My brother drives a POS 96 Cougar

He says when he’s driving his nice Merc and wants to change lanes no one will let him , but when he’s driving the beater , he just signals and aims for the most expensive car he can find and they will let you in every time .

He also pulled off the plastic bumper covers and fills them with cement and re installed them

Some dumb ads pulled out in front of him and it smashed their car and didn’t hurt his crumple zone at all since his crumple zone was filled with cement
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