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Win thread! Darwin's happy.
Depends on where you are here. There is some open range and some fence in.
I’ve had to explain both circumstances at various points in my life.
If fence out, cattle and horses have special protections that your shithead neighbors pitbull, alley cat, or some other livestock categories for that matter, dont enjoy. Antiquated laws to be sure, but is what it is. Shoot a loose cow and you likely go to jail. Loose cow causes damage, cow owner is not legally liable to provide restitution, most would anyway if they are able, but not legally required.

I have a shithead neighbor with inadequate fencing who has two cows regularly pulling down my fence and getting into my feed storage. Pisses me off. Nothing I can do except chase em back through the fence and repair the fence. Up to me to fence em out. Have other neighbors who manage to not cause this kind of problem and would resolve any damage, so no issues with them on a rare occurance. Repeat offender who doesnt care... super aggravating. And yeah, even if I am chasing those cows off my own property, if I bump em and break a leg on a cow, I get the pleasure of paying the owner for that animal. Sweet deal that one.:mad3: Ony real recourse is to get the brand inspector involved, but that isnt as effective as you might hope.
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If fence out, cattle and horses have special protections that your shithead neighbors pitbull, alley cat, or some other livestock categories for that matter, dont enjoy. Antiquated laws to be sure, but is what it is. Shoot a loose cow and you likely go to jail. Loose cow causes damage, cow owner is not legally liable to provide restitution, most would anyway if they are able, but not legally required.

I have a shithead neighbor with inadequate fencing who has two cows regularly pulling down my fence and getting into my feed storage. Pisses me off. Nothing I can do except chase em back through the fence and repair the fence. Up to me to fence em out. Have other neighbors who manage to not cause this kind of problem and would resolve any damage, so no issues with them on a rare occurance. Repeat offender who doesnt care... super aggravating. And yeah, even if I am chasing those cows off my own property, if I bump em and break a leg on a cow, I get the pleasure of paying the owner for that animal. Sweet deal that one.:mad3: Ony real recourse is to get the brand inspector involved, but that isnt as effective as you might hope.
I feel for you on that.

I worked a ranch that trained draft horses. We had one that was an absolute escape artist. I finally managed to catch him in the act. He was tall enough to step on the top wire of a 5 strand fence (metal posts with tie wire because of the mostly rock soil) and push down until the ties popped. Then he’d hold the fence down for his offside to cross and then walk over one foot at a time. Smart sob. :laughing:

One neighbor had just moved in and put up a huge horse training/boarding compound. She’d call all pissed ofc and I’d go whistle him home.

After I figured out how he was doing it I set out with my BB gun and nailed him in the ass the next time. Fixed that issue.

They were such a good looking and pulling pair I still miss them.

Loved working with the big boys.
We have a lazy ass farmer behind my GF's father's place. When his cows get out, we just get on the quads and herd them across a couple pastures and onto the high-school property. This gets the sherif involved and causes a huge PITA for him to round them up. When it takes him 5 hours to get them trailered back to his place, he does a little better job with fence repair.

for those that have never been to a paper mill, this type of stuff happens often
just flat out carnage happens some days

One morning I walk through the parking lot
yard crew and crane crew are all standing around a box car in the road, just off of the tracks on the blacktop
you just say good morning and keep walking, you dont even ask:laughing:
for those that have never been to a paper mill, this type of stuff happens often
just flat out carnage happens some days

One morning I walk through the parking lot
yard crew and crane crew are all standing around a box car in the road, just off of the tracks on the blacktop
you just say good morning and keep walking, you dont even ask:laughing:
I live about 1000yd from one. Every now and then you hear things that don't sound normal. :laughing:
It’s funny how the loader didn’t even notice it. It’s crazy how much power those 988 sized loaders can put on the ground. It flipped over a 28,000# truck idling :lmao:
and that is why we ALL have to get out and away from the vehicle
and sorry about your murder loader dude
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