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Exterior security cams

[486 said:

couldn't you just have all the cameras talking up a separate wireless network from the one you use to internet on the shitter with

sure, but there's only so much spectrum to go around, so if you're in an area with more than a few APs, you're gonna have trouble shoe horning your two adjacent networks into clear channels.
sure, but there's only so much spectrum to go around, so if you're in an area with more than a few APs, you're gonna have trouble shoe horning your two adjacent networks into clear channels.

ah that does make sense
only a narrow frequency band there, and sometimes in the cities you got like ten wireless connections

as an aside, sadly that friendly fellow "netgear" that used to live everywhere is dying off and being replaced with secured connections :c
[486 said:

ah that does make sense
only a narrow frequency band there, and sometimes in the cities you got like ten wireless connections

as an aside, sadly that friendly fellow "netgear" that used to live everywhere is dying off and being replaced with secured connections :c

you can always do vlans, I keep all the IOT things on a separate vlan from things that I don't want compromised, because who can trust shit these days to not have gaping security flaws?

it doesn't solve the physical spectrum issues, but it will keep cameras secure and away from the average people/things on the network.
it also allows you to prioritize traffic and make sure that the cameras always have enough bandwidth to do camera shit.
Figured I'd update this. I researched a few of the cameras recommended and Zumimall kept popping up. Checked them out and looked to be what I needed at a good price and lifetime warranty.

They run on microSD cards (I used 64gb) and are battery powered. I ordered one with a solar panel and will see how that does and maybe get another for the other camera.

I get text alerts a couple seconds after it starts recording. Night vision isn't the greatest but it does work.
[No message]

I bit the bullet, bought good panasonic cameras, wired them, had an extra 10gb switch, put them on that, using an old imac running 'security spy'... no subscription fees, local storage, I use cloud backup.
I bit the bullet, bought good panasonic cameras, wired them, had an extra 10gb switch, put them on that, using an old imac running 'security spy'... no subscription fees, local storage, I use cloud backup.

you can get a wireless (wifi) external hard drive to back up to. that allows you to hide the hard drive somewhere that's innocuous and you can "cloud" back up locally without giving off where the second drive is.
Bringing this up from the grave because the below company sucks.
For our new house, I think I'm going this route:


I found Unifi is a garbage company that I'm getting ready to burn barrel a bunch of their cams/equipment. I was basically told to throw away a camera that was just out of warranty and buy a new one($150ish per camera:eek::mad3:) They just discontinued the Unifi Video noted above and require their hardware going forward.

I've heard mixed messages on Blue Iris software. Anyone have any experience with them that they could share?

I'm still going through the camera list. I'm looking for good integrated IR capability out of the box... the Unifi G3 falls off quick. I'm also looking for one camera with pan/tilt capability.
If the cameras aren't inside the house, why the distrust of cloud? Any person can drive or walk by and see everything outside that the camera sees anyway, I'm thinking. Worried about your comings and goings being tracked perhaps?
If the cameras aren't inside the house, why the distrust of cloud? Any person can drive or walk by and see everything outside that the camera sees anyway, I'm thinking. Worried about your comings and goings being tracked perhaps?

I can't speak for others but for me, there are many things.
1) If I don't have it physically in my hands, I don't control of it. Which means I'm at the mercy of some company who may decide to ransom my content... or worse, just close down. I've seen both ransom and closing happen on "cloud based" services many times.
2) I'm not going to make life easy for criminals especially non-locals. In order for someone to "check out" my house, they are coming 40 minutes from a 10k person town or way over an hour. Depending upon orientation, cameras will show exactly what is leaving.
3) I want to control what if any cameras will be exposed to the outside world.
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