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Done...with everything.

End game? It's already gone. A hoax. Down to zero.

then you will join us in opposing joe biden and his plan to force states to enact general population mask bans and his second round of shutting down federal services? as well as support us in removing CA's gavin newsome for stating that he will delay any vaccine for an indeterminate amount of time in his state until additional state directed reviews are performed?

sweet, thanks
I'm a gunna stick to "sheeples comply" big brothers BIGGEST social experiment yet!:lmao:

:flipoff2:Is it OVER YET?
Do you have a source on that?


A source. I need a source.

Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion.

No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered.

You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence.

Do you have a degree in that field?

A college degree? In that field?

Then your arguments are invalid.

No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation.

Correlation does not equal causation.


You still haven't provided me a valid source yet.

Nope, still haven't.

I just looked through all 308 pages of your user history, figures I'm debating a glormpf supporter. A moron.

Somebody get this guy his meds! Stat!
Are you aware that there are people in this world that have a severe medical condition which causes them to be that way? My mother for instance is one of those people. She is a truck driver that has bad knees and a bad back from driving the truck but you probably do not care about that case either. Oh well I am not one of those people I am 6'4" 245lbs and I exercise every day. I would love to see you say something like to my mother in front of me. Probably never happen though you are probably just an internet tough guy. I doubt very seriously you would say that to someones face. Just my thought.What do you think. Oh I am sorry you probably do not have a brain. I on the other hand will be happy to buy you a plane ticket to come here and see if you have the nerve to say that to someone I know.

Somebody get this guy his meds! Like NOW!!!
So its a training issue and not an issue with the masks not doing anything. And to be honest, of course they arent gonna contain a cough or a sneeze, thats a pressure situation that moves the mask away from your face. You should honestly do what we do in food safe and thats cough or sneeze into your elbow followed up by immediate washing. Sounds like your higher ups need a little training themselves to pass it down to employees.

So, my employees, many of them anyways, have mental disabilities. Think, 4 year old hygiene. This isn’t something that easily trained or convincing some of them that microscopic germs exist.
That is also 7 months old. a lot has been learned in that time.

I don't care if the studies say masks work or they don't. so many of you are such soft little bitches that a piece of cloth is stripping away your freedoms. I usually wear a mask, but if i ever feel like i'm being completely controlled i can just take it off :eek:

The little bitches are the people cowering in fear or lashing out over someone choosing not to wear a mask. You just don’t get it. Give everyone the freedom to do as they see fit go where they see fit and live as they see fit. Don’t MANDATE it.
From a realist somewhere in the interwebs.


I have done my best to respect the diverse opinions regarding COVID-19 over these past few months, however the ER nurse that posted this brilliantly sums up my train of thought :
Please just take politics out of it and read this with an open mind using common sense.

"Anyone out there who can tell me what our end game is with the covid 19?

What is the magic formula that is going to allow us to sound the all clear?

Is it zero cases?

The only way that will happen is if we just stop testing and stop reporting.

Is it a vaccine?

It took 25 years for a chicken pox vaccine to be developed.
The smallpox inoculation was discovered in 1796 the last known natural case was in 1977.

We have a flu vaccine that is only 40 to 60% effective and less than half of the US population choose to get one, and roughly 20,000 Americans will die of the flu or flu complications.

Oh, you'll mandate it, like other vaccines are mandated in order to attend school, travel to some foreign countries, etc.

We already have a growing number of anti vaxxers refusing proven, tested, well known vaccines that have been administered for decades but aren’t necessarily safe!

Do you really think people will flock to get a fast tracked, quickly tested vaccine, whose long term side effects and overall efficacy are anyone's best guess?

How long are we going to cancel and postpone and reconsider?
You aren't doing in person school until second quarter?

What if October's numbers are the same as August's?

You moved football to spring?

What if next March is worse than this one was?

When do we decide quality of life outweighs the risks?

I understand Covid can be deadly or very dangerous for SOME people, but so are strawberries and so is shellfish.

We take risks multiple times a day without a second thought.
We know driving a car can be dangerous, we don't leave it in the garage. Many speed and don't wear seat belts.

We know the dangers of smoking, drinking and eating fried foods, we do it anyway.

Is hugging Grandma really more dangerous than rush hour on the freeway?

Is going out with friends after work more risky than 4 day old gas station sushi?

Or operating a chainsaw?

When and how did we so quickly lose our free will and give up our liberty?

Is there a waiver somewhere I can sign that says, "I understand the risks, but I choose a life with Hugs and Smiles, and the State Fair and go to Church and go hug my Mom in her retirement home?

I understand that there is a minuscule possibility I could die, but I will most likely end up feeling like crap for a few days.

I understand I could possibly pass it to someone else, if I'm not careful, but I can pass any virus onto someone else.

I'm struggling to see where or how this ends.

We either get busy living or we get busy dying.

When God decides it's your time, you don't get any mulligans, so I guess I would rather spend my time enjoying it and living in the moment and not worrying about what ifs and maybes, and I bet I'm not the only one.

So weird. I told someone today that this is just like their war in the Middle East. No end game, no end in sight. This will be our permanent future if people don’t stop going along with the “rules.”
The little bitches are the people cowering in fear or lashing out over someone choosing not to wear a mask. You just don’t get it. Give everyone the freedom to do as they see fit go where they see fit and live as they see fit. Don’t MANDATE it.

Fuck :lmao:
And your sources are?

And causation means?
And correlation means?


CDC study released in September

People who tested positive and mask use

"always - 70%
often - 14%
sometimes - 11%
rarely - 4%
never - 4%"

People with symptoms who tested negative (control group)

"always - 74%
often - 14%
sometimes - 4%
rarely - 4%
never - 3%"

i'd be surprised if less than 3%, in general, are in the "never" group. so yeah, the CDC says "you are less likely to catch covid if you are a never masker rather than an always masker" :rasta:

edit: well, the real reality is that the CDC study simply highlights how pathetic the face coverings are for mitigation of spread.

CDC study released in September

People who tested positive and mask use

"always - 70%
often - 14%
sometimes - 11%
rarely - 4%
never - 4%"

People with symptoms who tested negative (control group)

"always - 74%
often - 14%
sometimes - 4%
rarely - 4%
never - 3%"

i'd be surprised if less than 3%, in general, are in the "never" group. so yeah, the CDC says "you are less likely to catch covid if you are a never masker rather than an always masker" :rasta:

edit: well, the real reality is that the CDC study simply highlights how pathetic the face coverings are for mitigation of spread.

At the beginning someone asked me, “If China is always wearing masks, then why do they keep getting infected?”

Same applies to the US I see. Masks really are useless. You can’t even have a conversation about it with people or about how they increase the risk of getting sick from anything. Just look at this thread!

People do not properly handle their masks to make them effective or safe for the user.

We have two restaurants here where nobody, including employees wear masks. A couple stores are dumping their mask mandates, too. But boy, oh boy, I’ll bet dumbass Wolf extends all these mandates to 2021.
Provience - Thank you. You have been the first person to provide me with some actual information. I don't know all the .gov websites as im not a .gov'r. Appreciate it.

With that being said, I am in IT for a school district, and what I had to do in March for the teachers and admin. Big ol fuck that again in November, im gonna wear a mask even if it does shit all.
Provience - Thank you. You have been the first person to provide me with some actual information. I don't know all the .gov websites as im not a .gov'r. Appreciate it.

With that being said, I am in IT for a school district, and what I had to do in March for the teachers and admin. Big ol fuck that again in November, im gonna wear a mask even if it does shit all.

there was a long thread before the old board killed itself, so while it was going on we had tons of references, hence why i'm rather quick to summarize these days. without going over there, i'm just working off memory for keywords to pull up some of the articles.

Once the official(ish) policy came out that said "we will censor anything against the covid narrative for public safety", information got much harder to come by and shit tons of disclaimers went up. it is a massive propaganda effort with apparently some force behind it to show a "unified front for US policy", with devastating effects.

I'd take whatever they offered for in person school again, we are still on virtual and it is exactly as much, if not more, a shitshow now as it was in spring. enough that we went with homeschool as there is no difference in quality and this way we can control the schedule. if things open up and we can get more/better interactive options with similar age groups, like soccer or whatever kids do, we're likely to just stick with homeschool.

I've got a friend who is a teacher in CA, their county declared "emergency over" a month or two ago, the current restriction besides delayed sports is "3' nose to nose direct line distance". fawk, hate to say that CA actually has a better policy than anywhere else in the nation :laughing:

edit: I've got a mask in my pocket so that I can walk into eateries, then take it off once I sit down :rasta:

CDC study released in September

People who tested positive and mask use

"always - 70%
often - 14%
sometimes - 11%
rarely - 4%
never - 4%"

People with symptoms who tested negative (control group)

"always - 74%
often - 14%
sometimes - 4%
rarely - 4%
never - 3%"

i'd be surprised if less than 3%, in general, are in the "never" group. so yeah, the CDC says "you are less likely to catch covid if you are a never masker rather than an always masker" :rasta:

edit: well, the real reality is that the CDC study simply highlights how pathetic the face coverings are for mitigation of spread.

so what about the second part of that study that people seem to be skipping over. the 74% percent negative that do where a mask mostly?

It's a interesting data piece but there is alot of information that is lacking.

We have a a handful of employees that have tested positive. They all contracted if outside of work and they all stated they were not masked during that time. But they wear a mask while at work which is 8-12 hours a day. So is that considered always? And we have had alot of work exposure to COVID+ people, more then most people.
so what about the second part of that study that people seem to be skipping over. the 74% percent negative that do where a mask mostly?

It's a interesting data piece but there is alot of information that is lacking.

We have a a handful of employees that have tested positive. They all contracted if outside of work and they all stated they were not masked during that time. But they wear a mask while at work which is 8-12 hours a day. So is that considered always? And we have had alot of work exposure to COVID+ people, more then most people.

that's the whole point of the CDC article, if you actually read it, it is entirely inconclusive regarding effectiveness of masks. The "negative/control group" were people who showed symptoms, but were not covid-19 positive. so, that 74% just got some other bug :lmao: it isn't like they were just random people off the street who tested negative.

that is what makes the claim that "CDC says masks do fuckall" equally baseless (the claim I made above), but by consuming any sort of news, those thin threads are what the vast majority of people are accepting as true/hard/real.

I would say that wearing it at work but not in public would count as sometimes or often, but certainly not always. yet, that is the Joy of the thing, there is no real standard and it is a wholly subjective determination. All we can say for sure, is what we've known all along; masks offer anywhere from no to some protection, depending on a whole host of things. that is the root of the argument that states; Therefore, we can soundly proclaim indiscriminate and punitive face covering mandates are unjust.

of course, we could say that if we were reasonable people. the SCOTUS has said "we aren't scientists and therefore cannot examine a case during an emergency" so, thar she be. Checks and balances? interesting concept....

edit: I would also question the notion "they all contracted it outside work". how is that derived? We well know that it presents at different timelines with different people, are they only contracting the virus while on vacation for a couple weeks at a time?
that's the whole point of the CDC article, if you actually read it,

it is entirely inconclusive regarding effectiveness of masks.

The "negative/control group" were people who showed symptoms, but were not covid-19 positive. so, that 74% just got some other bug :lmao: it isn't like they were just random people off the street who tested negative.

that is what makes the claim that "CDC says masks do fuckall" equally baseless (the claim I made above), but by consuming any sort of news, those thin threads are what the vast majority of people are accepting as true/hard/real.

I would say that wearing it at work but not in public would count as sometimes or often, but certainly not always. yet, that is the Joy of the thing, there is no real standard and it is a wholly subjective determination. All we can say for sure, is what we've known all along; masks offer anywhere from no to some protection, depending on a whole host of things. that is the root of the argument that states; Therefore, we can soundly proclaim indiscriminate and punitive face covering mandates are unjust.

of course, we could say that if we were reasonable people. the SCOTUS has said "we aren't scientists and therefore cannot examine a case during an emergency" so, thar she be. Checks and balances? interesting concept....

edit: I would also question the notion "they all contracted it outside work". how is that derived? We well know that it presents at different timelines with different people, are they only contracting the virus while on vacation for a couple weeks at a time?

Yup; Dr. Fucktard Fauci proved that at a baseball game:

He even torpedo'ed the social distancing bullshit lie at the same time. :laughing: :homer:
edit: I would also question the notion "they all contracted it outside work". how is that derived? We well know that it presents at different timelines with different people, are they only contracting the virus while on vacation for a couple weeks at a time?

Well for 2 cases that the individual shared, a family member was at the rally and contracted it, and they were staying with said family member. Also admitted they didn't wear their PPE at home. While not definitive, seems to be safe to assume that is where they got it from. This has been a similar pattern for the others. If they were getting it at work the rate of employees getting sick should be higher.

I guess from a non scientific study we have ~200 employees. Been seeing COVID+ patients since April. Nearly 800 in our small clinic. And the amount of staff that have tested positive is under 1%.
Well for 2 cases that the individual shared, a family member was at the rally and contracted it, and they were staying with said family member. Also admitted they didn't wear their PPE at home. While not definitive, seems to be safe to assume that is where they got it from. This has been a similar pattern for the others. If they were getting it at work the rate of employees getting sick should be higher.

I guess from a non scientific study we have ~200 employees. Been seeing COVID+ patients since April. Nearly 800 in our small clinic. And the amount of staff that have tested positive is under 1%.

yeah I can see how having a family member pop hot would give a good brief of it. if that is the trend, then that is the trend :beer:

seems odd they would be so lax around the house knowing what an environment they are working in. I can understand and don't blame in the least everyday people who contract it in that manner
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