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Done...with everything.


Ordinary Average Guy
May 21, 2020
Member Number
I'm taking a few days off work for a mental break. I'm done with everything at this moment.

This week one of my employees relayed that he was potentially exposed to a COVID-19 positive individual over the weekend. Personally, I don't care and realize his likelihood of being infected is slim to none. Anyways, my boss goes nuts when I divulge that we're not wearing masks, because no one here is wearing masks (we're in a facility with 225 people spread out over 220,000 sq. ft.). The lecture of disbelief, rage, and what not ensues for thirty minutes while I take an ear beating over the phone. The positive individual took a rapid test, turned positive, and feels perfectly fine today (two days after getting tested).

I'm disgusted by Americans. Personal freedom has been squashed and replaced with, "My mask protects you, yours protects me." Oh yeah? PROVE IT. I fully believe that people are getting sick now because of masks. If the mandates and shut downs and all the other stupidity work, California should be the safest place on earth right now as they had some of the strictest lock downs and regulations. It's also important not to forget how much cross-contamination there is with these masks, and our fingers/hands that touch everything and then touch our mask.

It goes against my every fiber, core belief, whatever you want to call it to concede to wearing these stupid, dirty masks.

This could go on forever, but in a nutshell, I'm just done with everything. It's been YEARS since I've been this mentally defeated, and I'm talking like high school years. This B.S. in 2020 has beat me down to the point of not caring anymore and feeling, well, I guess depressed. The wife and I still travel, still party with friends, still live life like normal, but there's no escape when this infiltrates your every public exposure and your place of employment.
Private industry should be able to do what they want, don't like it? Leave. We've had 6+ positives in our building with fewer people/sq. ft. than you and we are all asked to wear masks. Do I agree with it, no. Am I tired of it, yes.
I feel ya. The company I work for used the china flu as an excuse to contract out my department. They will be walking me out any day. And my grandmother has basically been taken hostage by her daughter's. Because all us healthy people are going to get her sick and dead.:frown:
We had three positives in our office and two of those got pretty flu like sick the third was younger and had no issues just lost his taste and smell for a few days. I had spent a week with the younger guy traveling, airports, when we get back he tested positive.

I was around one of the sicker ones prior to them being positive but had sinus infection type symptoms, was actually diagnosed as sinus infection and was in the office for a week prior to being labeled positive.

It's weird how it does affect others one way and some have zero symptoms whatsoever.
I've been spending more and more time in the woods hunting these past couple weeks. Taking a few more days off once the colder temps get here.

I've had enough of it too. We drove four hours yesterday (two up, two down), stopped at a gas station, I went inside to grab a coffee, and they wouldn't serve me because I wasn't wearing a mask. I just left the coffee on the counter and left.

My wife is going through a flare up right now (UC) and has to have a procedure in a few weeks. Before she can visit, she has to be tested for Covid. I know it'll be positive because I'm sure I'm positive with all my interactions with the public. Scared to think what is going to happen to her. My MIL is under the firm belief anyone that test positive should wear a patch to let others aware. I'm not kidding about that either.
Private industry should be able to do what they want, don't like it? Leave. We've had 6+ positives in our building with fewer people/sq. ft. than you and we are all asked to wear masks. Do I agree with it, no. Am I tired of it, yes.

Its not a question of private industry when they are enforcing government mandates.

There is not one shred of evidence that masks do anything to prevent it. Compare data between any state, any country, any facility and you wont be able to discern which one has strict mask policies and which don't. The CDCs own numbers point to people wearing masks are far more likely to get sick.At best they don't work, at worst they exacerbate the problem.

Now the narrative is that numbers are going to spike because the cold weather is going to force people indoors. Remind me again where they sent everyone when they shut down whole countries for this?
The reality that you have developed a "belief" by your own admission tells me that it's impossible to prove anything to you. Once you cross the logical barrier of thinking and enter the emotional world of believing you're gone, regardless of subject.
The reality that you have developed a "belief" by your own admission tells me that it's impossible to prove anything to you. Once you cross the logical barrier of thinking and enter the emotional world of believing you're gone, regardless of subject.

Yep, I believe in dangerous, personal freedoms. Every person should have the right to choose whether or not to wear a mask. Likewise, I guess companies can choose whether or not to employ you or serve you. Funny, though, how a baker had issues when he wouldn't make a cake for a gay couple, or a store would be crushed for not serving a person because of their color or creed...yet when it comes to masks it's perfectly okay.
Its not a question of private industry when they are enforcing government mandates.

There is not one shred of evidence that masks do anything to prevent it. Compare data between any state, any country, any facility and you wont be able to discern which one has strict mask policies and which don't. The CDCs own numbers point to people wearing masks are far more likely to get sick.At best they don't work, at worst they exacerbate the problem.

Now the narrative is that numbers are going to spike because the cold weather is going to force people indoors. Remind me again where they sent everyone when they shut down whole countries for this?

This is exactly my feeling as well. There is NO evidence and everything for years has said that wearing improper masks is unhealthy. It's why nurses are fitted for their N95's and why they're not wearing surgical masks when dealing with dangerous viruses.
I hear you.

I made a positive change in my life last week.

I don't hold my farts in while shopping now. Instead of suffering discomfort then inevitable guilt, it's now a teachable moment on mask efficiency with inevitable wicked satisfaction. It feels good, try it

We have diesels that run where I work (which is underground). The diesel fumes fill your mask and basically make it impossible to breathe.

I followed a guy out of work when this all started who farted in the walkway, thinking masks would block the smell. Same thing happened, and that was my first eye opener. These are nothing like wearing N95's or N99's. I've spent hours running a wire wheel and a grinder wearing my N95's or N99's, and nothing comes through those. These surgical masks or cloth masks are an absolute joke.
It’s fucking dumb.
I had the covid the last week of February. My wife and two girls did not get infected.
My sister and her husband and three kids had the covid three months ago.
Everyone is doing just great!
Fuck off.

We had three positives in our office and two of those got pretty flu like sick the third was younger and had no issues just lost his taste and smell for a few days. I had spent a week with the younger guy traveling, airports, when we get back he tested positive.

I was around one of the sicker ones prior to them being positive but had sinus infection type symptoms, was actually diagnosed as sinus infection and was in the office for a week prior to being labeled positive.

It's weird how it does affect others one way and some have zero symptoms whatsoever.

My mom, who's 66 years old and survived breast cancer three times, was instructed at one point by her doctor to be tested. She put off going and getting tested, and just rode out her ailments. My dad just recently lost his sense of taste and smell for a whole week. Neither got tested, but both probably would've popped a positive result. We've been in contact with them constantly for the past 7 months.

We're all going to get this. The numbers keep going up but the deaths keep going down, and people like Fauci still fight the idea of herd immunity.


Yea masks suck, but being unemployed sucks more. I was out of work for most of the covid stupidness but I am now in a facility as a safety manager so imagine my joy in not being entirely sold on masks and having to act like they work because my HQ says so. Luckily I'm in rual NC so the hysteria like back in IL or what I read about in other states is not there. It's more of a "tell me what I have to do and I'll do it" vibe from the staff here so that makes it kind of easier. I almost got pink eye from my mask venting into my eye and most of the time it's falling off my face, fuck I hate these things.

Suck it up and move on, have meetings outside so you don't need a mask (did that yesterday), stay in your office, go for a walk and deal with it for now is the way I have been coping with it.
The reality that you have developed a "belief" by your own admission tells me that it's impossible to prove anything to you. Once you cross the logical barrier of thinking and enter the emotional world of believing you're gone, regardless of subject.

An ironic post is ironic....:laughing: :rolleyes:

Yep, I believe in dangerous, personal freedoms. Every person should have the right to choose whether or not to wear a mask. Likewise, I guess companies can choose whether or not to employ you or serve you. Funny, though, how a baker had issues when he wouldn't make a cake for a gay couple, or a store would be crushed for not serving a person because of their color or creed...yet when it comes to masks it's perfectly okay.

Pay no attention to Mr. Overprice Dogfood.

He doesn't realize he just described himself. :laughing: :homer:
Trump got a BAD adviser in Fauci and a lot of this is all directly responsible for this.

The science is seemingly unavailable, and resorts to anecdotal evidence almost immediately.

And most people who disagree aren't even having the same argument. I am arguing Liberty and they are arguing public health, albeit with corrupted and politicized public health data.

To add to this, Fauci said basically without a 100% cure, he is going to push for masks forever.

BUT OP, You have to admit to your part in being an idiot when you told people outside your facility about how y'all were handling masks. You should have known better.
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