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Done...with everything.

I understand your frustration over the whole bullshit.

It helps to just close my office door, turn on some Steely Dan / Gerry Rafferty and ignore the rest of the world.
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An ironic post is ironic....:laughing: :rolleyes:

Pay no attention to Mr. Overprice Dogfood.

He doesn't realize he just described himself. :laughing: :homer:

There is a shit ton of clinical evidence regarding masks and the prevention of spread of respiratory diseases. The idiots who attack people for not wearing masks when they're outside nowhere near other people are in that same emotional "belief" boat, they're just on the other side of the lake.

Basically, emotional non-logical people will people emotional and non-logical. You've made it very clear that you are one.
I totally feel you. I rely on lip reading. It has gotten to the point where I no longer go out cuz I am tired of not understanding people or them not knowing how to pull a fucking mask down and then speak.

I deal with hundreds of people a day and it has become normal for me to just ignore those speaking to me because I am tired of the mask.

Fuck this shit.
Ya gotta do what works for you to cope or you're not much use!

One of my gi buds tossed this one out....

I been shot, fragged, and stabbed, this chunk of cloth did NOTHING to protect me!

Still think a man needs to decompress once in a while!
If you feel you need somwone to talk to.... shoot a PM and ill give you my cell. Im kind of an asshole, but you probably knew that already!:flipoff2: We are all tired of this BS, and hope it will begin to wind down after Nov 3rd hang in there and realize that its not permanent.
There is a shit ton of clinical evidence regarding masks and the prevention of spread of respiratory diseases. The idiots who attack people for not wearing masks when they're outside nowhere near other people are in that same emotional "belief" boat, they're just on the other side of the lake.

Basically, emotional non-logical people will people emotional and non-logical.

I worked retail and got coughed and sneezed on plenty. So I get the whole protect you from cough and sneeze bit, but if rude ignorant slob piece of shit inconsiderate coughing and sneezing retards is what masks protect you from, what protects you from what they touch with their booger pickers? They can't really enforce making people sanitize and wash frequently enough easily
so they go for the visual symbol of compliance. So the real protection is washing hands and items more? And crossing your fingers hoping that the retard slobs haven't infected stuff you're going to come in contact with?

Or just say fuck it, live free or die, let the germs fall where they may. I'm fucking over it.
I am not a pro or anti, I understand both sides. The one thing that boggles my mind is that I can not find ANY evidence that isn't a meme or a hashtag that supports the theory of masks not doing anything, legit sources, not reddit. For what they are intended for, which is to stop droplets from moistly speaking individuals.

This all just feels like a Left vs Right wing crap and we have so many extremists on both sides. At the end of the day, I like my job, I want to work and get paid. I dont want what happened in March to happen in November so I try to do my part. Though I dont live in a monster "feed lot" city, so I dont know what its like in those places.


Yea masks suck, but being unemployed sucks more. I was out of work for most of the covid stupidness but I am now in a facility as a safety manager so imagine my joy in not being entirely sold on masks and having to act like they work because my HQ says so. Luckily I'm in rual NC so the hysteria like back in IL or what I read about in other states is not there. It's more of a "tell me what I have to do and I'll do it" vibe from the staff here so that makes it kind of easier. I almost got pink eye from my mask venting into my eye and most of the time it's falling off my face, fuck I hate these things.

Suck it up and move on, have meetings outside so you don't need a mask (did that yesterday), stay in your office, go for a walk and deal with it for now is the way I have been coping with it.

We're rural, too...like really rural. My boss is in the city. She can't understand the difference between the two over this.
I worked retail and got coughed and sneezed on plenty. So I get the whole protect you from cough and sneeze bit, but if rude ignorant slob piece of shit inconsiderate coughing and sneezing retards is what masks protect you from, what protects you from what they touch with their booger pickers? They can't really enforce making people sanitize and wash frequently enough easily
so they go for the visual symbol of compliance. So the real protection is washing hands and items more? And crossing your fingers hoping that the retard slobs haven't infected stuff you're going to come in contact with?

Or just say fuck it, live free or die, let the germs fall where they may. I'm fucking over it.

The more evidence that becomes available, the less of a role touch transmission seems to be playing in the spread of this particular virus. It seems predominantly transmitted by respiratory particles.

I am not a pro or anti, I understand both sides. The one thing that boggles my mind is that I can not find ANY evidence that isn't a meme or a hashtag that supports the theory of masks not doing anything, legit sources, not reddit. For what they are intended for, which is to stop droplets from moistly speaking individuals.

This all just feels like a Left vs Right wing crap and we have so many extremists on both sides. At the end of the day, I like my job, I want to work and get paid. I dont want what happened in March to happen in November so I try to do my part. Though I dont live in a monster "feed lot" city, so I dont know what its like in those places.

Masks DEFINITELY stop spittle from hitting another person. What they don't do is contain a cough or sneeze. My MAIN concern is cross-contamination. My staff clean public restrooms. Many of them aren't able to comprehend cross-contamination...they're not surgeons, or tattoo artists, or dentists, who practice this like religion.

The dirtiness of mask wearing is where the issue comes into play. It's why I'm so hesitant to wear one. These should be thrown away every time they're touched. What's grosser is going into a public restroom with one on.
This^ I have bigger worries in life than catching the china flu. I avoid places that act like idiots about it.

Honestly, this is what I've done. I just throw on an N95 and go on about business. I'm honestly not that worried about catching it myself, I just want to actually be able to see my parents and grandparents and not infect them. Truth be told, I think I've already had it. I developed a nasty chest cold in February after a trip to Seattle and the dry cough lasted for weeks. I took an antibody test at the end of April and it came back inconclusive. Basically I had some antibodies present but not enough to meet the threshold for a confirmed positive. I either had the rona or another coronavirus based cold and there's no way to be sure.
The more evidence that becomes available, the less of a role touch transmission seems to be playing in the spread of this particular virus. It seems predominantly transmitted by respiratory particles.

Seems like bullshit to me.:flipoff2:

Can we put little fans in front of our faces blowing away?
This^ I have bigger worries in life than catching the china flu. I avoid places that act like idiots about it.

This is what I tell my wife's side of the family. Every time we get together, I get reminded of how many people died of guns, motorcycle accidents, and the flu. But yet I bring up the hundreds of millions of lives lost from socialism and I'm the bad guy.

FleshEater to bring this back on topic, I know its a bit too late in the season, but I always recommend a motorcycle ride. Just a cheapo 250cc to take a few days off on. I know after spending three or four days on the road living off my motorcycle, I return home totally reset. Hunting is a second thing, but it also somewhat sets up a new line of challenges.
This is what I tell my wife's side of the family. Every time we get together, I get reminded of how many people died of guns, motorcycle accidents, and the flu. But yet I bring up the hundreds of millions of lives lost from socialism and I'm the bad guy.

FleshEater to bring this back on topic, I know its a bit too late in the season, but I always recommend a motorcycle ride. Just a cheapo 250cc to take a few days off on. I know after spending three or four days on the road living off my motorcycle, I return home totally reset. Hunting is a second thing, but it also somewhat sets up a new line of challenges.

For me it doesn't work. When I head into the mountains and nothing of the outside world exists, it's that's much worse when I come back and realize we're still amidst pure insanity.
For me it doesn't work. When I head into the mountains and nothing of the outside world exists, it's that's much worse when I come back and realize we're still amidst pure insanity.

Motorcycle or hunting?
I've noticed we have friends who swear by masks, but won't wear them at our gatherings. What's odd is how they're comfortable interacting closely with friends and family, but not strangers...
We're rural, too...like really rural. My boss is in the city. She can't understand the difference between the two over this.

Yea I run into that problem as well, most of my company is based in minniapolis, so I listen to people spazz out over lefty bs and covid, close the zoom call and go about my day. Luckily it's such a big ass facility we mostly rely on stay 6ft apart and if you can't do that put a mask on. I have to wear one all day when out and about as the safety dude to set an example and it sucks, but oh well evreyother leader here does as well.
Yea I run into that problem as well, most of my company is based in minniapolis, so I listen to people spazz out over lefty bs and covid, close the zoom call and go about my day. Luckily it's such a big ass facility we mostly rely on stay 6ft apart and if you can't do that put a mask on. I have to wear one all day when out and about as the safety dude to set an example and it sucks, but oh well evreyother leader here does as well.

That's what's difficult here. Only about 10% of staff in the whole facility wear them. My boss was in disbelief of that fact.

My BIL said working for Amazon they have sensors on them, and if your circle turns red you're too close to someone and after three times you get written up. He's the safety manager and finds it all absurd as well. :laughing:
SXS, hiking, or hunting.

Aw, man. Taking the dual sport into the mountains, all on your own. By day two I'm not even thinking about going back. Just where I'm going. Being 15 miles out into the wilderness, with a carb'd bike that the engine just died, and no cell service, with no one around clears your mind real quick. :laughing:
Masks DEFINITELY stop spittle from hitting another person. What they don't do is contain a cough or sneeze. My MAIN concern is cross-contamination. My staff clean public restrooms. Many of them aren't able to comprehend cross-contamination...they're not surgeons, or tattoo artists, or dentists, who practice this like religion.

The dirtiness of mask wearing is where the issue comes into play. It's why I'm so hesitant to wear one. These should be thrown away every time they're touched. What's grosser is going into a public restroom with one on.

So its a training issue and not an issue with the masks not doing anything. And to be honest, of course they arent gonna contain a cough or a sneeze, thats a pressure situation that moves the mask away from your face. You should honestly do what we do in food safe and thats cough or sneeze into your elbow followed up by immediate washing. Sounds like your higher ups need a little training themselves to pass it down to employees.
There is a shit ton of clinical evidence regarding masks and the prevention of spread of respiratory diseases. The idiots who attack people for not wearing masks when they're outside nowhere near other people are in that same emotional "belief" boat, they're just on the other side of the lake.

Basically, emotional non-logical people will people emotional and non-logical. You've made it very clear that you are one.

that's what pisses me off about it.

the fucking laws are wholly ignorant of reality. Masks have a place and a use, the way the mask mandates are written is pure trash. the fabric and fit make a massive difference, if you are sympotmatic makes a massive difference. "cover your cough" is still EXCELLENT advice, but holy shit, you didn't have a mask on? that's pure bullshit.

this is still NOT an airborne virus, as much as people have put effort in over the past few months to make it appear so. The mask is such a fucking distraction and among the weakest defenses that it is, and has been all year, having a negative impact on reality.

it's fucking horrid.
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