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Does this even matter?

I wonder how it worked before electricity and phones out there. I guess nobody ever voted.

They had absentee ballots in some form starting with the civil war. The postal service has been around even longer. Not sure where you're going with electricity and phones, but those don't really play a part in voting by mail.

Voter turn out was much lower back then for a lot of reasons (at one point you have to be 21, white, male, and a property owner to vote). So it would be hard to compare the two.
Why is it when there is a sharp jump in votes for Biden which they are trying to claim is a vote dump, is there also a sharp jump in votes for Trump?

Anyone who is wondering what I am talking about will have to follow the link and read the report, since Kurtuleas purposefully left that out of his screenshot he shared here.

Really though the question is rhetorical, the answer is "because there are lies, damn lies, and statistics"

Did you read the SCRIBD report ? because it does not show what you say. In the cases they examined, there is universall vote dumps that favor Biden. All of them. Including those states that Trump won like Florida. There are no Trump vote dumps that exceed those of Biden. Not one. Before you have lies, you have to be on topic and relevant. Derp is appropriate.
Sounds like a fine reason to have absentee ballots. As long as it's verifiable and a 3rd party can't do it on your behalf.

Prior to all the uproar of this last election, I would have said it's fine the way it is and we shouldn't create any more hoops for eligible voters to have to jump through.

Now, whether you believe our current polling results or not, it's clear that something must be put in place to give people confidence in our system. So yeah, lets get that voter ID system in place.
They had absentee ballots in some form starting with the civil war. The postal service has been around even longer. Not sure where you're going with electricity and phones, but those don't really play a part in voting by mail.

Voter turn out was much lower back then for a lot of reasons (at one point you have to be 21, white, male, and a property owner to vote). So it would be hard to compare the two.

I think you should have to be an American citizen, and employed with pay stubs to prove it to vote. Why should non-working citizens get a say in how my tax dollars are mishandled?
Prior to all the uproar of this last election, I would have said it's fine the way it is and we shouldn't create any more hoops for eligible voters to have to jump through.

Now, whether you believe our current polling results or not, it's clear that something must be put in place to give people confidence in our system. So yeah, lets get that voter ID system in place.

And no more universal mail in ballots! Absentee was fine, but not a mass mail in.
Why is it when there is a sharp jump in votes for Biden which they are trying to claim is a vote dump, is there also a sharp jump in votes for Trump?

Anyone who is wondering what I am talking about will have to follow the link and read the report, since Kurtuleas purposefully left that out of his screenshot he shared here.

Piss off. I didn't purposefully leave it out. I could only make the selection box so big in paint when I cropped the screenshot. :flipoff2:

As for the first question, open up the document and read the bottom of page 2.
What about retirees? If no vote, would an appreciable number of elderly continue working to maintain the vote, thereby reducing the load on social security? Interesting mental gymnastics.
What about retirees? If no vote, would an appreciable number of elderly continue working to maintain the vote, thereby reducing the load on social security? Interesting mental gymnastics.

59 1/2 get a pass. No SSI or disability people get a vote. Live off the system, NO VOTE.
So would your tax return for the previous year be sufficient to prove working? Or do I need a govt card that says I am not making use of SSI or disability?

Just messin with ya. As fun as it is to speculate over restrictions on voting, it simply is never going to happen in our current political culture. Even the GOP is pro voter expansion despite the voter ID thing. If we are seriously arguing over whether illegal immigrants and felons in jail should be allowed to vote, you are simply not going to successfully remove voting rights from any bona fide US citizen.
Your representatives represent everyone in their district, even the unemployed ones and even the tit suckers.

1 American, 1 vote. If the Americans vote for socialism, so be it, but those that vote for that are fully responsible for repercussions of it, as many many people refuse to live under that system of government and will defend themselves from its implementation.
Are they fucking paying taxes?

This isn’t ever going to happen so fuck off with it already.

You are way too cranky for a Friday night. My excuse is I'm on the west coast so I'm at work for 2 more hours. You should be several beers deep by now.
You are way too cranky for a Friday night. My excuse is I'm on the west coast so I'm at work for 2 more hours. You should be several beers deep by now.

I just got home and the wife is giving me a hard time about no date nights during this stupid fucking pandemic.

What I really want to do is punch a democrat in the face. That would make my evening swell.

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I just got home and the wife is giving me a hard time about no date nights during this stupid fucking pandemic.

What I really want to do is punch a democrat in the face. That would make my evening swell.


I can feel the love from here! This country wide healing thing is going well!
I can feel the love from here! This country wide healing thing is going well!

The country wide healing idea is fucking laughable. It won’t happen.

I’ll say, I’m at a point where I fucking hate democrats. I don’t even hide my opinions from them in person anymore. They basically get a go fuck yourself and fuck off from me.

Anyways, will they stop stripping our gun rights? No. Will they stop pushing LGBTQ? No. Will they stop wanting to give everyone a handout? No. Will they ever let us CHOOSE to wear a mask? No.

So fuck right off with your country wide healing.
The country wide healing idea is fucking laughable. It won’t happen.

I’ll say, I’m at a point where I fucking hate democrats. I don’t even hide my opinions from them in person anymore. They basically get a go fuck yourself and fuck off from me.

Anyways, will they stop stripping our gun rights? No. Will they stop pushing LGBTQ? No. Will they stop wanting to give everyone a handout? No. Will they ever let us CHOOSE to wear a mask? No.

So fuck right off with your country wide healing.

You know I'm a democrat, right? Is this one of those role playing things? Cause I'm not going to spank you for not wearing a mask.... that wouldn't be maintaining proper social distancing. :flipoff2:
You know I'm a democrat, right? Is this one of those role playing things? Cause I'm not going to spank you for not wearing a mask.... that wouldn't be maintaining proper social distancing. :flipoff2:

I know you are. This is me not giving a shit. Thought that was obvious.
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The country wide healing idea is fucking laughable. It won’t happen.

I’ll say, I’m at a point where I fucking hate democrats. I don’t even hide my opinions from them in person anymore. They basically get a go fuck yourself and fuck off from me.

Anyways, will they stop stripping our gun rights? No. Will they stop pushing LGBTQ? No. Will they stop wanting to give everyone a handout? No. Will they ever let us CHOOSE to wear a mask? No.

So fuck right off with your country wide healing.

Democrats make the purge movies seem like a good idea
Prior to all the uproar of this last election, I would have said it's fine the way it is and we shouldn't create any more hoops for eligible voters to have to jump through.

Now, whether you believe our current polling results or not, it's clear that something must be put in place to give people confidence in our system. So yeah, lets get that voter ID system in place.

This is an absolute MUST IMO. We have to instill faith the the electoral process is accurate and fraud free.
Your representatives represent everyone in their district, even the unemployed ones and even the tit suckers.

1 American, 1 vote. If the Americans vote for socialism, so be it, but those that vote for that are fully responsible for repercussions of it, as many many people refuse to live under that system of government and will defend themselves from its implementation.

Not every American is eligible to vote. Those under 18, felons (whole other issue), and those not in charge of their faculties, though these are likely taken advantage of by community organizers.

Every eligible voter should vote.

Bill Clinton's motor voter laws were the start of a lot of this mess.
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