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Does this even matter?

I voted in the republican primary for a specific race and saw the democrat turnout. There were hundreds people Like 8-900 where I was voting for the D and a straw poll and overhearing people seemed very strong they were voting for Sanders. No one talked about Biden except the things we all know, he’s old white establishment...

What was the average age of all those voters?
Strange how government agencies, and government contractors are NOT permitted to use any IT devices made in China or Russia to conduct business on, but our voting machines are okay?

I've never understood that but I want to go back to IDs, paper ballots and purple dyed fingers for a voting system.

Whatever they have found, if it is eventually proven true, still doesn't mater in terms of who the next President will be. The Election has been certified so the Dems stole it fair and square...

I do hope it causes changes in how we vote. If it is not viewed as honest there it is only going to get messier.
Do you really, honestly think it would matter how he handled it either way? I mean, seriously. You can’t say someone can admit defeat while also mentioning mass voter fraud without the idea of potentially over turning an election.

Biden doesn’t have o answer for anything. He won’t for the next four years. No one will care. He’s not Trump.

You mean from the dem side? Pfft, no way. I mean from others on the conservative side. His incessant "I was cheated" mantra just turned off so many potential supporters. Take his crazy out of it and there would be a pretty large contingent of people who wanted to get to the bottom of potential fraud, but not to exclusively get the election overturned just to put Trump back in the whitehouse.

I would rather Biden have to finish out his 4 years carrying the title of unelected president and watch the media and dems try to justify the cheating and whatnot. Then let the primaries in 2024 decide if Trump gets another shot.
Young to old. It was a very mixed group but mostly white in my area. Maybe 70% white 30% all others.

Interesting. In my own personal democrat circles, I've talked to more people who chose Biden because he was the least extreme, and therefore in their mind, the most likely to be able to win against Trump. The older a democrat was, the more likely they held that view in my experience.
I find this amazing how democrats say he should go on, for the good of the country. everyone with a functioning brain know there was massive voter fraud. the number do not add up, it is impossible. now they are all complaining how trump is crying about the stolen election and how he is dilutional. this was the same shit they said after he said he was spied on. they went on for weeks and weeks saying how he was paranoid. turns out he was 100% correct. hell they went on for years with the Russian collusion bullshit. only the dems were the colluders.
our free press is bought and paid for. and all the fools parroting them are Alinsky's useful idiots.
Why would Dominion be suing Sidney Powell for $1.3B if they knew someone could prove they were guilty if what she's accusing then of doing?

False sense of security.

I hope, no matter how long it takes, the truth comes out. If there was fuckery, I hope those involved pay the price.
I believe I asked this before.....no real answer, that I can recall.

What happens if, theoretically, irrefutable proof comes to light that this election (and others?) was indeed, fraudulently won? Simply curious what would be the course of action? Would people be arrested? Would it have any basis on governance? Or would it merely be a case of "Oh well....well fix it next time?" Is there an existing protocol for said?
I believe I asked this before.....no real answer, that I can recall.

What happens if, theoretically, irrefutable proof comes to light that this election (and others?) was indeed, fraudulently won? Simply curious what would be the course of action? Would people be arrested? Would it have any basis on governance? Or would it merely be a case of "Oh well....well fix it next time?" Is there an existing protocol for said?

Good question, Id like to know the answer to that myself.
We lost. Time to accept it. There has been no credible proof of cheating other than a shit load of hearsay. Trump turned the GOP from the party of the suburbs to that of rural white blue collar voters and the numbers just didn't work out for us. People forget that 2016 was a result of him winning by a few 10s of thousands of votes in a couple states. The demographics of this country are shifting and the democrats are winning the culture war. It's only a matter of time until we're a 1 party country like CA.

Trump has been 4 years of chaos and I think people just wanted a return to normalcy. I think his buffoonery and that of his legal team and Mitch not allowing a vote on the $2k stimulus checks royally screwed us in GA and now we get 2 years of Harry Johnson 's wet dream. :flipoff2:
I believe I asked this before.....no real answer, that I can recall.

What happens if, theoretically, irrefutable proof comes to light that this election (and others?) was indeed, fraudulently won? Simply curious what would be the course of action? Would people be arrested? Would it have any basis on governance? Or would it merely be a case of "Oh well....well fix it next time?" Is there an existing protocol for said?

At this point I don’t know, hence my questions in the first post.

I told my wife they are going to have to either deal with the voter fraud or civil unrest, because both can’t be swept under the rug.
If there's real, actionable evidence, the republican party would be stupid not to air that out for all to see. Even if Biden stays president and the senate doesn't change, it would completely tank public opinion and credibility of the entire democratic party for the next election.

...unless everyone cheats all the time. They they're going to sweep it under the rug.

There's a reason neither the democratic party nor the republican party wants actual free and fair elections....

This is the only guy I've heard of that has an actual plan, there's several more steps to it I heard on an interview with him.
There's a reason neither the democratic party nor the republican party wants actual free and fair elections....

This is the only guy I've heard of that has an actual plan, there's several more steps to it I heard on an interview with him.

In-person voting is a bit extreme just because it puts people a long ways away from polling places at a disadvantage. Either way when you mail something or drop it into a box at the polling place, the chain of custody goes to someone you have to trust to handle your vote properly.

As a democrat, I'd be fine with voter identification using some sort of PIN method similar to what banks do to validate your identity if it stops people from questioning validity of the system every election. It would also be great to have your voter ID associated with some sort of encryption key that marks your vote as valid.
In-person voting is a bit extreme just because it puts people a long ways away from polling places at a disadvantage. Either way when you mail something or drop it into a box at the polling place, the chain of custody goes to someone you have to trust to handle your vote properly.

As a democrat, I'd be fine with voter identification using some sort of PIN method similar to what banks do to validate your identity if it stops people from questioning validity of the system every election. It would also be great to have your voter ID associated with some sort of encryption key that marks your vote as valid.

If you want to vote, you’ll get there. The long distance thing is a cop-out.
I think Ben Franklin said, "3 can keep a secret if 2 of them are dead."

I am jokingly blaming Steven Covey for all of this... his whole 'start with the end in mind' concept has been applied to conspiracies. If you start with the idea that 'when I went to bed, I was ahead, when I woke up, I was behind.... they cheated.' I understand that. I have gone to bed thinking one thing was true or trending only to wake and find things had changed.

Lindsay Graham's speech from the other night was pretty lucid.

In Geoirgia, there were staunch republicans in charge of the election. They were all people who voted for President Trump. They followed the law and all of the challenges to the result reinforced the first finding. Kelly Loefler has accepted it.

Who are we to trust? If all parties are corrupt, and all politicians are corrupt, who then? Surely not the info wars guy, right? If all news media is corrupt, then who to listen to? Does the Podcaster or Joe Rogan have more veracity than them? why?

What does constitute a fact? How do you determine what a fact is?
Here is a report on vote dumps for Biden. It was happening in multiple states.


For the lazy, here's just one blurb from that report:

Why is it when there is a sharp jump in votes for Biden which they are trying to claim is a vote dump, is there also a sharp jump in votes for Trump?

Anyone who is wondering what I am talking about will have to follow the link and read the report, since Kurtuleas purposefully left that out of his screenshot he shared here.

Really though the question is rhetorical, the answer is "because there are lies, damn lies, and statistics"
Sidney better hope for civil pardon.
Again- where is the proof? Everyone is so tired of every new accusation and it's getting to the point the right has zero faith and/or credibility.

Heck, if all this happen and we do nothing we will never win another election and this will be the norm.

None of the cases were lost due to lack of evidence.
they were thrown out for technicalities like timeliness, standing, etc.
That is an important point being ignored by all the NPCs.
Maybe, but you guys do it in numbers that are statistically lower than the rest of the US. :flipoff2:

I'm not judging however. I live in California and we do a lot of things I'm not proud of.

Appalachia isn’t monolithic. There are big cities, heroin-ridden rural ghettos, nice rural areas with Ski resorts (where I am) I am not sure who isn’t voting. My rather large circle all seemed to vote. Probably the folks down at the trailer park or in the Hill District of Pittsburgh didn’t.
Maybe, but you guys do it in numbers that are statistically lower than the rest of the US. :flipoff2:

I'm not judging however. I live in California and we do a lot of things I'm not proud of.

Have you ever been here? There is just very few people in many places. :homer:
Appalachia isn’t monolithic. There are big cities, heroin-ridden rural ghettos, nice rural areas with Ski resorts (where I am) I am not sure who isn’t voting. My rather large circle all seemed to vote. Probably the folks down at the trailer park or in the Hill District of Pittsburgh didn’t.

Maybe in the deep mountains, but I think they would be the most ardent voters.

I drive almost 30 minutes to get to my polling place. No big deal. I’d drive an hour.
Maybe in the deep mountains, but I think they would be the most ardent voters.

I drive almost 30 minutes to get to my polling place. No big deal. I’d drive an hour.

There aren’t many places in Appalachia more than an hour from a poll. The population here is aging so that may be a factor.
Why would Dominion be suing Sidney Powell for $1.3B if they knew someone could prove they were guilty if what she's accusing then of doing?

Trump's legal challenges have failed repeatedly even in front of judges appointed by him. Even some of his most ardent supporters are saying he just plain lost.

Until they produce actual solid evidence to the contrary, it's a wrap.

Yup. I don't trust a thing that comes out of Rudy's mouth. Too much ultra partisan bullshit.
Unless they can show 100% actionable evidence it's just more bullshit.
Is making things easier to vote to the benefit of the country? Not everyone cares enough to pay attention to political happenings and just doesnt care. I don't believe that simply having more people participate is necessarily a good thing. Do you really want someone to vote that couldnt tell you why one candidate is better than another?

Maybe having to travel to a polling location helps to screen out the people that dont care enough. Don't bother with the disenfranchised argument. If that were a proper reason, we would employ poll workers to travel door to door to ensure everyone alive voted, and we don't do that.
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