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Does this even matter?


Ordinary Average Guy
May 21, 2020
Member Number

Cliffs: Apparently they now have forensic evidence exposing how Dominion machines work to commit voter fraud.

My question is: does it even matter at this point? Can anything be done about this? Wouldn’t all of the election results, across all elections and states, need to be considered illegitimate?
Umm, it’s on the internet....so it must be true? No bias in the first part of what he says either. My god!!! Give this a rest and let’s move on. :rolleyes:
If there's real, actionable evidence, the republican party would be stupid not to air that out for all to see. Even if Biden stays president and the senate doesn't change, it would completely tank public opinion and credibility of the entire democratic party for the next election.

...unless everyone cheats all the time. They they're going to sweep it under the rug.
Why would Dominion be suing Sidney Powell for $1.3B if they knew someone could prove they were guilty if what she's accusing then of doing?

Trump's legal challenges have failed repeatedly even in front of judges appointed by him. Even some of his most ardent supporters are saying he just plain lost.

Until they produce actual solid evidence to the contrary, it's a wrap.
Again- where is the proof? Everyone is so tired of every new accusation and it's getting to the point the right has zero faith and/or credibility.

Heck, if all this happen and we do nothing we will never win another election and this will be the norm.
If there's real, actionable evidence, the republican party would be stupid not to air that out for all to see. Even if Biden stays president and the senate doesn't change, it would completely tank public opinion and credibility of the entire democratic party for the next election.

The sniffer in cheat could get caught with kilos of blow, a brazillion dead hookers and 30 suitcases of ballots in his trunk & the ds won't care.
The sniffer in cheat could get caught with kilos of blow, a brazillion dead hookers and 30 suitcases of ballots in his trunk & the ds won't care.

They will care now that Trump is gone. Dems all got tunnel vision to get Trump out of office. Anything else didn't matter because they disliked him so much. Now that he's gone, there's no more laser focus.
All of this just gets lost in the noise when there isn't any real fact and proof behind it

It's like I tell my boss when he hands me 10 binders full of "good information". Give me ONE truly good one. Giving me 10 is basically giving none because I am going to look at 10
They will care now that Trump is gone. Dems all got tunnel vision to get Trump out of office. Anything else didn't matter because they disliked him so much. Now that he's gone, there's no more laser focus.

Don’t you think they cheated Bernie twice? The early democratic debates had Joe looking like an absolute buffoon.
For everyone asking for proof, what proof would you accept that anyone besides dominion would posses? There were thousands of affidavits signed alleging fraud. Every attempt to block the destruction of evidence was denied, every attempt at discovery was denied. Every "audit" was a sham. There is video of them counting ballots from mystery boxes after hours without any kind of oversight. They ran the ballots through multiple times. Poll watchers were harassed and removed from precincts, If they were allowed to stay, they were kept beyond watching distance. They boarded up windows to prevent observation. 97% of votes in republican precincts were adjudicated with the original ballot overwritten so its impossible to audit.

Please tell me what evidence you have that this was a legitimate election, I sure haven't seen any.
Why would Dominion be suing Sidney Powell for $1.3B if they knew someone could prove they were guilty if what she's accusing then of doing?

Ummm, trying to shut her up? I've said all along the reason Sydney seperated from the Trump team was because her case was going to be long and drawn out past whatever result the election ended up being. She's likely to be a thorn in their side for the next few years.
I think Trump would have had much more traction on this if he wasn't exclusively trying to win back an election he lost. If he had framed it from the start along the lines of "the election has been decided, what we are doing now is working to correct the errors before the next election, we are doing this for the american citizen." Then go find/prove the cheating and say I told ya so while the demos and Biden have to answer to it. Too many people are terrified of upending the public results of a completed election. But I also believe Trump's ego would never allow him to actually handle it that way.
Umm, it’s on the internet....so it must be true? No bias in the first part of what he says either. My god!!! Give this a rest and let’s move on. :rolleyes:

Funny how this is the attitude now. Where was this sentiment for the last 4 years? Were all still waiting for schumer and all the other big dems that said they had absolute proof of russian collusion. funny how nobody was ever called out for those blatant lies.

Why would Dominion be suing Sidney Powell for $1.3B if they knew someone could prove they were guilty if what she's accusing then of doing?

Trump's legal challenges have failed repeatedly even in front of judges appointed by him. Even some of his most ardent supporters are saying he just plain lost.

Until they produce actual solid evidence to the contrary, it's a wrap.

I want the lawsuit to go forward. I want disclosure and I would love to see their code fully disclosed. I'm going to bet that Dominion drops the lawsuit if the other side does not blink. I don't thinbk they want to disclose anything. There are too many problems and issues. If the best that came out of this were better voting machines and more secure procedures then i would be happy. There are still too many unanswered questions for me to ever think with 100% confidence that biden actually won.
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I think Trump would have had much more traction on this if he wasn't exclusively trying to win back an election he lost. If he had framed it from the start along the lines of "the election has been decided, what we are doing now is working to correct the errors before the next election, we are doing this for the american citizen." Then go find/prove the cheating and say I told ya so while the demos and Biden have to answer to it. Too many people are terrified of upending the public results of a completed election. But I also believe Trump's ego would never allow him to actually handle it that way.

Do you really, honestly think it would matter how he handled it either way? I mean, seriously. You can’t say someone can admit defeat while also mentioning mass voter fraud without the idea of potentially over turning an election.

Biden doesn’t have o answer for anything. He won’t for the next four years. No one will care. He’s not Trump.
Don’t you think they cheated Bernie twice? The early democratic debates had Joe looking like an absolute buffoon.

Possible, but I don't think it's likely. I would wager that in the primaries there were a bunch of reasonable democrats like me who were horrified to hear presidential candidates talk about socialism like it was a good idea. Biden didn't do that. So while he may have looked like a moron, he was pretty much the only one not peddling some flavor of socialism to appease the woke far left.
Big news! Rudy says they got caught! Forensic stuff and official affidavits! And a TV used for viewing moving pictures was both MADE IN CHINA and connected to the WIFI even when it's turned off!
Possible, but I don't think it's likely. I would wager that in the primaries there were a bunch of reasonable democrats like me who were horrified to hear presidential candidates talk about socialism like it was a good idea. Biden didn't do that. So while he may have looked like a moron, he was pretty much the only one not peddling some flavor of socialism to appease the woke far left.

Well, I guess that could be a logical explanation. But...I really can’t believe the video of Biden sniffing and wrongfully touching little girls didn’t dissuade a massive amount of voters.
For everyone asking for proof, what proof would you accept that anyone besides dominion would posses? There were thousands of affidavits signed alleging fraud. Every attempt to block the destruction of evidence was denied, every attempt at discovery was denied. Every "audit" was a sham. There is video of them counting ballots from mystery boxes after hours without any kind of oversight. They ran the ballots through multiple times. Poll watchers were harassed and removed from precincts, If they were allowed to stay, they were kept beyond watching distance. They boarded up windows to prevent observation. 97% of votes in republican precincts were adjudicated with the original ballot overwritten so its impossible to audit.

Please tell me what evidence you have that this was a legitimate election, I sure haven't seen any.

Biden wins four swing states by half a percentage point after they all stop counting. Yeah, nothing anomalous about that. It's no proof of fraud but it definitely stinks.
Don’t you think they cheated Bernie twice? The early democratic debates had Joe looking like an absolute buffoon.

I think he got cheated in 16. I think he was on board in 20. Mostly because he was outraged in 16 and went on and on about it. In 20, he just handed it to Biden. I suspect the DNC worked it out with him to rally that young socialist base and give it to Biden. Who knows what he got in exchange.
There is all sorts of evidence and "red flags" that there was major fraud in this election. But most of it has been scrubbed from the internet and social media sites by big-tech. Even scarier is that the powers that be are not even looking into it. It's just brushed off as being "fake."

Its important to understand that the courts did not reject the evidence, the courts did not even take any of the cases to even LOOK at the evidence based on things like "standing" and other procedural things. (Which IMO is because they didn't want to hold the hot potato. They just didn't want to deal with it and get slammed by the media and the left)

Here is a report on vote dumps for Biden. It was happening in multiple states.


For the lazy, here's just one blurb from that report:


Well, I guess that could be a logical explanation. But...I really can’t believe the video of Biden sniffing and wrongfully touching little girls didn’t dissuade a massive amount of voters.

Fawking politicians. We're at the point where everyone expects them to have some sort of screwed up kink. I thought the nail in Trump's coffin would have been the "Grab em by the pussy" tape, but no one cared.
Strange how government agencies, and government contractors are NOT permitted to use any IT devices made in China or Russia to conduct business on, but our voting machines are okay?
I think he got cheated in 16. I think he was on board in 20. Mostly because he was outraged in 16 and went on and on about it. In 20, he just handed it to Biden. I suspect the DNC worked it out with him to rally that young socialist base and give it to Biden. Who knows what he got in exchange.

Possible, but I don't think it's likely. I would wager that in the primaries there were a bunch of reasonable democrats like me who were horrified to hear presidential candidates talk about socialism like it was a good idea. Biden didn't do that. So while he may have looked like a moron, he was pretty much the only one not peddling some flavor of socialism to appease the woke far left.

I voted in the republican primary for a specific race and saw the democrat turnout. There were hundreds people Like 8-900 where I was voting for the D and a straw poll and overhearing people seemed very strong they were voting for Sanders. No one talked about Biden except the things we all know, he’s old white establishment...
Fawking politicians. We're at the point where everyone expects them to have some sort of screwed up kink. I thought the nail in Trump's coffin would have been the "Grab em by the pussy" tape, but no one cared.

Saying that about greedy grown women is one thing. Touching little girls is another.
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