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Cool Old Iron in your Hood

This was peeking out from the custom shop across the street from my house when I got home.

This was peeking out from the custom shop across the street from my house when I got home.

I know you don't care but I'm going to share anyway. There use to be a green superbird down the street of one of my uncles for all of my pre-adult life. Thats how I knew we were almost there. Loved seeing that thing. They sold it or moved when I was about 20, so I didn't know where to turn the first time I drove there by myself because the only land mark I could remember was that green wing.
That Scout is wild. I had a 62’ Scout with sliding glass in the doors. I never even seen one with roll up windows. That split bumper is different too.
That Scout is wild. I had a 62’ Scout with sliding glass in the doors. I never even seen one with roll up windows. That split bumper is different too.
That bumper caught my eye too. The top looks different too.
I think 65, mebbe 64, was first roll down windows. Doors won' iterchange AFAIK. Those rear windows pop out and fold up.IH suplied bags to store thm in. Top hand operated. Not many made. i've seen just one.
nice frame plating
bet there's a lotta rust underneath and the cab is mostly bondo
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