Regulator came in today! Portable camping fire pit is done!
It'll burn low
and It'll also throw a shitload of heat! I never made it even close to 30psi. I think this was reading 2psi.
working on finishing the fuel system braided stainless with teflon/E-85 compatible liner. After the lines were made, i fire sleeved Everything with fiberglass/nomex braidand used stainless safety wire to hold it on.
safety wire detail
found a place on the frame rail for my regulator and routed the inlet to the rails as far away from heat as possible. Rails are tied front and rear with braided hoses, so it's 360* fuel feed.
hidden and protected
stainless hard line for fuel supply and braided stainless for return. Still need to make heat Sheila's, but I'm at least 2" from the exhaust. I also put a tee in after the regulator so I can use it as a bleed/drain port if i need it to service the fuel system later.