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China and the USofA... should you be concerned?

They’ve been buying up land for years here in Ca. This is nothing new.

Last go around, prior to the 08 crash, they we’re paying top dollar for houses and land. They’d pay cash, refinance, pull a bunch of money out and then defaulted when the market tanked. No clue why, but it happened a lot. Weird.

They’ve been buying up land for years here in Ca. This is nothing new.

Last go around, prior to the 08 crash, they we’re paying top dollar for houses and land. They’d pay cash, refinance, pull a bunch of money out and then defaulted when the market tanked. No clue why, but it happened a lot. Weird.

First thing that comes to my mind is money laundering. At least that is what it sounds like.
Think of how much money they walked away with

So walking in, paying “top dollar” and then refinancing profits them?

Mathematically, that makes no sense. They never got out more than they paid, that’s why I said “top”.
It's probably part of the age old theory "Whoever owns the land, Rules"

Think of that Hindu Cult that took over that town in Oregon (I think)
Starbucks -- One on all 4 corners, where else you gonna get your coffee?
How do you think Terrible Herbst did it in Vegas?
Does not matter. Are you familiar with the Monroe Doctrine? Any attempts by Russia or China to develop a military facility in the Western Hemisphere will be blocked with military force if necessary. Bank on it.

why would I bank on that?? Seriously.
I wouldn't bank on a fight with the Chinese. They can really only use like 15% of their vision. :flipoff2:
yet why doesnt china allow foreigners to do the same in their country?

its pathetic we allow foreign countries to buy land and businesses on american soil
Its almost like stealing their money. If push comes to shove its not like we can't just take it back and tell them to fawk off. Likewise, doesn't matter if we can buy land in China. Frankly, buying land in China would be an unfathomably stupid thing to do.
:homer:My first thoughts are to start their own villages and towns in an attempt to move some large portions of their population here. Like a secret invasion of some sort... the creepy guy and camel toe will allow it to no end and before you know it, there will be 50 million Chinese stationed in Middle America. We'll be fucked. They could literally attack on 4 fronts.
I honestly hope you're right, but I really doubt you are.
It all comes down to military capability. Nobody will ever win a ground war. But in terms of the ability to project power (largely via submarines and carriers) the United States is stronger than the rest of the world combined. For sure China and Russia will try to catch up but that's still a couple decades away.
Question- if China is paying too much for land in OK, then don't they have to pay too much for property taxes as well? Doesn't seem like a very good way to go about debt trapping.

I bet what the county has it appraised for is nothing compared to what they gave for it. At least that is how it works in my county.
So what would you guys prefer? Some sort of law against selling to foreign governments? I'll be the previous land owners who sold were stoked.

honestly, I wouldn't have any issue with the USA not selling it's treasure to a foreign government... especially a hostile one.
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It all comes down to military capability. Nobody will ever win a ground war. But in terms of the ability to project power (largely via submarines and carriers) the United States is stronger than the rest of the world combined. For sure China and Russia will try to catch up but that's still a couple decades away.

I'm not talking about capability. I'm saying that Biden wont even acknowledge that it's happening.
is it the government buying land or wealthy chinese people? i think its more of a powerflex 'i own land in the USA' than anything. no idea on laws, but i wonder if it helps their visa and potential citizenship options.

It can look up EB5 visas. Get an EB5 do the requirements apply for a 485 get your 551 do your time get citizenship
I don't believe it. Trump on the other hand . . . if it stroked his ego . . . then I have no doubt he would sell out in a New York second. :stirthepot:

yeah, I totally forgot about that time Don jr was caught taking millions of dollars from both China and the Ukraine in exchange for meetings with his dad.
So what would you guys prefer? Some sort of law against selling to foreign governments? I'll be the previous land owners who sold were stoked.

I dont think foreign governments should be buying land in our country. If a private foreign citizen wants to thats fine. But they cant be directly connected to the government. Maybe I just earned a new ...phobic award the left can give me. :flipoff2:

Behold the field where I grow my fucks:flipoff2:

yeah, I totally forgot about that time Don jr was caught taking millions of dollars from both China and the Ukraine in exchange for meetings with his dad.
Oops. Sonebody apparently forgot about Ivankas Chinese trademarks. And Trump Tower Moscow.

Bottom line: Show me 100 politicians and I will show you 99 who are peddling influence to enrich themselves.
is it the government buying land or wealthy chinese people? i think its more of a powerflex 'i own land in the USA' than anything. no idea on laws, but i wonder if it helps their visa and potential citizenship options.

This, theyve been doing it for years here in the PNW but locally in BC, WA, OR I think they changed some laws to make it more difficult for them to do. It was explained to me that they do this to get money out of China
The Chinese are buying tons of land in Southern Texas also. As far as I know its all for huge solar farms so they can sell us the electricity.
Yes it's called Debt Trapping and it's covered extensively in the real MSM: NYT articles after the front page, WSJ, the economist, FT, Foreign Policy, etc.

Just POPULAR MSM is not reporting it. Anything said about the Chinese is rayciss.

The Chinese are involved in any weak small nation, they've corralled Pakistan which is not weak or small, but essential to distract China's enemy, India.

They've Debt Trapped both Uruguay and Venezuela. The Chinese state-owned oil company had an exclusive deal to buy sulphurous Venezuelan oil and sell it to the Dutch on Curacao and Aruba. With processed Oil Sands oil, US shale, and plenty of new light-sweet crude drilling in the ME, nobody wanted Venezuela's shitty sulphury oil, but they still had to sell a certain amount to China, who controlled a guaranteed profit margin. The dutch of course paid way, way, way below on Venezuelan crude, which means the Venezuelans sold crude below cost to China who then made guaranteed profits. For years.

The Uruguay trap was a hydro-electric plant which now has to be paid back via raised taxes on the Uruguayans.

Sri Lanka had to hand over an entire port that the Chinese built, but Sri Lanka almost completely paid for. It wasn't two payments late, the Chinese are far more fair than your Mortgage Lender. But 5 or 6 missed payments, boom, entire port went to the Chinamen.

yup, this is a big reality. china doesn't have the direct military force to be a large scale significant challenge similar to the USA. they absolutely DO have the means to manipulate currency (like the USA) and the DESIRE to do so. it's been going on for a while.
Anybody here old enough to remember the 80s when the Japanese were buying all kinds of commercial property in NY and LA only to have to take a loss and resell after a few years?
When I first strarted in the trade Jap Wrap was cheap Japanese made electrical tape, now we have ChiCom Wrap

I certainly remember the Japanese taking it in the shorts on those land deals.
I was forwarded a video of a guy talking about how he’s found out about China going around in Oklahoma and buying up large ranches for 2 to 3x there value.

there are a huge amount of chinese zillionaires that want to launder their money OUT of china
that's who is buying land up at stupid prices

didn't read the thread
probably won't bother
The japanese did this in the 80s and lost their asses. This will happen again. for all the hatred of the evil white man, he ain't gonna lose Oklahoma or Kansas, this is long game politics.. they'll get all those places back for 20 cents on the dollar.
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