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NSFW Charles Murray, Richard Lynn, Tatu Vanhanen and the difficulty in finding data on a censored internet


King shit of turd island
Feb 19, 2021
Member Number
Under the apple tree
I'm going to put this at the top, if this discussion gets to spicy around a few topics within I implore a mod to move it to TP, and if it gets too shitty there you can axe it... But I will not and I believe we can discuss this intelligently if we try, which is why I'm putting it here.

I'm certain some of you out there have heard of the IQ studies done with breakdowns by race/country of origin. I'm also certain that you've mostly heard of this as "debunked", "flawed", or some such. I've never cared from a prejudicial point of view, more from a human development/evolution point of view. I'll try to give a TL;DR that's fair but I'd implore you to read the whole thing as all the people who disagree with the findings never delve very deep.

Summary: Tens of thousands of IQ tests have been done over decades and the results have been correlated with race/ethnicity, country, education, income, family stability. Those results have shown this:

Everything I've read/heard about it has been 1-it has been corrected for age/education/income; and 2-nobody has refuted the statistical analysis, critics end up attacking ad hominim. This is a problem. Perhaps a problem that could be worked on in a non-eugenic way, and could be worked on if it were faced, but here we are.

Now to the meat of what I want to discuss.
I've seen some much better data over the years that breaks these groups down even better. Like, Ashkenazi Jews are above Chinese/Japanese, then Northern Europeans. Helps break down the various subsets of "white" in America. Shows that Blacks in America, while below the US average, are well above their sub-saharan Africa counterparts. The bright spots in Africa (Nigeria for example). Guess what? No matter the search engine, I CAN ONLY FIND SHIT SAYING HOW RACIST THESE PEOPLE ARE WHO PUT OUT THIS SCHOLARLY, PEER-REVIEWED WORK!!!!:mad3: WTF internet? Now, I know controversial shit is HARD to find, but impossible? I'm used to having to go a few pages deep on even "neutral" search engines, but this is ridiculous. BTW, my reason is not one to bolster any racist thoughts, but a theory as to "why" this is so that I've never heard.

My Theory™

If you use the breakdown of subcultures that have produced the most intelligent by the standard of IQ, you find population groups that have a history of long stretches of sophisticated civil society that perpetuated to semi-modern times.
-Jews (through their religious practice and proximity to 'cradle of civilization) at the top, with the Ashkenazi's being some of the most 'pure', maybe 3000 years?
-China's civilization at a high level stretched for over 2000 years largely unbroken, and the korean peninsula and Japan are settled by Chinese from a cultural standpoint.
-Europe, being home of sophisticated civilizations for about the same length as China, but less real continuity between them

So there's the top 3, more or less.
Why not the middle east as a whole? Well, the 'civilized' genetic population was half-heartedly exterminated through the wars of muhammed and the arabs were, traditionally thoughout the hellenistic/persian era were little more than barbarian mercenaries, not really brought into civil society until they took over. Much of the fighting there today stems from the 7th century wars, really.
Egypt, while having older civilizations, have largely replaced that population they had too in a similar manner.

So, why the difference between black americans and black africans?
Same deal, when their descendants were brought here, they were incorporated into a modern civil society and were therefore selected to live in it, while their counterparts weren't for another few hundred years. That, and intermarriage.

The theory I propose is that stable societies with divisions of labor and specialization selects for intelligence. Any group that adopts it (or gets it imposed on them) will eventually select for more and more intelligent people.
That's not to say intelligence is #1 all the time, as you need a physically strong, agile, and brave person to fight it out in a hunter/gatherer existence, but you don't need too many philosophers or scientists in that culture, so they aren't selected for.

I think its a good theory, I'd love to be able to find more data for it, but the gods of the internet won't allow it, and I don't have time to go hunting in university libraries for these 'banned' works that aren't findable on the internet.

BTW, there's other reasons besides IQ as to why "the great separation" occurred in western societies and not the east, but the east and Israel (Jews) have been the ones to adopt it the fastest, which shows how the concepts of western civ aren't western at all but apply to any society that places high value on intelligence and merit.

So, are there gaping holes in my theory? Do you know the sneaky keywords to find this information I know is out there but I can't find? Am I just trolling? Are you just trolling?:stirthepot::stirthepot::stirthepot:


Jokey end, but I am serious about my post. I will reiterate that I'd rather have the mods move to TP if y'all can't behave yourselves, so Imma gonna tag a few right now No way scooter2374 Grendel sorry:flipoff2:

I know trying to have a conversation like this in the open may be the end of me, but I'm tired of chinese balloon shit:grinpimp:
In my professional opinion, as a carpenter, Intelligence Quotient tests are flawed in that they may consider the Ashkenazi jew who kicks ass at math, but can't track a moose across a mud flat to be very intelligent, but not a bushman who can track a snake across a flat rock and tell you what it ate for breakfast...both people who are very smart, but different practical applications. There is not, that I'm aware of, a better way to measure one's mental abilities.

You may find the value of my opinion to be commensurate with the compensation I have received for it.:flipoff2:
Humans are flawed, inherently.

On the first one, anything that's controversial will be pushed out of web search results - that's a given in today's society.

On the second, I'm pretty sure that if you give any culture a couple thousand years of education, they'll be just as intelligent as any other race. What you're describing leads to eugenics. And we've seen what that gets us.
not deserving of an nsfw tag bro

the most sensible point I've come across is that when you're testing for IQ, you're more looking for people who conform to the patterns of logic that the test was written for/by than intelligence

That there's always going to be an implicit bias in the test.
not deserving of an nsfw tag bro

the most sensible point I've come across is that when you're testing for IQ, you're more looking for people who conform to the patterns of logic that the test was written for/by than intelligence

That there's always going to be an implicit bias in the test.
Sounds like horseshit.
Sounds like horseshit.
You write a test, you do well on that test.
You give that test to someone who has lived in drastically different circumstances, they'll do poorly.

Like asking a spoiled southern mechanic to work on a rusty ass northern car. Or asking a northerner to labor in 90 degree heat.
You write a test, you do well on that test.
You give that test to someone who has lived in drastically different circumstances, they'll do poorly.

Like asking a spoiled southern mechanic to work on a rusty ass northern car. Or asking a northerner to labor in 90 degree heat.
Dont mind me. Im not sure if I agree or not i think the phrase implicit bias just triggers me like a libtard
Scored over 140.

If that doesn’t answer the OP’s existential question, nothing will.

Helps break down the various subsets of "white" in America. Shows that Blacks in America, while below the US average, are well above their sub-saharan Africa counterparts. The bright spots in Africa (Nigeria for example).

So, why the difference between black americans and black africans?
Same deal, when their descendants were brought here, they were incorporated into a modern civil society and were therefore selected to live in it, while their counterparts weren't for another few hundred years. That, and intermarriage.
Thomas Sowell had a good quote on how well into the 1950s, white southerners scored well lower in IQ tests than black northerners.
Pacific islander blacks were far and away more successful, too.

Kinda paints the picture that if we just quit trying to force categorization we'd be a lot better off. Just leave it to natural competition to determine who succeeds and who flounders. Trying to quantify the inequality of results just isn't important when you aren't trying to push 'equity' policies.
Dont mind me. Im not sure if I agree or not i think the phrase implicit bias just triggers me like a libtard
It's all good man. Hell, the absolute perversion of the word 'liberal' triggers the shit outta me. It does not mean progressive like it has been associated with since early/mid-last century, it instead means the exact opposite...
Do you get paid by the word or by the paragraph?
I get paid the same for both:flipoff2:
not deserving of an nsfw tag bro

the most sensible point I've come across is that when you're testing for IQ, you're more looking for people who conform to the patterns of logic that the test was written for/by than intelligence

That there's always going to be an implicit bias in the test.
Probably not, but I can envision how this subject can degenerate, and why having that chart open might offend considering where some folks say they work
Scored over 140.

If that doesn’t answer the OP’s existential question, nothing will.

Well, by your avatar you've got some master race inya:flipoff2:
I thought IQ tests were largely debunked due to the bias of intelligence.

I’ve tested Mensa genius but I’m pretty sure I’m dumb and ignorant.
Other than for the "huh, interesting" factor, what does this actually provide other than likely further division? I guess I never understood the point of finding more differences between the races when the simple fact of America proves that culture matters more than skin color.

There are a myriad of reasons why people of one region may have certain traits. Exposure to civilization is only one. What about history of warfare in the area? The middle east has had genetic thinning over and over. WW1 then WW2 made a huge impact on the culture, habits, capabilities, etc of middle europeans, Germans specifically, than most any other recordable event. What about local food sources? Fish oil is supposed to be a booster for the brain, right?
I thought IQ tests were largely debunked due to the bias of intelligence.

I’ve tested Mensa genius but I’m pretty sure I’m dumb and ignorant.
Many of the social and psychological researchers have found correlation between many of the things they study and IQ. According to them, the only people who want to debunk those tests are those who don't like what the outcomes are.
Many of the social and psychological researchers have found correlation between many of the things they study and IQ. According to them, the only people who want to debunk those tests are those who don't like what the outcomes are.
I have a few days or more of reading up on this. I’ll be back
Many of the social and psychological researchers have found correlation between many of the things they study and IQ. According to them, the only people who want to debunk those tests are those who don't like what the outcomes are.
The same issues come up over nearly any tests of that kind. SATs were always a point of complaint for minorities who could relate to the questions. We dont have a universal language, so no matter how you structure it, someone will misinterpret something due to language, culture or something else.
Other than for the "huh, interesting" factor, what does this actually provide other than likely further division? I guess I never understood the point of finding more differences between the races when the simple fact of America proves that culture matters more than skin color.

There are a myriad of reasons why people of one region may have certain traits. Exposure to civilization is only one. What about history of warfare in the area? The middle east has had genetic thinning over and over. WW1 then WW2 made a huge impact on the culture, habits, capabilities, etc of middle europeans, Germans specifically, than most any other recordable event. What about local food sources? Fish oil is supposed to be a booster for the brain, right?
IMO, if MY pet theory is correct, it really doesn't matter what 'race' you are. It matters more that the 'west' tries to encourage and instill the values of western civ on those who are lagging and, generationally the differences will mitigate, and in the near term those places/cultures would benefit from the fruits of what it took the rest of us thousands of years to learn the hard way.
The best 'reparations' for the perceived exploitation is to give those folks the tools to better themselves.
Its also a bit of a jab against the anarchists who want to tear civilization down, and a defense of western civ.
The same issues come up over nearly any tests of that kind. SATs were always a point of complaint for minorities who could relate to the questions. We dont have a universal language, so no matter how you structure it, someone will misinterpret something due to language, culture or something else.
There are ways of correcting for the bias that you point out. It's been explained to me and I believe it, but I'm not sure I can articulate it. There are certainly IQ tests that are weighted for age and education level, and I'm sure you understand that they are available in many languages.
The same issues come up over nearly any tests of that kind. SATs were always a point of complaint for minorities who could relate to the questions. We dont have a universal language, so no matter how you structure it, someone will misinterpret something due to language, culture or something else.
But with schooling it at least makes sense to sort people out by how well they fit into a rigid set of parameters.
Using a test that can be biased against nonconforming social differences is easily justified because colledge isn't really about education, it is about conformity. Their degrees are the QC certification on a product saying "this one meets specifications within acceptable bounds" and nothing more.
But with schooling it at least makes sense to sort people out by how well they fit into a rigid set of parameters.
Using a test that can be biased against nonconforming social differences is easily justified because colledge isn't really about education, it is about conformity. Their degrees are the QC certification on a product saying "this one meets specifications within acceptable bounds" and nothing more.
So... Should we send out inspectors... after we rebrand the DoE as The United States Department of Education (USDE) and have them tat the foreheads of those who passed... the barely passed with "USDE Inspected", the better ones with "USDE Grade A", the really good with "USDE Choice", and the 1% with "USDE Prime"?


Many of the social and psychological researchers have found correlation between many of the things they study and IQ. According to them, the only people who want to debunk those tests are those who don't like what the outcomes are.

Yet your OP pontificates a question of why one geography of a group of people has a different result of another geography of that group of people…. /taps fingers on table
IMO, if MY pet theory is correct, it really doesn't matter what 'race' you are. It matters more that the 'west' tries to encourage and instill the values of western civ on those who are lagging and, generationally the differences will mitigate, and in the near term those places/cultures would benefit from the fruits of what it took the rest of us thousands of years to learn the hard way.
The best 'reparations' for the perceived exploitation is to give those folks the tools to better themselves.
Its also a bit of a jab against the anarchists who want to tear civilization down, and a defense of western civ.
"Western civilization" has meant many different things over the years, do you mean the post-dark-ages liberal individualism that was largely rejected by the prussian socialists in the late 19th century?

You could also mean 'forcing our moral values upon the uncivilized savages for their own good', as that's another shade of "western civilization". It does result in a lot of generational wisdom being extinguished though. Shit like 'primitive religions' preventing overhunting because 'it angers the gods when you don't use every piece of the animal', or savage tea ceremonies being mostly about hygiene.
I've had this discussion with a handful of people in my life over the years and nobody has said I'm wrong thus far.

Some peoples just aren't intelligent but to point that out makes them mad because as a generalized rule dumb people are very emotionally driven and don't like being told they're dumb through no fault of their own.
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