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Carvana review

I would think the millions they save not having brick and mortar locations gives them more cash to work with.

The car I have does not have a factory warranty left.

The floor mats are not factory and do not lock into place, I would not have bought the car with that style in it.

Blemishes, well when they go out of there way to show a small blemish and not show another larger one, well that is something.

is it a big deal? Not really

I was reviewing my experience with them and giving all the information about them so others could decide if they wanted to try using them.

Same as if I was reviewing a restaurant I ate at, if I mentioned that the chicken was a tad greasy that does not mean it was a big deal, it just means if you do not want greasy chicken don't fucking order it there.

Also as for the floormats, it was listed as having the factory floormats, well it does not.

Carvana has very expensive B&M locations mad to look like car vending machines.

To clarify, I am not shitting on Crispy for buying a car from Carvana. I am shitting on Carvana.
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Crispins decided he did not want a toaster after all.

My experience with Carvana is limited, wanted to see what they would pay out for my daily. Their offer was not that great - about what I expected. They are more interested into buying garage queens with lower mileage, versus something like my Accord with 84k in under 6 years.

Have no use for their service as for my next car will be a private sale, hope that is a long ways off as my fleet is all paid for and in good working order.
Do they sell bicycles to ride to work? The uncool industrial ones that are found in navy ship yards, not the fancy $10k mountain bikes.

Can you detail what is wrong with carvana? I'm curious, since I'm in the market for a new car. I'd prefer a private sale, since most car dealers generally act like scum.

Since you're a dealer, where you located. I'm looking for a 15-16 Pilot.... :smokin:

Can you detail what is wrong with carvana? I'm curious, since I'm in the market for a new car. I'd prefer a private sale, since most car dealers generally act like scum.

Since you're a dealer, where you located. I'm looking for a 15-16 Pilot.... :smokin:

I am an hour east of Pittsburgh. As of now I am just an auto repair shop that sells some cars. I am working through the onerous requirements of my state to get a dealers license. I don’t have a Pilot for sale at the moment but I will keep an eye out in my area.

Carvana is using investors money to pay too much on cars and lose money on the sale. They are probably funneling recon charges into another company as well. Not sure on that. But they are losing money which makes it hard to compete with them and isn’t doing right by your investors.

Can you detail what is wrong with carvana? I'm curious, since I'm in the market for a new car. I'd prefer a private sale, since most car dealers generally act like scum.

Since you're a dealer, where you located. I'm looking for a 15-16 Pilot.... :smokin:

I believe he is saying from an industry standpoint Carvana's business practices are hurting existing dealers as well as the people who invested in Carvana.

It is much like shopping at Walmart instead of the local stores that are struggling to stay a float.

As for a consumer buying a car from them, well I gave an honest review.

I have not been able to find another car same year / mileage for less money, throw in their 100 day warranty and it is going to be hard to beat them.

I am guessing that Carvana's plan is to kill off as many dealers as possible, corner the market, then raise their prices and dominate the industry, ala Walmart
I have not been able to find another car same year / mileage for less money, throw in their 100 day warranty and it is going to be hard to beat them.

I dont remember you asking for bids . I wouldve only charged $495 delivery and 19% for 72 months :flipoff2:
I didn't buy anything from them, but I was tempted last time I was car shopping. After striking out at 2 dealers that refused to negotiate on price - they would only change the loan length to "get you the payment you want" I looked at carvana. Their prices were lower than I was finding for the same condition/mileage and it was tempting. Never looked at financing to see how it looked for someone without 90k of CC debt :lmao:

The dealers around here are generally shit. At least when I was looking they had zero ability to negotiate. Then one wanted to test drive ever trade in, then would offer $250-1000 for them. That industry can diaf
I’ve checked what they “pay” for stuff vs sell using a listing as bait and it seems like a 20% markup. Who knows the cost but they have a dirt lot by my work that they have tons of cars in.
Hmm- yall have different dealership experiences than ive had. Most everybody these days is fairly up front with prices without much wiggle room. Shop for incentives and go from there....
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I am an hour east of Pittsburgh. As of now I am just an auto repair shop that sells some cars. I am working through the onerous requirements of my state to get a dealers license. I don’t have a Pilot for sale at the moment but I will keep an eye out in my area.

Carvana is using investors money to pay too much on cars and lose money on the sale. They are probably funneling recon charges into another company as well. Not sure on that. But they are losing money which makes it hard to compete with them and isn’t doing right by your investors.

Based on what these other posters are saying, it sounds like they're making their money on the back end with the financing.
That is how 90% of used car dealers make their money.

New car dealers make it on Service, used on Financing - you new to life?

Not new enough to sign a 72 month 20% interest loan when money is practically free.
But no, honestly I don't keep up with how used car dealerships make money. I always buy used but I keep a credit score flirting with 800 and have prearranged financing. If the dealer can beat it (and sometimes they can) I'll go with theirs.
Not new enough to sign a 72 month 20% interest loan when money is practically free.

I would have signed for 200% for 120 months because it doesn't matter at all, I have no intentions of carrying this loan for more than 60 days.

What I did not want to do was waste the little time I have left (till I open and work 90+ hours a week for the rest of the year) so getting the car I want, at a decent price, delivered to my house with no worries as if I did not like the car they would pick it up with no cost to me was the only thing that mattered.

I was trying to be subtle but I have enough cash to pay for a few of these, I have some deals going on right now and wanted to keep my cash in case I needed it.

So Carvana gets a month or so of interest from me, I got a good deal on the car so another $400 - $800 in interest is not going to really effect things very much.

If someone actually did this deal and planned on paying this loan over the next 6 years they would be one stupid motherfucker, however, there are plenty of them out there.

Have you never seen a Brodozer?
But no, honestly I don't keep up with how used car dealerships make money. I always buy used but I keep a credit score flirting with 800 and have prearranged financing. If the dealer can beat it (and sometimes they can) I'll go with theirs.

fair enough, my last business was dealing in used cars so I may have a better understanding than most.
We were car shopping a couple weeks ago after the woman's car got totalled. Looked at suburbans through carvana.

while nice a pretty, it just ain't worth the price nor the payment. And it's just desocializing. Call me old fashioned, but I like going out and checking out a car and bsing with the salesman. This just seems like how buying a car would be in some dystopia 1984 movie would be. Personally, I'd like to at look the person in the eye I'm buying a car from.

going to be in the market in a couple months. Doubt carvana would be packing any 99 through 03 ferds....

wonder if they are going to play the game amazon did. Lower prices with sheer size. Take loss hits for a while, driving competitors out of business, then ratchet prices back up.
or they intend to be a buy here pay here scam on a massive scale, expecting to be able to sell, repo, then resale vehicles several times, making 20% along they way. 🤔

Anyway, we said fuck over paying for a new over engineerd, too electronic, emissions laden dumpster fire and gladly bought a 12 year old Honda off a middle eastern kid. Fuck corporatism.
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That is how 90% of used car dealers make their money.

New car dealers make it on Service, used on Financing - you new to life?

New car dealers make a lot more per car on used than new. Used car dealers may not even offer financing or only through a couple of banks. There is money to be made in used cars, especially if you do the recon in-house.
I get it. You have good cash flow and you’re not falling into the trap of the 20% finance. Keeping the cash on hand to grow the business and your 90k debt is spent on creating more cash flow. This is far different than being an idiot and riding a 20% loan forever.

I appreciate the review, they have a lot here and I see their trucks all over and I was curious.

Over all you seem like an intelligent guy and I enjoy all the content you bring here.

Thank you.

Also here is what $60k of that debt looks like.


I have 2 more 6 passenger Yamaha Vikings that is the rest of it.

No Big TV's or Nike shoes were purchased.
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